We are publishing the December 2013 edition of our survey: Which Factors contributed to your success or failure in the December 2013 ACCA exam?
The survey results are based on what OpenTuition students voted in the survey, we have no ability to check their actual results!
Please note: the survey did not check if students were taking the exam first time or retaking.
General overview and what were the most popular study options.
Overall ACCA Exam preparation
Breakdown of how many exams student took in the December 2013 exams and how many were actually passed
Comparison of students working full time and full time students
The method of study for the ACCA exams and the success rate (comparing most popular ones only)
Comparing factors like: Taking Mock Exams and Using OpenTuition
Comparing results of students who used mock exams and OpenTuition notes and lectures to those who did not
As shown above, the improvement to the pass rates is even more dramatic for students who took Mock Exams AND used OpenTuition
Duration of study and the success rate compared
What factors BADLY affected the exam performance
(comparison of students who passed all exams and those who failed all)
What factors IMPROVED the exam performance
(comparison of students who passed all exams and those who failed all)
How students were prepared?
(comparing those who passed all exams vs those who failed all)
Other success rate factors
(comparing those who passed all exams vs those who failed all)
ali says
Brief coverage of all syllabus + extensive focus on past papers = pass.
I passed all in first attempt just following this formula.
2 months self study is enough to attempt any 3 papers.
Deo says
Were you a full-time student? How many hours per day you studied? Are you exceptionally gifted?
Hammad says
This survery has been very helpful, really pinpointed the areas which need to be focused and study materials to be thoroughly gone through. Opinion of the students who have a real exam experience is the best.
neelu123 says
Hi, please advice me which study text and revision kit best for P2.
abdulbasit112233 says
The analysis is really depth-full and helped me a lot to understand where the things gone wrong and what makes us successful.
Well done Survey team for your endeavors.
philisiwen says
HI there guys
Please help, which option paper is passable comparing P4 and P7 ? I know about the stuff about one must do an option related to your work, I do not think that helps much.
kitiibwa says
Finally I made it and am an affiliate, did my last paper p7 Dec. 2013. My advise hang on there its worth to complete.
Shamiirah says
Hello i have failed f4(Eng) paper with 43 marks,i had liked to know the methods of studying so that i can achieve at least 50 marks in that paper. can u please help?
tayiba1 says
everybody should make the best of their time as to those who r working u can spare sometime after work may be 2 hrs and take maximum benefit of the weekend you will be rewarded for hard work it is all a matter of determination and hard work practice lots of questions as much as possible to them over again and do mock exam and past exam questions there is nothing difficult to achieve only that the exams r getting tougher so fellow colleagues never give up no matter how hard it gets always have a positive attitude and say if others can do it why can’t I then you will see how far you go don’t lose courage remain focused and anyway we pay for the exam so we should get the most out of it let’s not lose hope
paper P1 was my first professional paper which I passed @ first attempt IN DECEMBER 2013 with a months preparation and on average of 2hours reading a day. thanks 2 opentuition study material and BPP exam kit. when reading opentuition material please practice with ACCA past questions or BPP exam kits. now am using the same technique for paper P7 & P3. LOL
charles2020 says
Please I need advice whether to study with BPP or Kaplan exam kits for F5 & F6 for June 2014 exams
tayiba1 says
use bpp it’s the best
stella23 says
I pass p2 61 marks and p5 only 46 marks. I will sit for p7 and p5 again.any guidance on how to pass these papers.
Martin says
hello pals, how can I pass F5?
ese247 says
ACCA exam is not a tea party. Candidates should learn to devote enough time for preparation, make some sacrifices and practice lots of past exam questions mainly using BPP study texts.
hamzaharoon says
Now I know why most of the students fail ACCA specially Later F papers and P papers, hmm it really looks like it is their own fault for failing due to giving less time to study, not covering syllabus thoroughly which is quite mandatory and relying on tips
lenkasan says
some people work 6 days a week and do their best to pass,the day has only 24hours. I wish I could study full time
Darius says
I dont think you know how it is like work 7 hours a day 5 – 6 days a week, commute 2 hours a day, plus have child and try to study part time.
joanneallan73 says
Everyone is different, espec those with family commitments as well as working 37 hrs a week!! where do you find time to study when you’re trying to help your Y6 child pass his sats papers…think on moron
hamzaharoon says
@joanneallan73 I think you first need to learn how to behave and answer first, even I can use this kind of language but as a professional its not my way, I do also work part time and I have seen many people who are having families and a 40 hours a week job but they manage their time according to plan P.S they also study ACCA and some of them giving ICAEW exams. The Comment I gave is regarding specially those candidates who do not cover their syllabus fully and rely more tips!