The ACCA P1 Exam is replaced by the SBL exam – get new SBL September 2018 exam materials here
ACCA lectures are based on the OpenTuition P1 notes
Watch free ACCA P1 lectures
Introduction to Paper P1
Chapter 1 part a Corporate Governance
Chapter 1 part b Corporate Governance
Chapter 1 part c Corporate Governance
Chapter 2 part a Approaches to Corporate Governance
Chapter 2 part b Approaches to Corporate Governance
Chapter 3 part a The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part b The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part c The Board of Directors
Chapter 3 part d The Board of Directors
Chapter 4 part a Board committees
Chapter 4 part b Board committees
Chapter 4 part c Board committees
Chapter 5 Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter 7 Auditors and Internal Controls
Chapter 8 Management Information Systems
Chapter 9 part a The Risk Management Process
Chapter 9 part b The Risk Management Process
Chapter 9 part c The Risk Management Process
Chapter 10 part a Controlling Risk
Chapter 10 part b Controlling Risk
Chapter 11 part a Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 11 part b Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 12 Deontology and Teleology
Chapter 13 Social Responsibility
Chapter 14 part a Professions and the Public Interest
Chapter 14 part b Professions and the Public Interest
how can i get exam P1 focused practice quoestions with answers
Hey, this is a great place~~just wonder why it’s free?
Are these notes updated, in that do they incorporate cahanges in the syllabus relating to paper p1?
Are these lectures updated for June session?
If no, when new lectures will be available?
why notes not download??? error in downloading always why?
Then, may i know is all the lectures updated, i.e. as per latest course notes?
Thank you very much!
just want to confirm, when is the best time for me to download the updated/ latest lectures?
@skcheah downloading lectures is forbidden, the only way lectures are free is when students watch them on line.
the system can automatically block/ban users who try and rip the lectures from the site,
thank you so much opentuition for helping students .thank so much
Guyz, please give me your view or comments..
I am studying the December 2010 P1 syllabus “Professional Accountant” from last 15 days from open tuition notes and lectures..I will be happy if it covers atleast 50% of new P1 syllabus “Governance, Risk and Ethics”..
Any views or ideas how much of P1 old syllabus will cover the P1 new syllabus???
There will be new course notes in February for P1, and month or so later, new lectures
I can’t download the P1 course notes. It seems there is some error on that download page.
Am happy to be part of this successful family kindly send me the hits I need to know about the new P1
I am studying the December 2010 P1 syllabus “Professional Accountant” from last 15 days from open tuition notes and lectures..I will be happy if it covers atleast 50% of new P1 syllabus “Governance, Risk and Ethics”..
Any views or ideas how much of P1 old syllabus will cover the P1 new syllabus???
As Admin always say: “If something is not on line, it means, it does not exist. so, they can’t add it”
Noticed that there is no Chapter 6 lecture, is there any mistake, or there is no lecture for this chapter?
Great job and very helpful.
New notes in February
Any idea when June 2011 exams notes for “P1 – Governance, Risk and Ethics” will be available..
Thank you very much for support!
I cannot find chapter 6, it is missing from the list of lectures stated above. And in Chapter 15 there are cutted examples of threats and safeguards. Could you please add the Chapter missed and extend Chapter 15. Thanks in advance!
If something is not on line, it means, it does not exist.
so, we can’t add it
its a great continue the good work
to down load notes write in the google address:open tuition,
down load free P3 notes. Then enter. if you have not yet registered in open tuition, register. If you have already registered, just log in. The page will open. Good luck. Ako T.
Thanks once again OT for your generous efforts in providing these lectures! Can’t thank you enough, also this lecturer is brilliant, wish I’d had the chance to learn from him in person! 🙂