The ACCA recommend that you tackle these exams in sequence so 6,7 and 8 would be the answer
Thinking ahead, and assuming you pass the 3 that you settle on, next June sees the last F and then ?????
Yes, P1 and probably P2 following the ACCA advice.
P2 is a big step up from F7 and it would be difficult to follow P2 consolidations if you haven’t suffered F7
Ok, so F7 is a must for this December.
F8 is a lot of common sense and some technical knowledge. Given that you are an intelligent person, (I’m assuming!) then I don’t believe that the stress of studying F8 will be too great
So that’s F7 and F8 so far.
What little I know about F6 and F9 …. it’s difficult for me to make that choice.
I imagine that F6 would be the one to get out of the way.
That would leave F9 for June 2015 and that would be a good basis for the equivalent P level option paper
This looks like I’m leaning heavily towards F6, F7 and F8!
Dear John Moffat, I’ve been following ur video lectures on f9 and must commend that they are really helpful. I have challenge on my study time $ I think this made me to fail 3 papers(f5 f6 and f7) last attempt was June 2011. But now I want to resit f7 and attempt f9 in Dec’14. Is dis doable. Pls advise what other study style can I adopt considering the fact that am full time worker. Your advise will be most appreciated. Tnx
Certainly resitting F7 and attempting F9 should be doable. (Although I do not understand why you do not want to rest F5 and/or F6 while the knowledge is still more fresh in your mind).
With regard to study style, you do not say what you method of studying has been in the past. My suggestion (whichever papers you decide to take in December) is that you watch all of our free lectures (using with them our free Course Notes), and that when you feel confident in the topics you practice as many questions as you can. For this you really should obtain a Revision/Exam Kit from one of the approved publishers – they contain lots of exam standard questions to practice on. Try the questions yourself first (without looking to the answers) and only afterwards check with the answer and learn from your mistakes.
In particular, spend time thinking about the written parts of questions. In F7 and F9 there are a lot of marks for the written parts – too many people concentrate solely on the calculations and lose marks on the written parts.
Finally, if you have any problems or are confused about anything, then do ask in the relevant Ask the ACCA Tutor forums. We will do our best to try and help.
Hi – I have passed all other f papers – hope to sit f6 and f7 in December (I’ve already studied both syllabus but will need to revise!) I’d also like to take on one of compulsory p exams in December – what would you suggest p1 2 or 3 or am I being unrealistic? Thanks
If you are confident that you have the time to revise properly for F6 and F7, then I suggest you take P1. (The ACCA suggest that you take the papers in numerical order)
But do make sure that you revision of F6 and F7 includes lots of question practice. It is practising exam standard questions that is more important than anything else 🙂
Hi I was advised to do combine F6 nd F9 with F5 in dec cos my retake F5 and I think it was my lack of time mgt dt y I did pass so if I practice questn a lot. Nd revise it,guess it will be will the combination go
My limited knowledge about this is that clearing F4 will no longer be taken as proof of proficiency in English so you’ll need to pass something like TOEFL (test of English as a Foreign Language)
can you please advice me the best way to study P4 & P5 for december 2014 exams, like should i depend more on study text or else should i just use course notes and revision kit (along side with your video lectures). thank you
i have not yet started to study for the December 2014 exams i work full time (8 to 5 Monday to Friday) do you think it is possible to start study both P1 and P2 for the exams in December
Yes! By all means. What I suggest for P1 is repetitive reading through the course notes free on this site. It should take not much longer than 2 hours – just reading through. Do that 3 or 4 times. Then open a revision kit of past exam questions and plan what you would have written for those questions if they had faced you in an exam environment
Check your plan against the printed solution
Then do the next one, and the next one and the next one and the ne ……
You get the idea
For P2, read through the free course notes and appreciate the solutions
2 or 3 times
Now, get into a revision kit (and be prepared for a major shock!) but don’t get disheartened.
Try the past exam questions and check your efforts against the solutions.
Appreciate where you went wrong and then do them again, and again, and aga….. you get the idea
Then, when you come across something you really cannot understand, post again
I will be sitting my first two ACCA exams in Dec 2014. I am exempt from F1-F4, I am unsure which papers to sit, are there any suggestions as to what papers I should begin with? I was also unsure what a suitable pairing woukd be for F5 as I will not be doing F4? Sorry if this has already been answered before.
Your plan is very sensible (and F9 and P1 together does make sense also – it is good to take a calculation paper (F9) together with a written paper (P1)).
However, would F5 and F6 be too hard when the exams come round and they are the day after each other? And if (worst case scenario), I fail F6, will all the tax rules be different next year?
Well, answering your second question first, yes, the tax rules will change.
The basic principles of governments raising money through taxation doesn’t change though so the fundamental elements remain the same
The fact that the exams are on consecutive days shouldn’t be a problem – how much F6 learning were you planning to leave to that last 24 hours before the exam!?
Ha I’m not much of crammer. I study consistently throughout the year, just 3hrs and 15mins exams two days in a row would be tiring but doable I guess. Thanks for your help.
i have already studied f8 which i will re sit in dec 14 is it better to take p1 and p2 along with f8 or p2 and p3..btw i want to take p2 p3 i just need ur all other F level papers are clear.
I keep being asked “Which paper is easier?” and I keep being reminded of the presenter on “Who wants to be a millionaire?” who annoyingly keeps saying “These questions are only easy if you know the answers”
It’s the same with ACCA exam papers – they’re all easy if you know your stuff
The ACCA recommend that you take the papers in sequence so why not go for F8 resit, P1 and P2?
You can, but it will mean losing an exam entry fee. You could enter for F4, F9 and P1 but simply not turn up for F9
Why not instead enter for F9 and P1 and aim to do the F4 with effect from 19 November when F4 becomes available to be attempted on line. Of course, that means that you should have near to you an approved cbe examination centre
I am new to the ACCA and have just gained exenption of paperF1 , I would want to take paper F2 and F3 through CBE in November and then take Papers F4 and 8 in December 2014. Please advice
Taking F2 and F3 by CBE in November should be no problem, provided that you have a CBE centre in your area (I do not know which country you are in). You can find a list of CBE providers on the ACCA website.
Is there any special reason for wishing to take F4 and F8 in December? You are certainly allowed to, but I ask because both papers are written (as opposed to calculations) and most people prefer to mix the papers. The ACCA recommend that the papers are taken in numerical order, which would make F4 and F5 maybe a better choice. (Especially since F5 is a continuation of F2, and you would just have been studying for F2)
F4 will be available as CBE from 19 November, and so for that paper you are not fixed to a December date.
Whatever you decide, do not underestimate the level of difficulty. It is important that you start studying now. We have free lectures and Course Notes for all of the papers. You should also get hold of a Revision/Exam Kit from one of the approved publishers. They contain lots of exam standard questions and the more practice you get the better.
If you have any problems with your studies, then do ask on the relevant Ask the ACCA Tutor forum and we will try to help.
Three papers may be too much. If you were to read John Moffat’s recent posts about F5 and F9 and about how they are not really closely related, he suggests that by trying the two together could cause you some degree of confusion
Are F5 and F9 your last two at the F level? I presume they must be if you’re talking about moving on into P2
P2 is itself a really tough paper so trying that together with F9 which yoiu have already failed once could be too much.
However, F5 with F9 is itself not a good combination.
But, if those are the only 2 F level papers left, then try those two and forget about P level until next June
Hope that helps but sorry to appear to be so negative
Thank You Mike, you didn’t sound negative. F5 & F9 are my last F level papers, I thought i could combine P2 wit the 2 papers. Thanks much appreciate your kind advise. I will stick to F5 & F9 for this diet.
I have papers F6-P1 left to complete. I am looking to complete 2exams in Dec ’14 and 3exams in June ’15. What order would you recommend? I was thinking F6 & F8 followed by F7, F9 and P1?
I am afraid that you cannot take F7, F8 and P1 in December. You have to finish your F papers before starting your P papers (or be taking them at the same time)
Sorry 🙁
Thank you so much . Because I have heard that p3 , 4 & 7 will b very tough together ?
Hi, I wondered whether you may be able to advise me if possible please?
I am looking to sit 3 exams in Decemeber, and need to choose between F6, F7, F8 and F9.
Which 3 would you recommend sitting together?
Many thanks,
Hi Tim
The ACCA recommend that you tackle these exams in sequence so 6,7 and 8 would be the answer
Thinking ahead, and assuming you pass the 3 that you settle on, next June sees the last F and then ?????
Yes, P1 and probably P2 following the ACCA advice.
P2 is a big step up from F7 and it would be difficult to follow P2 consolidations if you haven’t suffered F7
Ok, so F7 is a must for this December.
F8 is a lot of common sense and some technical knowledge. Given that you are an intelligent person, (I’m assuming!) then I don’t believe that the stress of studying F8 will be too great
So that’s F7 and F8 so far.
What little I know about F6 and F9 …. it’s difficult for me to make that choice.
I imagine that F6 would be the one to get out of the way.
That would leave F9 for June 2015 and that would be a good basis for the equivalent P level option paper
This looks like I’m leaning heavily towards F6, F7 and F8!
Hope that helps
Yes, that’s great, thank you!
You’re welcome
Dear John Moffat,
I’ve been following ur video lectures on f9 and must commend that they are really helpful. I have challenge on my study time $ I think this made me to fail 3 papers(f5 f6 and f7) last attempt was June 2011. But now I want to resit f7 and attempt f9 in Dec’14. Is dis doable. Pls advise what other study style can I adopt considering the fact that am full time worker. Your advise will be most appreciated. Tnx
Hi Ogama
Thank you for the comment about the lectures 🙂
Certainly resitting F7 and attempting F9 should be doable. (Although I do not understand why you do not want to rest F5 and/or F6 while the knowledge is still more fresh in your mind).
With regard to study style, you do not say what you method of studying has been in the past. My suggestion (whichever papers you decide to take in December) is that you watch all of our free lectures (using with them our free Course Notes), and that when you feel confident in the topics you practice as many questions as you can. For this you really should obtain a Revision/Exam Kit from one of the approved publishers – they contain lots of exam standard questions to practice on. Try the questions yourself first (without looking to the answers) and only afterwards check with the answer and learn from your mistakes.
In particular, spend time thinking about the written parts of questions. In F7 and F9 there are a lot of marks for the written parts – too many people concentrate solely on the calculations and lose marks on the written parts.
Finally, if you have any problems or are confused about anything, then do ask in the relevant Ask the ACCA Tutor forums. We will do our best to try and help.
Tnx a lot for the advise.
Hello everyone,
Firstly, thanks for sharing your knowledge about the ACCA. Really helpful.
One question:
I have just passed F5 and F6 with 74% and 71% respectively and only by self-study and working full time
What do you think of sitting F7-F8-F9 assisting classes?
About the Oxford Brooke’s degree. I opted in when I registered and I have the English qualification as well, Is there anything else I need to do?
Thank you in advance!
5, 6 and 7 is certainly doable
Post your question about OBU on the OBU forum page
Thanks Mike. Do you think the same for 7-8-9? Regards
Sorry Guillermo!
I meant F7, F8 and F9
Heaven knows what I was thinking when I wrote F5, F6 and F7!
Haha. Thank you Mike!
You’re welcome!
Hi – I have passed all other f papers – hope to sit f6 and f7 in December (I’ve already studied both syllabus but will need to revise!) I’d also like to take on one of compulsory p exams in December – what would you suggest p1 2 or 3 or am I being unrealistic?
If you are confident that you have the time to revise properly for F6 and F7, then I suggest you take P1. (The ACCA suggest that you take the papers in numerical order)
But do make sure that you revision of F6 and F7 includes lots of question practice. It is practising exam standard questions that is more important than anything else 🙂
Hi I was advised to do combine F6 nd F9 with F5 in dec cos my retake F5 and I think it was my lack of time mgt dt y I did pass so if I practice questn a lot. Nd revise it,guess it will be will the combination go
Yes, that’s doable. Just so long as you’re sure that your reason for having to do F5 again was simply poor time management
Make sure that you do plenty of question practice and learn how to stick rigidly to allocated time
Thanks A lot…
Hi I am studying part time but am looking to do f8, f9, & p1 in the December sitting. Is this a good combination?
Yes – that is sensible (provided obviously that you have passed all your other F papers, and that you have time to study for all three papers). 🙂
I have cleared my f7 and will be sitting for f4 in dec 14 .. Am I eligible to get a bsc degree
My limited knowledge about this is that clearing F4 will no longer be taken as proof of proficiency in English so you’ll need to pass something like TOEFL (test of English as a Foreign Language)
Hope that answers your question
Rodz: Can I suggest that you ask your question on the OBU forum? We have experts there who will be able to sort you out 🙂
Thank u john will contact them
No problem 🙂
can you please advice me the best way to study P4 & P5 for december 2014 exams, like should i depend more on study text or else should i just use course notes and revision kit (along side with your video lectures). thank you
Hi Mathew
Better to post this on the P4 and P5 Ask the Tutor pages
I’m not the one to ask for these two papers – sorry
i have not yet started to study for the December 2014 exams i work full time (8 to 5 Monday to Friday) do you think it is possible to start study both P1 and P2 for the exams in December
Yes! By all means. What I suggest for P1 is repetitive reading through the course notes free on this site. It should take not much longer than 2 hours – just reading through. Do that 3 or 4 times. Then open a revision kit of past exam questions and plan what you would have written for those questions if they had faced you in an exam environment
Check your plan against the printed solution
Then do the next one, and the next one and the next one and the ne ……
You get the idea
For P2, read through the free course notes and appreciate the solutions
2 or 3 times
Now, get into a revision kit (and be prepared for a major shock!) but don’t get disheartened.
Try the past exam questions and check your efforts against the solutions.
Appreciate where you went wrong and then do them again, and again, and aga….. you get the idea
Then, when you come across something you really cannot understand, post again
And then it’s December
thanks !
You’re welcome 🙂
I will be sitting my first two ACCA exams in Dec 2014. I am exempt from F1-F4, I am unsure which papers to sit, are there any suggestions as to what papers I should begin with? I was also unsure what a suitable pairing woukd be for F5 as I will not be doing F4? Sorry if this has already been answered before.
Thank you.
The ACCA recommends that you attempt the exams in the same sequence as their numbers (not a big issue, but that’s what they recommend)
Because those first three are all cbe (are you near an approved cbe centre?) there really is no issue about when to take them
As for a partner for F5, it seems that F6 or F7 would go well with that (even F8 bit not F9)
Hope that helps
Thanks for the reply.
If I was to sit them as follows:
F5 & F6,
F7 & F8,
F9 & P1
or is there a better option which would suit P1?
Thank you,
Your plan is very sensible (and F9 and P1 together does make sense also – it is good to take a calculation paper (F9) together with a written paper (P1)).
Hi, I was recommended to do F5 & F6, then F4 & F9 and then F7 & F8. Are these good combinations? (I have F1-F3 done) Thanks, Andrea
Those seem like three acceptable combinations.
ACCA actually recommend doing the exams in sequence but your suggestions seem ok to me
Okay thank you
You’re welcome
However, would F5 and F6 be too hard when the exams come round and they are the day after each other? And if (worst case scenario), I fail F6, will all the tax rules be different next year?
Well, answering your second question first, yes, the tax rules will change.
The basic principles of governments raising money through taxation doesn’t change though so the fundamental elements remain the same
The fact that the exams are on consecutive days shouldn’t be a problem – how much F6 learning were you planning to leave to that last 24 hours before the exam!?
Ha I’m not much of crammer. I study consistently throughout the year, just 3hrs and 15mins exams two days in a row would be tiring but doable I guess. Thanks for your help.
No problem, happy to help. And really, although it may be tiring, you’ll be fully recovered before New Year!
i have already studied f8 which i will re sit in dec 14 is it better to take p1 and p2 along with f8 or p2 and p3..btw i want to take p2 p3 i just need ur all other F level papers are clear.
Hmm, I think maybe just P2 – it’s one BIG step up from F7!!
If you insist on three papers (including the F8 resit) maybe think about entering for F8 with P1 and P3.
Most students seem to like mixing a written paper with a numbers paper but P2 is one heck of a numbers paper so maybe try the other 2 P essentials
well i am more comfortable with p2 so i want 2 choose bw p1 and p3 which one is easier..?? i cant handle too much theory 3 theory papers at a time.
I keep being asked “Which paper is easier?” and I keep being reminded of the presenter on “Who wants to be a millionaire?” who annoyingly keeps saying “These questions are only easy if you know the answers”
It’s the same with ACCA exam papers – they’re all easy if you know your stuff
The ACCA recommend that you take the papers in sequence so why not go for F8 resit, P1 and P2?
Alright .. Thank u ????
Thank u
You are welcome 🙂
Why “????”
That was by mistake
No worries
Hi I have f4 ,f9 remaining in part 2 can I take f4 and p1 and not give f9 this attempt pls recommend
No – you have to complete your F papers (or be taking them at the same time).
The only think that you could do is register for F4, F9 and P1, but then not attend for F9. However you would not be refunded the exam fee for F9.
You can, but it will mean losing an exam entry fee. You could enter for F4, F9 and P1 but simply not turn up for F9
Why not instead enter for F9 and P1 and aim to do the F4 with effect from 19 November when F4 becomes available to be attempted on line. Of course, that means that you should have near to you an approved cbe examination centre
Thank u for ur reply .. If I plan to go with CBE in f4 so do I have to sit for it before I appear for my manuals of f9 n p1
No, but you do have to have entered (registered) for it.
I have F9 & the P modules left. Can I sit F9 & P1 Dec 14 or would you recommend something else?
Yes – you can certainly take F9 and P1 in December, and it is a good combination 🙂
Hi Looking to do F9 in December 2014 . Would I need to have F6 and F7 completed before I attempt F9? Have all other F papers completed.
No, you can do the F level papers in whatever sequence you choose so, if you want to attempt F9 before you tackle F6 and F7, that’s fine
I am new to the ACCA and have just gained exenption of paperF1 , I would want to take paper F2 and F3 through CBE in November and then take Papers F4 and 8 in December 2014. Please advice
Taking F2 and F3 by CBE in November should be no problem, provided that you have a CBE centre in your area (I do not know which country you are in). You can find a list of CBE providers on the ACCA website.
Is there any special reason for wishing to take F4 and F8 in December? You are certainly allowed to, but I ask because both papers are written (as opposed to calculations) and most people prefer to mix the papers. The ACCA recommend that the papers are taken in numerical order, which would make F4 and F5 maybe a better choice. (Especially since F5 is a continuation of F2, and you would just have been studying for F2)
F4 will be available as CBE from 19 November, and so for that paper you are not fixed to a December date.
Whatever you decide, do not underestimate the level of difficulty. It is important that you start studying now.
We have free lectures and Course Notes for all of the papers. You should also get hold of a Revision/Exam Kit from one of the approved publishers. They contain lots of exam standard questions and the more practice you get the better.
If you have any problems with your studies, then do ask on the relevant Ask the ACCA Tutor forum and we will try to help.
Hi Delson
Three papers may be too much. If you were to read John Moffat’s recent posts about F5 and F9 and about how they are not really closely related, he suggests that by trying the two together could cause you some degree of confusion
Are F5 and F9 your last two at the F level? I presume they must be if you’re talking about moving on into P2
P2 is itself a really tough paper so trying that together with F9 which yoiu have already failed once could be too much.
However, F5 with F9 is itself not a good combination.
But, if those are the only 2 F level papers left, then try those two and forget about P level until next June
Hope that helps but sorry to appear to be so negative
Thank You Mike, you didn’t sound negative. F5 & F9 are my last F level papers, I thought i could combine P2 wit the 2 papers. Thanks much appreciate your kind advise. I will stick to F5 & F9 for this diet.
You’re welcome
I have papers F6-P1 left to complete. I am looking to complete 2exams in Dec ’14 and 3exams in June ’15. What order would you recommend? I was thinking F6 & F8 followed by F7, F9 and P1?
That sounds like a reasonable plan although maybe F7, F9 and P1 could be sen as ambitious.
If you’re prepared to potentially waste an exam entry fee, you could maybe do the three exams F6, F7 and F8 in December.
If you should happen to fail 1 of them, then at least you will have done a lot of work in that area so a resit with the F9 and P1 would not be so bad
What do you think?
Thanks. Do you think f7, f8, p1 (dec’14) and f6, f9 (june ’15) is a better combination?
Hi, no. You can’t do that. You cannot start into the P level until you have cleared (or at least entered for) all the F level papers
Any 3 of the 4 Fs followed by the remaining F and whichever one of P1 – P3 that you choose
Post again if that’s not clear
Ok thank you for the advice
You’re welcome – and you’re getting 2 for the price of 1 with John answering your posts too!
F6 and F8 seems a good combination
F6 is almost entirely numbers, whereas F8 entirely writing.
Go for it 🙂
I am afraid that you cannot take F7, F8 and P1 in December.
You have to finish your F papers before starting your P papers (or be taking them at the same time)
Sorry 🙁
Thank you so much . Because I have heard that p3 , 4 & 7 will b very tough together ?
Nageen, at this level, all exams are tricky. And three in one session will certainly be tricky.
But it has been done in the past and it will be repeated in the future.
Thank u so much . Really appreciate it .
You’re welcome