ACCA lectures are based on OpenTuition free P5 course notes
Watch free ACCA P5 Lectures
Chapter 1
The Nature of Performance Management [34min]
Chapter 2
Strategic Management Accounting [57min]
Chapter 3
Performance Management and Control of the Organisation [30min]
Chapter 4
Learning Curves [16min]
Chapter 5
Business Structure, Management Accounting and Change [43min]
Chapter 6
Effect of Information Technology on Strategic Management Accounting [40min]
Chapter 7
External Influences on Organisational Performance [43min]
Chapter 8
Risk and Uncertainty [32min]
Chapter 9
Sources of Management Information [25min]
Chapter 10
Financial Performance Measurement [23min]
Chapter 11
Divisional Performance Measurement:
Part a – ROI and RI Compared, Annuity Depreciation [26min]
Part b – Economic Value Added [34min]
Chapter 12
Non-Financial Performance Measurement [22min]
Chapter 13
Performance in the Not-For-Profit Sector [14min]
Chapter 14
Transfer Pricing [42min]
Chapter 15
Predicting and Preventing Corporate Failure [12min]
Chapter 16
Discounted Cash Flow Techniques [12min]
Chapter 17
Behavioural Aspects of Performance Management [17min]
Chapter 18
Current Developments in Management Accounting [34min]
Chapter 19
Common mistakes in the use of numerical data used for performance measurement [20min]
No Complaints here !
Thanks Admin & all at for providing FREE lectures !!
i am havin difficulty in viewing the on-line video’s on P5, please help.
hi admin,
can we get to watch another question like EMA?
Hello Tutor
Can I know in advance when lectures will be broadcast on line?
Hi admin,
Is it possible to get a zip file were i can download all these clips? (for easier access)
Hi Admin,
Am wondering when the P5 online are starting and when the notes will be availble for December 2011 exams.
But for now you can use June 2011 notes
Hi Admin,
I was wondering if the lecturer for P5 has any online classes, as I would really like to attend or if possible to get all the remaining videos posted online or downloaded for a cost.
We post only what exists
So there are no other lectures
Not all chapters are covered in the class
Use headphones
Hopefully we will replace this lecture for December exams with new better recording
We indeed need Discount Cash Flow Techniques lecture.
is it possible to get the lecture on discounted cash flow techniques…it would be a big help…thanks
Hi Admin,
Very very useful lectures! Thanks a million. Will you be uploading other missing lecutres on P5, like “Predicting and prevetning Corporate failure” and maybe some more past paper question revision lectures?
I’m afraid No more P5 lectures for June 2011 exams
tutor is too busy to record anything new
it was good. tx
the lectures are very useful. Thanks a lot
hi, this open tuition website is very useful, how can I get owner password if I want to download P5 lecture notes. Many thanks
You login with your own login name and password to download
Hi m i am facing problem with Video leactures. It stops after paying for some time. For example 1st video stoped at 20:40 minutes ( almost 7 minutes were left). same it the case Video 2. How can i resolve it.
next time wait for the lecture to fully load before you press play
hi all!
Am getting difficulties in watching online lectures,please can I get help on this?
Check the support page for help
dear admin,
theses lectures are really helpful… but few topics are missing can you please upload more for the june 2011 attempt….time is very short now are there any more lectures to be uploaded?????
june 2011 exam tips are also missing….. 🙁
I would like to thank Open Tuition Admin for your great learning materials/lectures.Kindly upload more lectures on missing topics,for me these are the only lectures, I am unable to attend any other tuitions due to my busy working schedule.
and also why the lectures of all the chapters are not available ? what am I suppose to do for those chapters ?
are these lectures updated for june 2011 attempt ? should I start preparing from them for this attempt or you have to upload new one for this attempt ?