OpenTuition provides online, and free of charge, courses for each of the ACCA and CIMA examinations. The courses are equivalent to the sort of course you would receive if you were to attend a ‘face-to-face’ course with one of the tuition providers.
Each course comprises a series of lectures together with Lecture Notes that are used in the lectures.
To follow the course you need to download (and print out) the Lecture Notes, and with them in front of you, you then need to watch the lectures in order.
The one extra book that you must obtain is a Revision/Exam Kit from one of the approved publishers. These contain lots of exam-standard questions on which to practice, and practice is vital if you are to pass the exam.
After completing each lecture you should practice questions from your Revision/Exam Kit on the relevant topic, and when you have finished the whole series of lectures you should go back and practice and practice questions.
If you encounter any problems while watching the lectures or while practicing questions, then ask in our forums. There are forums for each paper – the general paper forums are places where you can get help from other students; the Ask the Tutor paper forums are where you can ask questions of our tutors.
In addition we have ‘mock exams’ where you can practice questions under time pressure.
Do note that our Lecture Notes are precisely that – they are notes to be used with our lectures. They are not meant to replace Study Texts, and you should not try to learn just from the Lecture Notes – you do need to watch the lectures.
Having a Study Text is not essential – if you do have one, then the more reading the better, but it is best used more as a reference book to look up any areas that you find that you are having difficulty with.
As already mentioned, a Revision/Exam Kit from one of the approved publishers is essential. However confident you may be of the exam topics, it is vital to practice as many exam-standard questions as possible in order to check your understanding, to get used to the style of the questions and the level of difficulty, and to get used to the time-pressure of the exam.
For a full list of the resources available for each paper you should select ‘ACCA’ or ‘CIMA’ from the home page menu, and then select the relevant paper.
Hi Team. I’m new to OpenTuition and would just like to ask a few questions please. (1) Are the lectures on this site for each module comprehensive (i.e. do they cover everything you need to know to pass)? (2) Are lecture videos/notes for any modules revised regularly (or due to be updated any time soon). Just to check so I know if I can use the current videos to study if was to take the exam in 6-9months’ time for example. Thanks in advance!
I have problem with downloading the notes. Is there anything wrong? Why can’t I download?Please help me!!!
what exactly is the problem? error ?
I want to subscribe my self for ACCA course. What steps need to use in order to have my subscription made and become ACCA student?
Best Regards,
In order to be able to sit the examinations and qualify as an ACCA you need to register with the ACCA. You can find all the details on their website:
There are various ways to study for the exams. If you choose to use our free video courses then there is no subscription for the studying – everything on our website is free of charge.
Hi I just just joined this open tuition and I am having problem in finding out virtual lectures, can u help me with this.
I am planning to appear in September 2020 examination. Will thee notes and lectures provided here help me in passing September 2020 examinatio?
Yes. All our lectures and notes are up-to-date for the September 2020 exams 🙂
after reading notes ,I have become unsure about it because only the notes will not help in passing , and the lectures will only cover 30-40 % , but the exam preparation plan is something different.
Thank you very much for the site. I have a challenge of downloading readable notes from the site. Please, kindly show me how to do that.
do u think only the notes here will help u pass easily ?
No – they are lecture notes and so you need to watch the lectures as well. The lectures work through the notes and explain and expand on the notes.
I used to use this email address but I forgot the password so I now opened a new email with Gmail which I use currently. It is jo**********@gm***.com and I still use the new Gmail to register with open tution at the moment. Thanks.
I am Nasson Chibwana just reregistered. I am sure the the open tuition will be of help to me.
I hope it will be of help 🙂
I am a graduate of Accounting from an ICAN accredited university in Nigeria. What exceptions can I get from ACCA?
See ACCA’s www and exemptions calculator at You will have to follow up any specific questions not answered there directly with ACCA.
Hello Okeji94. The typical Nigerian university with NUC accreditation gets 4 paper exemptions from the knowledge level and law, but if your university is also ACCA accredited, you get further exemptions depending on how many exemptions your university gets from ACCA. If you tell me your university, I will be able to confirm the exemptions to you. But fastest way is to just check up in the link provided above. Or simply write to acca,ni*****@ac********.com
I have complrted my BBA and I’m gonna start CIMA from operational level. Where can I find CIMA lectures and books? Please need some advices as i have no one who can guide me in this field.
See our CIMA section for free resources
My name is Mowlid abdirahman ali im new opentuition study ACCA i want to study hard and success my dream and achieve this professional Course.
How i become a student with you?
You do not need to register as a student with us – all the lectures are free of charge.
I am an accounting student and I want to take up ACCA papers to get ACCA qualification for my career but I don’t know how I will get to start studying the papers. Please, I need information about this.
I’ve just registered and by looking at the availability of study materials and other related services, I believe that OpenTuition will be helpful to my studies and my professional career in accounting. Thanks to those behind this.
I hope that you do indeed find what we offer to be helpful 🙂
This site is indeed a big relief,
May God bless all that is involved in Open tuition.
May God bless you!
What about them?
Thanks to opentuition