We have done for you ACCA P3 exam analysis
Below is the list of all ACCA P3 past exams and topics being examined so far.
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ACCA P3 exam analysis by paper
Pilot Q1 (a) | PESTEL |
Pilot Q1 (b) | Porter’s 5 forces |
Pilot Q1 (c) | Company performance appraisal |
Pilot Q2 (a) | Organic growth |
Pilot Q2 (b) | Acquisition |
Pilot Q2 (c) | Strategic alliances |
Pilot Q3 (a) | Forecasting |
Pilot Q3 (b) | Company performance appraisal |
Pilot Q4 (a) | Value chain |
Pilot Q4 (b) | Upstream supply chain |
Pilot Q4 (c) | Downstream supply chain |
December 2007 Q1 (a) | SWOT analysis |
December 2007 Q1 (b) | Generic strategies |
December 2007 Q1 (c) | General strategies |
December 2007 Q2 | Project management |
December 2007 Q3 (a) | Value chain |
December 2007 Q3 (b) | Upstream supply chain |
December 2007 Q3 (c) | Downstream supply chain |
December 2007 Q4 | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
June 2008 Q1 (a) | General position analysis |
June 2008 Q1 (b) | General strategies |
June 2008 Q1 (c) | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
June 2008 Q2 | Outsourcing |
June 2008 Q3 | E-business |
June 2008 Q4 (a) | Business process change and design |
June 2008 Q4 (b) | Change management |
December 2008 Q1 (a) | PESTEL |
December 2008 Q1 (b) | Culture |
December 2008 Q1 (c) | Strategic lenses |
December 2008 Q2 (a) | Company performance appraisal |
December 2008 Q2 (b) | Acquisition appraisal |
December 2008 Q3 (a) | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
December 2008 Q3 (a) and (c) | Project management |
December 2008 Q4 | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
June 2009 Q1 (a) | SWOT analysis |
June 2009 Q1 (b) | General strategies |
June 2009 Q1 (b) | Business process change |
June 2009 Q2 | Life cycle analysis |
June 2009 Q3 (a) | Company performance appraisal |
June 2009 Q3 (b) | Software |
December 2009 Q1 (a) | Porter’s 5 forces |
December 2009 Q1 (b) | Acquisition appraisal |
December 2009 Q1 (c) | Stakeholder analysis |
December 2009 Q2 (a) | Value chain |
December 2009 Q2 (b) | Business process change and design |
December 2009 Q3 (a) | Project management |
December 2009 Q3 (b) | Outsourcing |
December 2009 Q4 | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
June 2010 Q1 (a) | General position analysis |
June 2010 Q1 (b) | Business process change and design |
June 2010 Q1 (c) | E-business |
June 2010 Q2 (a) | Acquisition appraisal |
June 2010 Q2 (b) | Porter’s diamond |
June 2010 Q3 (a) | Outsourcing |
June 2010 Q3 (b) | Employee competences |
June 2010 Q3 (b) | NO LONGER ON SYLLABUS |
June 2010 Q4 (a) | Employee appraisal |
June 2010 Q4 (b) | Employee competences |
December 2010 Q1 (a) | General position analysis |
December 2010 Q1 (b) | Change management |
December 2010 Q1 (c) | Portfolio management |
December 2010 Q2 | E-business |
December 2010 Q3 (a) | Culture |
December 2010 Q3 (b) | Organisational structure |
December 2010 Q4 (a) | Project management – costs and benefits |
December 2010 Q4 (b) | Project management – business case etc |
June 2011 Q1 (a) | PESTEL |
June 2011 Q1 (a) | Porter’s 5 Forces |
June 2011 Q1 (b) | Outsourcing |
June 2011 Q1 (b) | Financial decision making |
June 2011 Q1 (c) | Control and coordination |
June 2011 Q1 (c) | Research and development |
June 2011 Q1 (c) | Risk |
June 2011 Q2 (a) | Investment appraisal |
June 2011 Q2 (a) | Organisation structure |
June 2011 Q3 (a) | Business process design |
June 2011 Q3 (b) | Package software |
June 2011 Q4 (a) | E-business |
June 2011 Q4 (b) | E-business |
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I need help with P3 Ques 1 type questions. I am feeling really bugged down with its length and not sure how to approach them.
i’m very thankful.
Opentuition is the BEST
Thanks surely with this guide i will make it with God’s guidance too
thx OT
hey won’t der b any mock exam dis tym????
Its very nice. Thanks a million times. When can we expect the P3 Tips open tuition.
thanks open tuition going to hit now
Thanks open tuition ,you have made my study much easier
wel done guys
Thanks Open Tuition, this will really help.
Thanks OT. this will save me a lot of time
Well Done. It will help us to focus on core topics. But dont forget to cover the whole focus.
thanks open tuition
thanks open tuition
thnx open tuition
i really don’t know how to start with P3,please advise
this is really nice job done by Open tution
I think this is a usefull information.
Thank you opentuition.
excellent hints many thanks to the opentuition