The ACCA P1 Exam is replaced by the SBL exam – get new SBL September 2018 exam materials here
ACCA lectures are based on the OpenTuition P1 notes
Watch free ACCA P1 lectures
Introduction to Paper P1
Chapter 1 part a Corporate Governance
Chapter 1 part b Corporate Governance
Chapter 1 part c Corporate Governance
Chapter 2 part a Approaches to Corporate Governance
Chapter 2 part b Approaches to Corporate Governance
Chapter 3 part a The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part b The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part c The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part d The Board of Directors
Chapter 4 part a Board committees
Chapter 4 part b Board committees
Chapter 4 part c Board committees
Chapter 5 Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter 7 Auditors and Internal Controls
Chapter 8 Management Information Systems
Chapter 9 part a The Risk Management Process
Chapter 9 part b The Risk Management Process
Chapter 9 part c The Risk Management Process
Chapter 10 part a Controlling Risk
Chapter 10 part b Controlling Risk
Chapter 11 part a Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 11 part b Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 12 Deontology and Teleology
Chapter 13 Social Responsibility
Chapter 14 part a Professions and the Public Interest
Chapter 14 part b Professions and the Public Interest
HEY, has anyone has older pass year question( older than 2007)? where can i downloard?i want to do more pass year quesiton as 2007 until 2011 is not enough, pls help me..
@ivyteh, What a great idea! However, paper P1, Governance, risk and ethics is a NEW paper from December 2007. There are NO older exam questions from this paper 🙂
HEY ..i Just want to ask you giving p1 in this december attempt and i have decided to study it from should i download the lectures now or r there any changes to be made for the december attempt in lectures ???
hey, i was wondering the same, did you get any info on this?
@shameelreid, Hi, no changes scheduled
@MikeLittle, thank you!
Thank you Mike for your entertaining lectures.
I found your lectures very helpful and convenient (listening on the train/bus to work). They settled my nerves about the exams and I enjoyed listening so much i was actually disappointed when the lectures ended.
I followed the lectures with self study and actually understood what I was reading!!!
Thank you to the opentuiton team for their contribution and dedication.
you’re welcome 🙂
good luck tomorrow
Where can I find the relevant articles P1 needed to read in the opentuition?
is there any new techical article? i just saw the internal audit. i saw from the tips there had mention the TA of bribery act 2010 but i cant find it. is anyone have it?kidly reply. thanks
@honeybeesq, there’s an article on the Bribery Act in Student Accountant ( late last year ) and an article on OpenTuition in the F4 pages
Chapter 6 of the video is missing, where can I find it?
@vickytpc, Its included in the Chapter 2 Corp Gov Appraches 🙂
Where were these lectures taken?
@Naga Praveen, why?
@MikeLittle, I just want to know where were these lectures taken. Is it in UK or outside UK? These lectures are wonderful.
@Naga Praveen, Latvia
Can dec 2011 bpp book be used for the june 2012 exams? are there a lot of changes?
I am having the same problem. I have gone through the 2011 and 2012 syllabus and there seem to be addition topic 1)”bribery and corruption” 2)”reducing and combating bribery and corruption”. Am desperate looking for the notes on these topic, nut dun know where to find…
@ben8sg, Look in the F4 notes for a chapter on Bribery. Look in Student Accountant for an article on The Bribery Act
Thanks Mike. Stress, only 14days to exam
from where i find lecture of chapter 16 and 17.
what about updating the material of P1 with the few changes of 2012?
may i know there is any changes for dec 2011 syllabus and june 2012 syllabus for p1 paper? pls advise …thanks
r these lectures relevant to the 1012 exams
i recommend kaplan for self study because i find it easy to follow and understand but it is all up to you!!!!
Hi i was wondering if there were any more lectures after chapter 8 it says log in to access all video lectures which i have done but can’t see any more lectures listed after this chapter. Thanks
@armour87, you should see them now, there is a bug in the software that restricts content to registered users only, help, b4 i was aware of only two types of books ie Kaplan&Bpp, but now i heard new one, GTG, advice please, which one is the best?
i need a honest advice from u guys i am not taking any tuition for P! full time self study at home so which book is good for me kaplan or bpp?????
I reccomend kaplan is simple, easy to understand and effective too! Rest is upon you….
I want to ask whether we can use Video lectures of P1 for the attempt of June 2012 ??? waiting for your prompt reply!!!
Yes. of course you can
Becoz i think this video lectures are from Old P1 Syllabus???
@bilal143, it’s not like a great deal has changed,
especially when you use latest set of notes,
check the syllabus..
@admin, what about chapter 6 is this video is missing or an error
if not on line – it means, it does not exist
There are lectures missing on ethics. admin why is this?
@osmanaslam, Whatever you have got is FREE!!!! So don`t expect more than that….
My advice you need to read your textbook and attend some paid revision courses…
This site is just a support to push you extra miles…
All the best for your exams
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students can take any ACCA examiner to task. We can
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open titution is very wonderful site for acca students