Nature of the ACCA P1 paper
ACCA P1 Paper – Governance, Risk and Ethics – aims to develop a student’s knowledge and the skills to be able to exercise professional judgement and ethics in practical situations which they will inevitably face as qualified accountants.
Add in the elements of a thorough knowledge and appreciation of internal controls, corporate responsibility and the management of risk and there you have a summary of the nature of the (relatively new, 2007) paper P1.
Structure of the ACCA P1 paper
Question 1 is a compulsory 50 mark question – between 500 and 700 words of information! It has always been the case that question 1 is sub-divided into multiple parts ( typically 5 or 6 ) and always includes an element of ethics
The remaining 50 marks is allocated to a choice of 2 from 3 questions worth 25 marks each.
Emphasis of the ACCA P1 exam
A clue about the emphasis of the exam is in the title! The emphasis in the exam is on corporate governance, the recognition and management of risk, and the application of ethical mores in the process of decision making.
How to pass ACCA P1 exam
Use the OpenTuition ACCA P1 lectures together with the P1 course notes. Try to read a study text, at least once, but don’t try to continue in any one session once your mind has started wandering. Do something else!
Practice as many past exam questions as you can.
The P1 examiner has, last year, suggested that he could well ask a question which involves simple arithmetic calculations so don’t forget to take your calculator into the exam room.
See also:
P1 Governance, Risk & Ethics Forums post your questions to get help from other students
P1 Past exam papers
P1 Examiners’ report
P1 Technical articles
P1 Examiner’s approach interview
P1 Examiner’s approach article
P1 Examiner’s study guide article part 1
P1 Examiner’s study guide article part 2
P1 Examiner’s analysis interview
P1 Pass rates
Professional Ethics Module
I just take up time to come to this site. I never had time to look deeply. I am so happy I am here . Thanks so much for the O/T. This is great job Well done . I am preparing vigorously for September 2017 exams. Am also wishing to pass at first attempt with all the resources available despite the exam hazels.!
Thanks to open-tuition ones again .
Which Text book is best for ACCA P1
Girls and Guys,
Just some relevant pass time entertainment:
There are many more but these are just 2 I found to be quite good, plus daily financial press.
I have read all the notes from Kaplan, and listen to open tution notes. Now i am starting to answer questions, i know it is little late. But i am planning to use BPP 2014 revisiom kit to do so. Is it still relevant or there is a lot of updates after?
I remembered there was exam tips and listed some hit topics. Where is it now ?:(
We no longer give exam tips on this site – it’s too hit and miss particularly where not all the exams are openly published
hello , topics like value chain which have tested in march exam , are they likely to be tested again in june? Same goes to P1 as well.. Thank you so much.
Hi Team,
I am a CA from India and now planned for doing ACCA.
Registered 2 days back only and as per the scheme I only have to give P1-P7 (only 5 papers).
I am planning to go for P1 in June 2016.
I am a working CA so will only get 2 hours a day to study.
Could you please advise whether to register for P1 for this June 16 and 2 hrs a day will be sufficient for preparing up for exam.
And please advise should i go for BPP or Becker?
Hi Mr.Mike,
I’m planning to sit for P1 in June 2016, And I noticed that you mentioned a study text, And we should read it at least once, my problem is the time that I usually take to read a study text from my experience ! it is really a time consuming for me to read a study text !!.
So please could you give me an advice of how to overcome this problem.
Kind regards,
OK, ignore the idea of reading a study text. However, you MUST get hold of an up-to-date revision kit / exam kit from a reputable publisher
Then read, read and read, questions and answers, over and over again
Listen to the recorded lectures
Read the course notes over and over again (2 hours from start to finish)
Listen to the BBC World news, read a quality newspaper that is free from government interference
Start at the front of a revision kit / exam kit and read from start to finish (at least three times)
You will be truly AMAZED at how much you will retain by constant frequent repetition
And, when you encounter a problem that you want to have explained to you, post on the P! Ask ACCA Tutor forum page (you were lucky that I saw this in Latest Comments – I rarely look there)
Hahahaha I am a lucky guy!!!! OK next time I’ll make sure to Ask my questions in ACCA Tutor forum page.
Any way I will put my faith on your tips, And I’ll fight to the last second.
Thank you Mr.Mike, you are the best !!!
Having the same problem!!!! Thanks a lot Mike!!!
You’re welcome
Can i answer all 3 questions (increase the probability to gain marks) or they will cancel all 3 questions marks . Is it prohibited to answer all 3 Q * 25 marks and the examiner choose the Highest 2 marked questions ?
we hardly have time to answer 3 questions and you think you can answer 4 !
are you okay ???
Brilliant response Francois!
What are the chances of writing according to my understanding and hit some points by luck (not exactly as the syllabus) , writing as long as i can tell even if wasn’t relevant . Is the marking for this paper is tough as f8 ???? I read the student articles you predict but facing problems in Remembering the flash cards !!!!!!!!
What are the chances of you writing a post tomorrow after the exam lamenting the fact that you didn’t start your studying earlier? Whether you know it or not you should be reading, thinking, planning and writing for 3.25 hours anyway
The fact that it may be irrelevant – is not relevant! One of the reasons that the score of 100% has never been achieved is because some relevant points were not included in the answer.
Almost by definition that means that there were some irrelevant points included.
Accept that as a strong probability – you will have irrelevancies within your answer.
The issue with you is whether you can happily, luckily, tangentially happen upon enough relevant points
Hopefully you can 🙂
MikeLittle you’re a hoot, love your comments on here 🙂 would there be any chance of getting a past paper exam analysis for P1? I use them for practicing sections of the syllabus as I go along and am growing to detest writing them up. Would love your help 🙂
Hi Angel
I’ve tried doing analyses for all three P level papers that I cover (1, 2 and 7) but find that I’m effectively writing out the syllabus for each exam.
I have enough problems trying to decide upon a selection of topics that I can suggest as tips – a problem that is facing me as I write – without trying yet again to come up with a sensible past exam question analysis.
The reputable publishers however do seem to manage a similar task – have you possibly looked at their analyses?
All set! Just don’t know what to do with the cold feet!!!
Wear thermal socks!
Okay 5 days to go and i havent studied P1 at all! not a single word! im still gonna sit in the exam just to check my luck!
please give any recommendations (tips, should i read through all the notes of opentuition, technical articles, past paper answers to the questions i must read)
i know the “Don’t rely on the tips” thing, but please help me out here! my reliance on ur tips nd suggestion might help me pass at this take! or else there is always a next take to sit!!
thanks, waiting for some magic to happen!!=))
Read, read and read. Course notes alongside watching the videos
Read, read and read past questions and answers
Let the basics soak into your mind, your body and your soul
Just read as much as you can as often as you can face it
And don’t leave it so late to start next time!
what is the % of chances the tips coming in exam question as per your experience..Paper P1
We always say “Don’t rely on the tips”
Some tuition establishments appear to tip the syllabus! They tend to get 100% success rate. My tips are simply guesses as to what may come up. But if you have your own ideas of where you might sensibly devote your efforts, then go with that
Again, my tips are if you now merely wish to keep your knowledge ticking over, then these are some areas that I am suggesting
Sure,kindly give me your tips 🙂
Any chance to have new lectures of the new syllabus? I am using only opentuition notes and lectures, BPP’s revision kit and pass exam papers
There’s quite an extensive chapter on integrated reporting now in the course notes (updated 2 months ago)
I’m not sure that the other amendments deserve any comment. I may need to re-consider after I have taught it but at the moment there are no plans for new lectures
Sorry 🙁
Hello mike. Firstly, i love the way you teach, very motivational and has made me develop interest in this subject. Could you please tell me why there isnt a lecture on integrated reporting and public sector governance? or may i cant find it if its there? Please help
thanks in advance
Only saw this post by sheer chance – if you really want a tutor to respond to you, then you need to post on the ask the tutor pages.
Integrated reporting and public sector governance came into the syllabus just this last six months and I haven’t had recording facilities available for much longer than that
There is a quite comprehensive chapter on integrated reporting and there’s not a lot of contentious matter in the topic. It should be relatively easy to be self-studied
As for PSG (not the football team) I seem to remember bringing this in to lectures even before it was in the syllabus. Again, it should be self-studiable
Good luck tomorrow!
My biggest challenge is with the slow internet connection in Sierra Leone. I’m unable to benefit from your online lecture note. Is there any other way you can help? It has been quite frustrating for me.
Sorry about this but I doubt that there is much we can do without getting involved in the politics of Sierra Leone
Hi can we access to new syllabus topic course notes for P1 here ? Thanks
Much of the “new” stuff was already covered within the “old” notes. There is a new chapter on integrated reporting within the updated notes and tiny changes elsewhere (for example the introduction of “innovation” and “scepticism” within “hairdrift”) but otherwise the notes should be reliable
When studyng P1 i get tired because the notes are too much…what is your advise do i need to understand the themes or even the points.
You think the notes are too much!? Try reading a study text!
Have you tried listening to the lectures on this site?
“Do I need to understand the themes or even the points?” Is this really a question from an ACCA P1 student? Of course you need to understand! How else are you going to be able to answer the questions?
I seem to have issues viewing the video slides. Kindly guide me
Is Non executive director allowed to shares and received fees ?
@simonadejo, Yes, strangely a ned is allowed to have shares and options. The justification is that it gives them an incentive to ensure the long term viability / success of the company and that in itself is in everyone’s interests
Receiving fees? Why would they wish to give up their time for no compensation? These people are, almost by definition, successful business people and they almost certainly did not achieve that success by freely giving their skills away.
They’re not like the tutors at OT who DO give their skills away!
OT team are not just successful but they are legends, innovators, trendsetters and business guru.
Agree! Thanks OT!