The ACCA P1 Exam is replaced by the SBL exam – get new SBL September 2018 exam materials here
ACCA lectures are based on the OpenTuition P1 notes
Watch free ACCA P1 lectures
Introduction to Paper P1
Chapter 1 part a Corporate Governance
Chapter 1 part b Corporate Governance
Chapter 1 part c Corporate Governance
Chapter 2 part a Approaches to Corporate Governance
Chapter 2 part b Approaches to Corporate Governance
Chapter 3 part a The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part b The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part c The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part d The Board of Directors
Chapter 4 part a Board committees
Chapter 4 part b Board committees
Chapter 4 part c Board committees
Chapter 5 Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter 7 Auditors and Internal Controls
Chapter 8 Management Information Systems
Chapter 9 part a The Risk Management Process
Chapter 9 part b The Risk Management Process
Chapter 9 part c The Risk Management Process
Chapter 10 part a Controlling Risk
Chapter 10 part b Controlling Risk
Chapter 11 part a Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 11 part b Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 12 Deontology and Teleology
Chapter 13 Social Responsibility
Chapter 14 part a Professions and the Public Interest
Chapter 14 part b Professions and the Public Interest
Hi i have notised that the video lectures are back from year 2010 – are they
still up to date INT examination as the lecture notes says june 2014 examination
guys i would like to ask , if i can use OT Notes as a subsitute to a study text , as i find them explanatiory and straight to the point , i meam is it enough to pass this paper
thanks alot
Hi, the notes and the lectures are not a substitute for a study text! However, by using the notes and the lectures together with EXTENSIVE use of the revision kit, that could well be enough to get a pass mark.
If you feel that you need any more about a particular topic from within the syllabus, then that’s the time to look at a study text
ok sir thank you
As there is the first P exam and the time I have to dedicate for studyng is not so much (I will have to travel a lot for the next 2 month), could you indicate which would be your advice for the right approach? There is also a time pressure for me to finalise ACCA exams and I have to take at least one exam for June session. I have the study materials from BPP including course notes. Now I’m thinking to start with OT lecturers.
Thank you very much for your advice.
Great lectures OT!!
Would be possible to upload videos commenting on Exam approach? I believe it would be a great bank of information for new students to have last sittings papers with comment on how to approach the question. (ie: qtn 1 is quite long (1,5 hours) and it requires good exam technique apart from the knowledge…it’s difficult to know where to start sometimes)
Juan A (sitting P1 in June14)
Hello sir
am a new user of opentuition please how do i go about downloading the video lectures into my phone
you can watch them on your phone , but you need internet
could u provide us with a download link link please… i need to have this videos in my computer
You can only watch on line, lectures are not downloadable.
Hi are these lectures valid for 2014 sessions tks
pls ignore coz didn’t see earlier reply tks
Pls are these lectures relevant for the June 2014 exams? tks
yes they are
ok tks
Thank you O.T for the great resources that you have provided students with the world over. I had been focusing on the BPP study text the last one week on Risk and risk management just to find myself frustrated with the depth of information provided, and at the end of it all, I was answering past exam questions poorly on that section of the syllabus. today i spent the entire day going through the notes and lectures on RISK and was delighted to see that i had improved considerably in answering 2 past exam qsts on that topic. although the current notes do lack elements such as the ‘COSO enterprise on risk management’ and other smaller areas included in the BPP text i would still highly recommend the OT notes esp. if you’re time barred. they are effectively concise and give you an overall picture of what that section of the syllabus requires as most important…. the lectures ofcourse are the best part of it all. Thanks again O.T!