Totnes is a public company with a year end of 31 December 20×6. The company has several subsidiaries.
Adjust the spreadsheet for the three transactions listed below. Then compare your answer to the model answer.
Transaction 1
During the year, Totnes purchased an associate for cash and paid a dividend to NCI. The total of both amounts was shown as the purchase of an associate in error. NCI in the opening and closing CSFP was $500m and $600m respectively. The NCI share of PAT was $200m, and the NCI share of TCI was $250m.
Transaction 2
A gain on the revaluation of an investment property of $200m has been credited to other components of equity in error.
Transaction 3
A new defined benefit pension plan has been incorrectly treated. The draft financial statements show an expense in the profit and loss account of $20m, which represents contributions paid. The service cost was actually $25m. The net interest cost was not material. The remeasurement difference was $8m.
Just simply want to say thank you!
Thank you for the free lecture and notes, I am a self study student and they have been a great help. Looking forward to clear my SBR paper.