I passed papers F5 and F9 thanks to John Moffat who provided high quality education. Now I can see another great lecturer !!!!!!! Thanks to your team !!!!!!!
Lovely lecture Sir, you make a theoretical subject to be as interesting as a mathematical one in fact more and i am extremely relieved to hear that the fundamental mission of open tuition is to provide these materials for ‘free’
Indeed we as students can never repay your favor and support but we can only pray to god that he gives you and your family all the good things in life because you deserve them
I am sure you have touched hundreds of lives especially those who can’t afford to enroll into expensive tuition classes and you have given them a platform to learn and become someone in this world with the power of education, got them out of dark and given them a ray of hope
I still can’t believe this quality of education is for free as in todays world education has turned out to become a business
Talking of insurance against flying cars reminded me of a “force majeure” clause I read in a company’s contract. So it had the general provisions of “acts of God”, “natural calamities” etc. And there within the list was “Nuclear contamination, unless such contamination is caused by the auditors”. :”) No idea how someone came up with that!
As it is said ‘No lunch is a free lunch’ – I always wonder how on this earth do you manage to provide such excellent tuition and not charge anything to anyone? How can it be a sustainable business model – I fail to understand…
I am grateful for such quality study support. Thank you Mike Little, John Moffat and the whole team behind the scenes!!! Love you OpenTuition, Mike Little and John Moffat!
Sir i’m doing revision now and i have encountered in one question what embedding risk is now i know what embedding risk in the culture means but what does it mean embedding it in the system? can you pls help me with an example so i can understand it better Thanks a lot
Thanks for the great lecture. I want to ask that in Chapter 9 – Risk Management in notes there is an point written: ” ALARP attitude to risk management”
Hi admin/ John i just notice that the video for internal control is missing and this is a very important topic in the P1 syllabus. There is a video title Internal audit and internal control but it only contain the internal audit bit. if the video for internal control is available please pretty please upload it for us. thanks for you free services.
this is excellent
i wanted to know this all p1 lecture is relevant for june16 exam?
because it says for December 2010 exam?
You’re dead right – it’s spot on for June 2016.
No worries
thanks sir
I passed papers F5 and F9 thanks to John Moffat who provided high quality education. Now I can see another great lecturer !!!!!!! Thanks to your team !!!!!!!
What is ALARP at the bottom of page 71?
I’m sure that the acronym is filled out very soon after it’s first mentioned!
Try “as low as reasonably possible”
Lovely lecture Sir, you make a theoretical subject to be as interesting as a mathematical one in fact more and i am extremely relieved to hear that the fundamental mission of open tuition is to provide these materials for ‘free’
Indeed we as students can never repay your favor and support but we can only pray to god that he gives you and your family all the good things in life because you deserve them
I am sure you have touched hundreds of lives especially those who can’t afford to enroll into expensive tuition classes and you have given them a platform to learn and become someone in this world with the power of education, got them out of dark and given them a ray of hope
I still can’t believe this quality of education is for free as in todays world education has turned out to become a business
Wish you well and regards
Thank you for these kind words Imran. They are much appreciated
Talking of insurance against flying cars reminded me of a “force majeure” clause I read in a company’s contract.
So it had the general provisions of “acts of God”, “natural calamities” etc. And there within the list was “Nuclear contamination, unless such contamination is caused by the auditors”.
No idea how someone came up with that!
As it is said ‘No lunch is a free lunch’ – I always wonder how on this earth do you manage to provide such excellent tuition and not charge anything to anyone?
How can it be a sustainable business model – I fail to understand…
I am grateful for such quality study support. Thank you Mike Little, John Moffat and the whole team behind the scenes!!! Love you OpenTuition, Mike Little and John Moffat!
you tube does
But you tube has thousands of contributors.
Opentuition has just 5
Sir i’m doing revision now and i have encountered in one question what embedding risk is now i know what embedding risk in the culture means but what does it mean embedding it in the system? can you pls help me with an example so i can understand it better
Thanks a lot
Sir Mike,
Thanks for the great lecture.
I want to ask that in Chapter 9 – Risk Management in notes there is an point written:
” ALARP attitude to risk management”
what ALARP stands for ?
Oh ! Mike
I got the explanation of my query from the reply of the same query posted by someoneelse
Thanks !!!!!!!!!!
Great Lecturer! I also enjoyed his lectures in F4.
Thanks a lot Admin 馃檪
Superb lecturer with wise ideas and views not only on subject matter but real life too
Just to say thank you Open Tuition. I should say this a whole lot more. This is studying made very convenient for me and I really do appreciate it!
Thanks for the great lecture.
Hi admin/ John
i just notice that the video for internal control is missing and this is a very important topic in the P1 syllabus.
There is a video title Internal audit and internal control but it only contain the internal audit bit.
if the video for internal control is available please pretty please upload it for us.
thanks for you free services.
This lecturer is so much fun to listen to. He makes an otherwise boring course seem very interesting… Thanks!!
my favorite lecturer.thanks for this OT
A very good lecturer is Mr. Mike Little. Thanks to Open Tuition for these wonderful lectures. A special thanks for giving us such a wonderful website.
Thank You All.
Require notes on the changes in governance risk and ethics.