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Corporate and Business Law (LW-ENG) (LW-GLO)
Strategic Business Leader (SBL)
Strategic Business Reporting (SBR)
Advanced Financial Management (AFM)
Advanced Performance Management (APM)
Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)
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Hello is anyone studying F1 papers, as I need a study partner?
For questions please use a FORUM – I suggest this one https://opentuition.com/forum/acca-forums/acca-bt-business-and-technology-forums
Now there’s a question that will tax the collective minds of the OT tutors!
Have you given any thought as to how they might answer you?
How can I access tutorial notes for DipIFRS
How can I access tutorial notes for DipIGRS
how can i access notes for Advance taxation
Hi, May I know open tuition have study source for Taxation-Malaysia?
Thank you very much
Hello! Can you please help me with accounting for material
You need to watch the free lectures for whichever exam you are taking, and then ask in the relevant Ask the Tutor Forum if you are not clear about anything.
I would like to sit for 2 papers in Dec 2014, F9 and any P paper. Which one is the best combination? Please advise
The ACCA recommend that you take the papers number order,
Which would mean F9 and P1, which is a good combination anyway. (Assuming of course that you have passed , or been exempted from, all of the other F level papers)
Thank you very much