The ACCA P1 Exam is replaced by the SBL exam – get new SBL September 2018 exam materials here
ACCA lectures are based on the OpenTuition P1 notes
Watch free ACCA P1 lectures
Introduction to Paper P1
Chapter 1 part a Corporate Governance
Chapter 1 part b Corporate Governance
Chapter 1 part c Corporate Governance
Chapter 2 part a Approaches to Corporate Governance
Chapter 2 part b Approaches to Corporate Governance
Chapter 3 part a The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part b The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part c The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part d The Board of Directors
Chapter 4 part a Board committees
Chapter 4 part b Board committees
Chapter 4 part c Board committees
Chapter 5 Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter 7 Auditors and Internal Controls
Chapter 8 Management Information Systems
Chapter 9 part a The Risk Management Process
Chapter 9 part b The Risk Management Process
Chapter 9 part c The Risk Management Process
Chapter 10 part a Controlling Risk
Chapter 10 part b Controlling Risk
Chapter 11 part a Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 11 part b Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 12 Deontology and Teleology
Chapter 13 Social Responsibility
Chapter 14 part a Professions and the Public Interest
Chapter 14 part b Professions and the Public Interest
Please confirm are these lectures valid for June 2013 attempt?
No test for P1 as in F8. a test for self assessment.
hi, are those p1,p2 lecture suitable for June 2013 exams?
Puffin is a great free browser which can be used to watch the lectures on smart phones.
hi sir, where is the Ch. 6 video?
hello sir… very very nice work u guys….
this p1 lectures can be used for the sitting in june 2013? or they are changed?
just the name of paper is changed inner stuff is all the same and yes they can be used.
see the sylabus and study guide from acca website.
Anyone knows why I can’t watch these vids on my hand-held android mobile device?
Update your flash player / browser on your phone
Why isn’t chapter 5 lecture complete?
sir is this lecture is enough and jump directly on past paper?
I used to have trouble watching lectures until I upgraded to google chrome browser!
@nickneouk, I can’t run these using my galaxy tab. Any suggestions?
These are all great lectures. The lecturer has a fantastic way of relaying the most relevant issues required for the exams. Thank you for helping me pass!
Unable to download any help
Download what? You’ve been told 1million times these are not downloadable but for online viewing cos the free site’s gotta get hits for its promoters’ satisfaction etc. There was this weekly download privilege they introduced … wonder if it still works.
It is very difficult to prepare ethics and social and environmental topic because many new topics have been added in this area,which no institute have started to give lecture on.So i request you to please provide us with some good tips of these new topics,and these are not few pages,it might be complete 25 marks question.
@abgreat1, The recorded P1 lectures on this site DO cover ethical, social and environmental matters!
hi, Can these notes and lectures be used for Dec12 exams preperation?
I assume no audio lectures are available for P1? 🙁
@dhondhooni, Why do you assume that? Surely there are lectures on P1!
@MikeLittle, i meant AUDIO lectures. i can’t seem to find any audio lectures on P1.
there are only video lectures on line
Hi Mike, great lectures but chapter 6 is missing. Will these be posted soon?
@rejenkins, Hi rej
No, there is no audio / video for chapter 6 but, come on! There’s barely 3 pages of bullet points involved.
Is it unreasonable to expect you to some work on your own 🙂
F8 has video’s for revision. I can’t find same for P1. Any help
@cntiamoah, There are no videos specifically for revision. The only P1 videos are the ones you see listed above
can i download these lectures
@mehboob123, No, no, for the thousandth time, no! Sorry 🙁
@Sir Mike
Are these lectures still Good to go with this 2012 Dec attempt????
Reply soon
@usmankhan1, They certainly ARE!!!
@Admin please upload Revision lecture for p1..
Intended Purpose:how to attempt exam Question just like uploaded for p3…
what about the chapter 6…is it missing?