ACCA P7 lectures Download P7 notes
Chapter 5
Audit Process
Fundamental concepts relating to an audit
- Ethical requirements
- Professional scepticism
- Professional judgement
- Limitations of an audit
- Sufficiency of audit evidence
- Audit risk
- Responsibilities of management
ACCA P7 Lecture Index
1 Rules of Professional Conduct
2 Professional Responsibility and Liability
3 Regulatory Environment
4 Practice Management
5 Audit Process
6 Evidence
7 Evaluation and Review
8 Audit of Financial Statements
9 Group Audits
10 The external audit report
11 Audit Related Services (Non Audit Services)
12 Assurance Services
13 Prospective Financial Information (PFI)
14 Internal Audit
15 Outsourced Finance and Accounting Functions
16 Social and Environmental Audits
The primary objective of audit planning is to reduce audit risk to an acceptable level.
Planning entails developing a general strategy and a detailed approach for the expected nature, timing and extent of the audit.
The objectives of planning are to:
ensure that appropriate attention is devoted to the different areas of the audit;
ensure that potential problems are identified; and
facilitate review.
The audit firm should consider materiality and its relationship with audit risk during the planning phase. This will assist with meeting the first two objectives above.
Threshold of significance
This new standard requires auditors to establish a threshold of significance to be applied when:
a control is designed, implemented or operated in such a way that it is unable to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis
such a control, as necessary to prevent and detect misstatements, is missing
The auditor must ask “Are the identified deficiencies, either individually or collectively, “significant”?
Any significant deficiencies must be communicated in writing to those charged with governance.
Other, insignificant, deficiencies should be communicated to management
A misstatement or omission can be considered material if, individually or in aggregate, it would reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users of the financial statements.
Materiality is concerned not just with size / value but also with the nature of the matter and the circumstances of the entity
judgements about materiality are made in the light of the surrounding circumstances and are affected by the size and nature of a misstatement, or a combination of both
judgements about matters that are material to users of the financial statements are based on a consideration of the common financial information needs of users as a group
The audit firm must be concerned with identifying “material” errors, inclusions, omissions and misstatements.
Performance materiality
A new idea!
set materiality for the financial statements as a whole
but set an amount less than this when designing the nature, timing or extent of audit procedures
this lower value is to be used when considering particular classes of transaction, account balances and disclosures
The level of materiality set at the planning stage will always be a matter of professional judgement. Most firms set criteria for guidance – a benchmark. For example:
between 1/2% and 1% turnover
between 1% and 2% of net assets; or
between 5% and 10% of net profit.
If using a benchmark approach, the auditor should consider:
the elements of the financial statements
whether there are matters upon which users are likely to focus
the nature of the entity, its life cycles and the industrial / economic environment
the ownership structure and the way the entity is financed
the relative volatility of the benchmark
The levels chosen for materiality and for performance materiality will depend on the confidence the auditor has in the client’s figures. Therefore, the level of risk attaching to the client will influence the levels of materiality used.
The materiality level will impact on three areas:
the nature and extent of audit tests.
whether to seek adjustments; and
the degree of any audit report qualification.
Risk assessments and internal controls
auditors should
obtain an understanding of the accounting and internal control systems sufficient to plan the audit and develop an effective audit approach and,
use professional judgement to assess audit risk and to design audit procedures to ensure it is reduced to an acceptably low level.
Audit risk is the ultimate risk that the audit opinion is inappropriate, after completion of all audit procedures.
It is made up of two component parts:
control risk, and
detection risk.
material misstatement risk is the combination of inherent risk and control risk
Inherent risk
This is the susceptibility of an account balance or class of transaction to material misstatement either individually or when aggregated with misstatement in other balances or classes assuming that there were no related internal controls.
Suggest circumstances or factors that would cause you to believe that the level of inherent risk attaching to your client was higher than usual.
Control risk
This is the risk that the entity’s accounting and internal control procedures fail to detect or prevent fraud or error on a timely basis.
The auditor should make a preliminary assessment of control risk and should plan and perform tests of control to support that assessment.
Detection risk
This is the risk that the auditors’ substantive procedures fail to detect a material misstatement in an account balance or class of transaction. It is primarily a consequence of the fact that the auditors do not, and cannot, examine all available evidence.
The auditors’ control risk assessment, together with their assessment of inherent risk will influence the nature, timing and extent of substantive procedures needed to reduce detection risk, and therefore overall audit risk, to an acceptable level.
You are the audit manager for Vortex Ltd, an entity involved in the manufacture and sale of clothing for teenagers. Half of its sales are on credit to a variety of outlets and the other half are through its own chain of shops. Staff are chosen for their youth, enthusiasm and knowledge of the fashion scene.
Identify the inherent risks that may arise and suggest appropriate controls to reduce the impact of these risks.
Planning, materiality and assessing risk of misstatement
This involves determining the level of risk attaching to the different areas of the client’s operations. The chance of detecting errors is increased and excessive time isn’t wasted on low-risk areas.
Some audit firms will concentrate on understanding management’s control of business risk and their overall control of the information systems.
Business risk is the risk that an entity fails to meet its objectives.
Business risks can be split into three categories:
Financial risk
Operational risk
Compliance risk
Financial risk
These are the risks arising from the entity’s financial activities or the financial consequences of operations. Examples include:
going concern problems
credit risk
interest risk
high cost of capital
unrecorded liabilities
Operational risk
These are the risks arising from the operations of the business such as:
physical disasters,
loss of key staff,
poor brand management and
loss of orders.
Compliance risk
These are the risks arising from non compliance with laws, regulations, policies, procedures and contracts. Examples include:
breach of listing rules
breach of statutory requirements
litigation risk
vat problems
tax penalties
health and safety risks
Management need to satisfy themselves that their systems of risk management and internal controls are working properly. Internal audit can make a valuable contribution to the monitoring of risk management.
Analytical procedures
The auditor should apply analytical procedures at the planning stage, throughout the audit and at the overall review stage of the audit.
Analytical procedures include the following type of comparisons:
prior periods
budgets and forecasts
predictive estimates
industry information
relationships between elements of financial information ie ratio analysis
financial and non-financial information eg the relationship between payroll costs and the number of employees.
The auditors should apply analytical procedures at the planning stage to assist in understanding the entity’s business and in identifying areas of potential risk.
When intending to apply analytical review as a substantive procedure, the auditor needs to consider the following factors:
objectives of the analytical review procedures
the nature of the information and the degree to which the information can be sub-divided eg apply procedures to divisions or products rather than the overall results.
the comparability, availability, reliability and source of information
The auditors should apply analytical procedures at or near the end of the audit when forming an overall conclusion as to whether the financial statements as a whole are consistent with the auditor’s knowledge of the entity’s business.
When analytical procedures identify significant fluctuations or relationships that are inconsistent with other relevant information, or that deviate from predictable patterns, the auditors should investigate and obtain adequate supporting evidence.
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Hie .can anyone explain the relationship between audit risk and risk of material mistatements
are these lectures relevant for sept 2017?
Perfec Lecture i love it the way tutor is guiding
it is very logical way and help me to learn easily
there is something wrong with the video at 37.49 no sound,please help. Thax
Could you please explain with examples the difference between inherent risk and business risk? Is inherent risk always a business risk or this is not the case?
no sound on was working until last week.HELP
Where is P7 flash cards.
Can any body advise.
There are no P7 flash cards
Just wandering, how do I print the lecture notes related to the lectures instead other if you know what I mean? These are quite a good summary to merge with the text knowledge?
Download free P7 course notes – ALL lectures are to be used with our course notes
My point is p7has course notes that I can download thus fine and those go well with the P7 Alternative vids. Then there are some lectures separate from the Alternative vids and those have a set of notes that go hand in hand with that particular lecture( I think written up by the lecture in brief). Those are the ones I am interested in downloading.
all lectures follow the same set of P7 notes,
Nothing else.
I get you. Thank you for your help. I suppose the difference is in presentation not in wording as I have eventually discovered.
Well done Open tution. Lectures are quite comprehensive, well directed, understandable. Keep up the good work. Thank you for helping ACCA Students.
Good lecture
nice lecture