Please Note ACCA Exam Tips should not be relied on – they are only intelligent guesses.
Their only purpose is to give you suggestions for topics to concentrate on in your last few days of preparation.
Do not exclude other topics from your overall preparation.
Tips for ACCA F1 – F3
No exam tips available – Multiple choice questions cover entire syllabus
Tips for ACCA F4 Corporate and Business Law (Eng)
Numbers in brackets indicate question to practice from BPP Revision kit
Precedent, ratio and obiter (6)
Consideration (24)
Terms (28)
Lifting the veil (63)
Resolutions and meetings (84)
Redundancy – explanation and rules (48
Auditors – qualifications, duties and powers (94 and 95)
Invitation, offer, counter-offer, scenario
Directors’ appointment and removal (88)
Alteration of Articles and binding force (69 and 70)
Compulsory and voluntary winding-up (98)
Shares and debentures (75)
Bribery Act ( Student Accountant article )
Tips for ACCA Paper F5 “Performance Management”
Target costing / Lifecycle costing / Environmental Management Accounting (short written part)
Multi-product cost volume profit analysis
Budgetting (written part) / Time series / regression analysis
Planning and Operational variances
Performance measurement – financial and non-financial / Transfer pricing
Tips for ACCA Paper F6 “Taxation” (UK)
F6 is very predictable so no tips as such Practise as many exam standard questions as you can. Make sure you do to time.
After the 15 minute reading time you have 1.8 minutes per mark. If a question is split between part (a) 10 marks and part (b) 10 marks then only spend 18 minutes on part (a) and then move on to part (b).
Look at all the requirements of the question, can you answer an easy parts first, for example one part maybe standalone and on something very straightforward, so do this part first You do not have to answer the questions in the order they are set, if question 5 is the easiest do this one first.
Question 3 will be the hardest so leave this until last but make sure you leave 36 minutes to answer it. Do not panic if you can’t remember something in a question, don’t spend too much time trying to remember it, have a go or even guess. Then you can move on to other parts of the question. Above all you need 50% to pass, so find the marks you can do. There will always be more than 50% of the question which is examining core areas of the syllabus, only a few marks will be fringe areas, but you do not have to worry about these as you can find the 50 marks you need to pass.
F6 Exam tips from Kaplan / BPP
Tips for ACCA F7 Financial Reporting (INT)
q1 Consolidated balance sheet with subsidiary and associate
q2 Preparation of SoFP and SoI ( maybe Statement of changes in equity
too ) after making adjustments to trial balance or draft accounts
q3 Cash flow ( probably with an element of interpretation )
q4 Development expenditure – chat and short calculation
q5 IFRS9 – 10 mark chat
F7 Exam tips from Kaplan / BPP
Tips for ACCA Paper F8 Audit and Assurance (INT)
Q1 Inventory; stock count; computer assisted auditing techniques
Q2 Internal audit v external audit; parts of an assurance engagament
Q3 Corporate governance
Q4 Going concern and audit reports
Q5 Sampling
F8 Exam tips from Kaplan / BPP
Tips for ACCA Paper F9 Financial Management
1 Valuation of shares using PE ratio and using the dividend growth model (including using betas and using asset beta formula)
2 Investment appraisal – replacement and/or capital rationing and/or lease v buy
3 Receivables management (whether or not to offer discounts)
4 Part a) Rights issue and effect on some financial ratios
Part b) Foreign exchange risk management
F9 Exam tips from Kaplan / BPP
Tips for ACCA P1 Professional Accountant
q1 Internal control problems, role of the Chair, the contribution that neds
can make to corporate governance
q2 Corporate social responsibility – why and what
q3 Internal auditors and their role in managing risk
q4 Ethical problems – possibly a money laundering situation
possible question – instead of any of those last three – a numbers question
P1 Exam tips from Kaplan / BPP
Tips for Paper P2 exams
q1 Vertical group, maybe a “D” shape, Statement of Financial Position,
some ethics or corporate governance
q2 Accounting treatment, possibly complicated inventory or substance over
form – but it could be any IAS / IFRS / Framework-based question / Reconstructions
q3 “Various IAS accounting treatment” ( 3 or 4 different IASs rather than
a specific one as in q2 )
q4 Role of IFRS, the need for and an understanding
P2 Exam tips from Kaplan / BPP
Tips for ACCA Paper P3 Business Analysis
Q1 Normal appraisal and advice. Perhaps with takeovers and expected values
Q2 Marketing, particularly pricing
Q3 Project – project initiation documents and gateways
Q4 Strategic use of IT
Q5 Strategy and people
P3 Exam tips from Kaplan / BPP
Tips for Paper P4 Advanced Financial Management
Section A
Big investment appraisal / cost of capital calculation
Managing interest rate risk
Section B
Managing foreign exchange risk
Capital asset pricing model
Written on quantitative easing
P4 Exam tips from Kaplan / BPP
Tips for Paper P5 Advanced Performance Management
Non financial performance measures
Information needs of different business structures
Different approaches to budgeting; beyond budgeting
P5 Exam tips from Kaplan / BPP
Tips for ACCA P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (INT)
q1 reply to an email from a partner about a new audit assignment /
assurance engagement planning exercise – maybe where there was a suspicion
of fraud last year and a change in management
q2 an ethical problem with conflict of interest implications
q3 roles and contrast of internal / external auditors, the need for and
justification of an internal audit function
q4 criticise an audit report
Make sure to read Lisa’s article from October 2011 student Accountant about “Completing the audit”
possible question – comment on the matters and identify the evidence you
would expect to find in the review process of an audit file
where are the f4 global tips???
where is P6 🙁
Thanks a lot!!!
Bribery Act ( Student Accountant article ) is this in F4…
i cant seem to get d substantiive test n control test,its a bit confusing,wen i answer question n check the kit i get only a few correct n its slowing down my studies ,any help pls
@1507797ayesha, in substantive procedures just thik how u will check on that item urself is everything according to procedure and in test of controls u will check entitys control over procedure either all transactions r completed and all controls r properly using etc suppliers r paid after approval of finance manager so suppliers r paynig after approval or not….hope u understand…read everyline make ur assumpotion and points then in the end extract best points which u thik will be enough to demonstrate:)
Please help me with the Mock for Paper3
thanks for your help
what about tips for DipIFR exam December 2011 ? Thanks in advance.
Hi- Your exam tips normally have the topics as well as the numbers of questions to practice in BPP revision kit, why you do not have them this time for P2 and P7? Thanks
i will like some one to help me with the key areas of P5 and P7 for the exams that most be tested
P7 tips out!
help me with final strategy for P3,P4,P7
@zimbag, I like this combination(P3,P4 & P7) its what i did last sitting (june 2011) & passed all the papers. Please be focused, you gonna make it.
hey please give me tips about p7 papers n good luck to all pals for their examinations