We have done for you ACCA P3 exam analysis
Below is the list of all ACCA P3 past exams and topics being examined so far.
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ACCA P3 exam analysis by paper
Pilot Q1 (a) | PESTEL |
Pilot Q1 (b) | Porter’s 5 forces |
Pilot Q1 (c) | Company performance appraisal |
Pilot Q2 (a) | Organic growth |
Pilot Q2 (b) | Acquisition |
Pilot Q2 (c) | Strategic alliances |
Pilot Q3 (a) | Forecasting |
Pilot Q3 (b) | Company performance appraisal |
Pilot Q4 (a) | Value chain |
Pilot Q4 (b) | Upstream supply chain |
Pilot Q4 (c) | Downstream supply chain |
December 2007 Q1 (a) | SWOT analysis |
December 2007 Q1 (b) | Generic strategies |
December 2007 Q1 (c) | General strategies |
December 2007 Q2 | Project management |
December 2007 Q3 (a) | Value chain |
December 2007 Q3 (b) | Upstream supply chain |
December 2007 Q3 (c) | Downstream supply chain |
December 2007 Q4 | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
June 2008 Q1 (a) | General position analysis |
June 2008 Q1 (b) | General strategies |
June 2008 Q1 (c) | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
June 2008 Q2 | Outsourcing |
June 2008 Q3 | E-business |
June 2008 Q4 (a) | Business process change and design |
June 2008 Q4 (b) | Change management |
December 2008 Q1 (a) | PESTEL |
December 2008 Q1 (b) | Culture |
December 2008 Q1 (c) | Strategic lenses |
December 2008 Q2 (a) | Company performance appraisal |
December 2008 Q2 (b) | Acquisition appraisal |
December 2008 Q3 (a) | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
December 2008 Q3 (a) and (c) | Project management |
December 2008 Q4 | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
June 2009 Q1 (a) | SWOT analysis |
June 2009 Q1 (b) | General strategies |
June 2009 Q1 (b) | Business process change |
June 2009 Q2 | Life cycle analysis |
June 2009 Q3 (a) | Company performance appraisal |
June 2009 Q3 (b) | Software |
December 2009 Q1 (a) | Porter’s 5 forces |
December 2009 Q1 (b) | Acquisition appraisal |
December 2009 Q1 (c) | Stakeholder analysis |
December 2009 Q2 (a) | Value chain |
December 2009 Q2 (b) | Business process change and design |
December 2009 Q3 (a) | Project management |
December 2009 Q3 (b) | Outsourcing |
December 2009 Q4 | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
June 2010 Q1 (a) | General position analysis |
June 2010 Q1 (b) | Business process change and design |
June 2010 Q1 (c) | E-business |
June 2010 Q2 (a) | Acquisition appraisal |
June 2010 Q2 (b) | Porter’s diamond |
June 2010 Q3 (a) | Outsourcing |
June 2010 Q3 (b) | Employee competences |
June 2010 Q3 (b) | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
June 2010 Q4 (a) | Employee appraisal |
June 2010 Q4 (b) | Employee competences |
December 2010 Q1 (a) | General position analysis |
December 2010 Q1 (b) | Change management |
December 2010 Q1 (c) | Portfolio management |
December 2010 Q2 | E-business |
December 2010 Q3 (a) | Culture |
December 2010 Q3 (b) | Organisational structure |
December 2010 Q4 (a) | Project management – costs and benefits |
December 2010 Q4 (b) | Project management – business case etc |
June 2011 Q1 (a) | PESTEL |
June 2011 Q1 (a) | Porter’s 5 Forces |
June 2011 Q1 (b) | Outsourcing |
June 2011 Q1 (b) | Financial decision making |
June 2011 Q1 (c) | Control and coordination |
June 2011 Q1 (c) | Research and development |
June 2011 Q1 (c) | Risk |
June 2011 Q2 (a) | Investment appraisal |
June 2011 Q2 (a) | Organisation structure |
June 2011 Q3 (a) | Business process design |
June 2011 Q3 (b) | Package software |
June 2011 Q4 (a) | E-business |
June 2011 Q4 (b) | E-business |
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This is Gem.
Thanks opentutions.
excellent hints many thanks to the opentuition
oh……….fine der
thanks v v v much. it is of great worth
this tym again value chain qus?????
U don’t have to struggle with ACCA when there’s this thing called opentuition,,,it makes life simpler.
you are doing a good job. Thanks immensely.
thanks a mill. Great job OT
thnks million
Thanks opentuition for easy to ready notes
It’s usfer for me.Thank Opentuition.
thanks Open Tuition 🙂
Is there any analysis for year done for Jun 2011 exam.Anyone pls advice.Thank you.
Great help,thanks a million
Really topic 4 in December 2010 was not about benefits?
very useful
Very useful ~!
Thank you so so much~!
gr8 work millions of thx to team opentution !!
I do appreciate excellent jobs done within P3, especially, forms of slides, being great to summarize the whole topics!!!!
Is it possible to structure also the other papers.
Never-the-less I would like to articulate GREAT THANS to ‘opentuition’ for its existance and usefulness.