Very informative lecture, usually these kind of lectures make me ponder for very long time and search a lot I got across one course called Justice: What’s the right thing to do by Michael Sandel. Its good for extra reading broadens horizon of thinking.
I enjoy the lectures but I’m easily distracted, I find myself googling TIC heads and the problems they cause. Still it means I won’t forget Teleology Instrumental & Consequential!
Your lectures are helping me very much in my study of PI your interpretation is easy to understand and I enjoy your personal comments and stories which are helping me to remember and understand P! Thank you for making the subject more interesting.
Hi I am a bit confused . The lecture available for p1 is only for Professional accountant. Are these lectures valid for P1 Governance Risks & Ethics. I am a bit anxious that i am gonna be listening to the wrong syllabus. Please help
Very informative lecture, usually these kind of lectures make me ponder for very long time and search a lot I got across one course called Justice: What’s the right thing to do by Michael Sandel. Its good for extra reading broadens horizon of thinking.
Thanks for this intersting lecture
Sir, you are just awesome. I like your lecture very much. Its more enjoyable than watch a movie…..thanks
Thank you. I really enjoyed listening to this topic.
dr no non and T I C good stuff
Immanuel Kant was German by the way
Is it more profitable to be unjust, but seen to be just; or is it more profitable to be just, but seen to be unjust? – Plato
How can i download the notes. can you help me out with that.
turn off any download managers you are using, any modern browser downloads files just fine
I enjoy the lectures but I’m easily distracted, I find myself googling TIC heads and the problems they cause. Still it means I won’t forget Teleology Instrumental & Consequential!
Your lectures are helping me very much in my study of PI your interpretation is easy to understand and I enjoy your personal comments and stories which are helping me to remember and understand P! Thank you for making the subject more interesting.
i m just stuck with downloading the note of p1 .clicking again again ……can somebody tell me is that just waste of time or a help???????
check support page
try another browser (google chrome or apple safari)
lecture is ok not boren
u just watch and listen chapters 11 through to 13
Hi I am a bit confused . The lecture available for p1 is only for Professional accountant. Are these lectures valid for P1 Governance Risks & Ethics. I am a bit anxious that i am gonna be listening to the wrong syllabus.
Please help
syllabus has not changed much, only the name
lectures are fine
how can i download these lectures ?
Lectures are not downloadable
The only way we can provide them free is when students watch them on line
if students start downloading, and no more updates and we shut down the site
I enjoy this lecturer very much, his classes are so entertaining and yet gets to the explanation so clearly. This lecture was very interesting.
@stephanie24, TRUE.
get flash player, turn OFF pop-up ad blockers
video works fine
I cannot access the deontology and teleology notes,kindly help as am stuck stuck and l dnt understand a thing.