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Plan your ACCA Exam Journey
Kim Smith FCCA explains the factors you should consider when planning your ACCA exam journey.
Exam Technique Articles
On-demand CBEs (relevant to AB/MA/FA and LW exams)
Session CBEs (relevant to PM/TX-UK/FR/AA and FM exams)
Strategic professional – options exams (relevant to APM/ATX/AAA and AFM exams)

Revise with interactive Flashcards
Practice key terms and concepts using our interactive flashcards!
ACCA Examination enquiries
For enquiries relating to examination sessions, examination results and registrations for examinations. Please contact ACCA directly
Tel: +44 (0)141 582 2000
Fax: +44 (0)141 582 2222
email: st******@ac********.com
ACCA – Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Accountants and change – preparing for the future
article by Sarah Hathaway, head of ACCA UK, specially for OpenTuition members
What is ACCA?
ACCA stands for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants a leading international accountancy body. The qualification is recognised and is treated in other countries as being equivalent to their local qualification. It also proves to employers that you have ability in all aspects of business.
It is the largest and fastest growing accountancy qualification in the world, with 198,000 fully qualified members and 486,000 students worldwide. They’re among the world’s best-qualified and most highly sought-after accountants – and they work in every sector you can imagine.
Organisations know and trust ACCA designation.
Learn more about the benefits of the Qualification
Why study ACCA with OpenTuition?
Access a wide range of free resources to study ACCA online, including notes, lectures, and tests. Utilize these comprehensive materials to deepen your understanding of ACCA subjects and enhance your learning experience. Enjoy the flexibility of self-paced learning with our extensive collection of ACCA notes and lectures. Take advantage of the convenience and accessibility of our free resources to excel in your ACCA journey.