OpenTuition provides online, and free of charge, courses for each of the ACCA and CIMA examinations. The courses are equivalent to the sort of course you would receive if you were to attend a ‘face-to-face’ course with one of the tuition providers.
Each course comprises a series of lectures together with Lecture Notes that are used in the lectures.
To follow the course you need to download (and print out) the Lecture Notes, and with them in front of you, you then need to watch the lectures in order.
The one extra book that you must obtain is a Revision/Exam Kit from one of the approved publishers. These contain lots of exam-standard questions on which to practice, and practice is vital if you are to pass the exam.
After completing each lecture you should practice questions from your Revision/Exam Kit on the relevant topic, and when you have finished the whole series of lectures you should go back and practice and practice questions.
If you encounter any problems while watching the lectures or while practicing questions, then ask in our forums. There are forums for each paper – the general paper forums are places where you can get help from other students; the Ask the Tutor paper forums are where you can ask questions of our tutors.
In addition we have ‘mock exams’ where you can practice questions under time pressure.
Do note that our Lecture Notes are precisely that – they are notes to be used with our lectures. They are not meant to replace Study Texts, and you should not try to learn just from the Lecture Notes – you do need to watch the lectures.
Having a Study Text is not essential – if you do have one, then the more reading the better, but it is best used more as a reference book to look up any areas that you find that you are having difficulty with.
As already mentioned, a Revision/Exam Kit from one of the approved publishers is essential. However confident you may be of the exam topics, it is vital to practice as many exam-standard questions as possible in order to check your understanding, to get used to the style of the questions and the level of difficulty, and to get used to the time-pressure of the exam.
For a full list of the resources available for each paper you should select ‘ACCA’ or ‘CIMA’ from the home page menu, and then select the relevant paper.
For professional excellence
I want to use this opportunity to thank you all for joining me in this field of Studies. I do appreciate you all. Thank you
You are warmly welcome!
Dear Sir,
this is to let you know that i can not get any book from your side will you please help in regards.
When can I start?
One more important point. Do read the technical articles on Acca’s website
I Appreciated This Site Because i see Many Things that i needed and important for me thanks
Thank you for your comment 🙂
Really appreciate it
Why is it free? Nothing comes free in today’s world.
I joined ACCA in 2016 then resigned for some reasons but I am thinking to go back and do it.
I really hope this website will help me. Although i am still figuring how to make most of it.
Thank you guys in advance.
If it’s all actually free, I am glad I am back.
Thank you
It’s really quite amazing! I was also skeptical but it does in fact appear to be completely free – I’ve never been asked for money and I’m now through 7 papers
I think they probably get money from us clicking on adverts and they’ve also got a facility for students to make donations but there’s no pressure
All their notes and lectures cut to the chase and are easily readable and understood – radically different from study texts! And, when youve got a problem you can post on the ask the tutor forum and they’ll get back to you Its brilliant – I just hope that I get qualified while their still around