Links to ALL ACCA Past Papers
(ACCA does not publish past AB, MA and FA exams – to practice you need to buy Revision Kit for these exams)
AB Accountant in Business Specimen Exam Paper
Business and Technology (BT) (Full Exam) | BT (Full Exam) Answers |
Business and Technology (BT) (Extra MTQs) | BT (Extra MTQs) Answers |
See also AB Revision Mock exam
MA Management Accounting Specimen Exam Paper
Management Accounting (MA) (Full Exam) | MA (Full Exam) Answers |
Management Accounting (MA) (Extra MTQs) | MA (Extra MTQs) Answers |
See also MA Mock exam
FA Financial Accounting Specimen Exam Paper
Financial Accounting (FA) (Full Exam) | FA (Full Exam) Answers |
Financial Accounting (FA) (Extra MTQs) | FA (Extra MTQs) Answers |
See also FA Mock exam
LW Specimen Exam Paper (ENG & GLO)
Questions: Corporate and Business Law-LW(ENG) – LW(ENG) Answers
Questions: Corporate and Business Law-LW(GLO) – LW(GLO) Answers
Paper LW Past Exams ENG (Q&A) | Paper LW Past Exams GLO (Q&A)
See also: ACCA LW Mock Exam (ENG) | ACCA LW Mock Exam (GLO)
PM Specimen Exam | PM Past Exams
See also PM CBE mock exam | PM Revision Kit Live
TX Specimen Exam | TX past exam papers
(These exams are out of date, you need to get Updated Revision kit)
FR Specimen Exam | FR Past exam papers
See also FR objective test exam (Section A) | FR Revision Kit live
AA Specimen Exam | AA Past exam papers
See also: AA Mock exam | AA Practice Questions | AA Revision kit live
FM Specimen Exam | FM Past exam papers
See also FM practice test (Section A) | FM Revision kit live
SBR Corporate Reporting
SBR International variant questions | SBR UK variant questions
SBL Specimen exam | SBL Past exam papers
See also SBL revision lectures solving past ACCA questions ]
AFM Specimen Exam | AFM past exam papers
See also AFM Revision lectires based on Past Questions
APM Specimen Exam | APM Past Exam Papers
[See also APM revision lectures based on ACCA questions]
ATX Advanced Taxation
(These exams are out of date, you need to get updated Revision kit)
AAA Past exam papers: International variant | UK variant
See also:
Free ACCA Lectures | Free ACCA notes |ACCA Exams Dates
How to pass exams | The Most Common Mistakes in the Exam Hall
where can I download f6 exam questions for 2019
good evening sir, i was trying to solve f7 acca december 2013 question 1 and i rea;ise that post acquisition losses was added to net asset. pls can i get an explaination why
Ask this in the Paper FR Ask the Tutor Forum (F7 is now called FR) – not here.
There is same question in F3 mock exam. can you please update it .
in section B there is same questions always.
We only have one mock exam on the website.
You really must buy a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers. They have lots of exam standard questions to practice, and several mock exams. A Revision Kit is vital to making sure you pass the exam.
How can I get or download the F4 CBE Past exam papers or doc 2015 & 2016 ?
In ACCA Website they have until 2014 only.
The ACCA no longer publish the questions and answers for Papers F1 to F4.
where can we download past exams there is none after 2012
You can’t! The ACCA does not provide them on their website.
You must buy a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers – they contain all the past exam question from earlier years that are still relevant for the current syllabus.
I just wanted to know what is specimen papers?
Coz I was going through June 2016 specimen paper and it was the exact same actual question paper of June 2016.
Specimen papers are published by the ACCA every time there is a change in the format (layout) of the exam in order for people to see what the format will be.
So, for example, there are new specimen papers for Papers F5 to F9 for exams from September 2016 because the format of these exams is changing.
Specimen papers are only to show what the format is and so usually contain previous real exam papers. But it is never the other way round – the real exam will never contain the same questions as a previously issued specimen paper!
(The specimen for June 2016 exams cannot possibly have contained exactly the same questions as the real June 2016 exam)
how do i get pass questions and answers for FA2
Can I get acca revision mock 2012 december f5 answer paper please help
If you mean the real exam, then you can find it by clicking on the relevant link above (which will take you to the ACCA website where the recent past papers can be download).
How to get the 2015, 2016 F4 Global Law paper old question and answer ?
Please give me a link to down load.
Thank you so much
Hnin Nwe
You need to go to the ACCA website ( )
Can anyone advise where i can find some really old past paper question because the study guide for the P4 paper advises that practice be done with some really old questions like 1999
The Study Guide does say how to find them!
Best is to buy a Revision Kit from one of the approved publishers, but otherwise search for them on Google.
Is this a practice or do you have a comment to make or a question to ask?
i have failed f7 for the past two sittings, got 40 plus one question alwys left due to lack of enough time pls guide wat to do?
Thank you Mike and open tuition.
F4-Eng variant and passed 57%. 1 month open tuition study and purchased 3 sets of ACCA pratice test.
Key is practice, practice, practice. Repetition, repetition.
Thank you Open Tuition looking forward to the next papers.
Is there any one with F6 Zimbabwe notes, i want to write June 2016?
guys i passed my f1 to f3 exams but now and am yet to write my online exam for my diploma this march anyone who is willing could u pliz email me f4 lectures and notes i dont know how to download them
I have difficulty in this question.
.an assets, with a useful life of 10years , was acquired at the begining of year 1 at a cost of £60 000 the assets is revalued at the beginning of year 4 in terms of the entity revaluation policy to gross replacement value of £80 000 at this date. Assume that depreciation calculated for accounting purposes on the straitline method accurately reflects economic obsolescence…. How do I culculate the revaluation amount?
does acca repeat question
Is it a must to contain keywords that highlighted in examiner’s answer while answering question in the exam? Thanks.
It can’t harm can it? And everyone, including examiners, seems to think it’s a good idea. so, in answer to your question, I must say “Yes”
Cud u teme wn da possible nnswers for sep and dec 2015 will b released?
I would expect the answers to the hybrid Sept/Dec exam to be released within the next week, but it is obviously up to the ACCA.
Hybrid question selection calls for a repetition of some questions ie questions not published have equal chances of being asked again in the next sitting.
Not true!
What difference is it possibly going to make if I reply immediately or next week?
If you’ve made just two errors and that’s all, you should be scoring 18, 19, possibly even 20
Thanks..the difference is my heart double counting for the waiting time
Sir there is no importance for calulating the total????
F7 dec 2015 exam i dont calculate gross profit&net profit& also iam don’t calulate sofp total.only iam put in there is any problem????
How many marks do you imagine are awarded for demonstrating that you can use a calculator?
I think all adjustment except two done’s a 25 mark question,10mark for sofp &sopl.&5 mark for socie.
I think maximum lost 8 marks for don’t calculating the total.
Sir i lost any futher mark???plz reply immidiatly….iam very concern on this thing