P5 Syllabus changes:
There has been one minor addition to the syllabus:
Explore the role of the management accountant in providing key performance information for integrated reporting to stakeholders.
P5 Format changes:
There is no change to the format of the exam. It will remain a three-hour paper, with 15 minutes reading time.
There will be two sections to the exam:
Section A will be a compulsory 50 mark question.
Section B will be a choice of two from three 25 mark questions.
Which one should I chose between p4 and p5.
Can i pass using your notes and lectures or do I need to sign up for one of the expensive courses with Kaplan, BPP or LSBF
Thank you for your advice
I am so sick and tired of this paper. I dont know where i go wrong and its just giving me the feeling that i should stop here. 5th attempt
Don’t stop, but you need to try to analyse (probably again) what’s been going wrong.
I don’t know how you’ve been studying, but I suggest you look here (you might already have done so):
An ACCA video – very good advice: https://play.webvideocore.net/popplayer.php?it=35z7hoau9y4g&w=720&h=405&p=1&title=Paper+P5+effective+study+and+exam+technique&skin=3&repeat=&stretch=&brandNW=1&start_volume=100&skinAlpha=80&colorBase=%23202020&colorIcon=%23FFFFFF&colorHighlight=%23fcad37&direct=true
There are lots of technical articles on the ACCA site. These might give a different twist on some topics.
Examiner’s reports where he goes over how people did on previous exams
The OT notes and lectures have been redone. You might find it worthwhile to look at those again.
Come back if I can be of more help.
guys , can some one send me P5 MOCK Exam for december 2014 , please , my email mh****************@da******.com , best of lock
Dear Professional fraternity,
Kindly suggest me which books should I prefer for the preparation of professional programs.
(Specific to each paper)
Please suggest your replies to ca*************@ho*****.com
Dear Professional fraternity,
Kindly suggest me which paper should I choose amongst the P4 to P7, as I am a qualified Chartered Accountant In India.
Please suggest your replies on ca*************@ho*****.com
Finding P7 most heavy exam in P’s…..practice matters most…Bpp is good if u have sufficient time, otherwise Kaplan work sufficiently good..
me attempted 3 times for p5 but did not pass. what should i do? although i have studied all syllabus.