Hello sir, In 1st question while calculating NCI we calculated depreciation for building but in question 2 why don’t we calculate depreciation for Parcel of land
It’s a misprint in the answer. If you have calculated the figure correctly and arrived at 2,674 then you would see that the figure of 1,780,000 as written in the question is what should have appeared in the answers for the wrong choices
In fact, if you were to recalculate the printed wrong answers using 1,760,000 you would quickly realize that there was a misprint
Thanks Sir! Got my NCI topic strong like it was never before i learned how to time apportion depreciation and add back when the revaluation value was lower.Thanks again you are the best. On a side note on question 7 you made a mistake the calculation should be based on 100,000 shares rather than 50,000 shares because nancy had 50000 50 cent shares(50000/0.5=100000).
20000 50c shares is totally different from $20000 50c shares.
The 1st instance is 20 000 shares with a par values of 50c, therefore the total value is $10000.
The 2nd instance is shares with a par value of 50c valued at $20000, every $1 has 2 shares(at 50c each). So number of shares becomes 20000 x 2 or 20000 ÷0.5, which gives 40000 shares.
When par value is $1 there is no problem because money value and number of shares is the same. The above applies to situation where par value is not $1.
Fair value of the asset is $40,000 LOWER than carrying value but depreciation will have been calculated on carrying value so that means depreciation calculated on the $40,000
Over 4 years, that’s $10,000 each year too much depreciation expense so that excess is added back to retained earnings
In question 3 where it says Goodwill impaired by £20 it doesn’t quite imply thousands or tens of thousands or even million, wish it did as I was stubborn to use simply £20
On 1 January 20X6, Dargent Co acquired 75% of Latree Co’s equity shares by means of a share exchange of two shares in Dargent Co for every three Latree Co shares acquired. On that date, further consideration was also issued to the shareholders of Latree Co in the form of a $100 8% loan note for every 100 shares acquired in Latree Co. None of the purchase consideration, nor the outstanding interest on the loan notes at 31 March 20X6, has yet been recorded by Dargent Co. At the date of acquisition, the share price of Dargent Co and Latree Co is $3·20 and $1·80 respectively. The summarised statements of financial position of the two companies as at 31 March 20X6 are: Dargent Co Latree Co $’000 $’000 Assets Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (note (i)) 75,200 31,500 Investment in Amery Co at 1 April 20X5 (note (iv)) 4,500 – –––––––– ––––––– 79,700 31,500 Current assets Inventory (note (iii)) 19,400 18,800 Trade receivables (note (iii)) 14,700 12,500 Bank 1,200 600 –––––––– ––––––– 35,300 31,900 –––––––– ––––––– Total assets 115,000 63,400 –––––––– ––––––– Equity and liabilities Equity Equity shares of $1 each 50,000 20,000 Retained earnings – at 1 April 20X5 20,000 19,000 – for year ended 31 March 20X6 16,000 8,000 –––––––– ––––––– 86,000 47,000 Non-current liabilities 8% loan notes 5,000 nil Current liabilities (note (iii)) 24,000 16,400 –––––––– ––––––– 29,000 16,400 –––––––– ––––––– Total equity and liabilities 115,000 63,400 –––––––– ––––––– The following information is relevant: (i) At the date of acquisition, the fair values of Latree Co’s assets were equal to their carrying amounts. However, Latree Co operates a mine which requires to be decommissioned in five years’ time. No provision has been made for these decommissioning costs by Latree Co. The present value (discounted at 8%) of the decommissioning is estimated at $4m and will be paid five years from the date of acquisition (the end of the mine’s life). (ii) Dargent Co’s policy is to value the non-controlling interest at fair value at the date of acquisition. Latree Co’s share price at that date can be deemed to be representative of the fair value of the shares held by the non-controlling interest. (iii) The inventory of Latree Co includes goods bought from Dargent Co for $2·1m. Dargent Co applies a consistent mark-up on cost of 40% when arriving at its selling prices. On 28 March 20X6, Dargent Co despatched goods to Latree Co with a selling price of $700,000. These were not received by Latree Co until after the year end and so have not been included in the above inventory at 31 March 20X6. At 31 March 20X6, Dargent Co’s records showed a receivable due from Latree Co of $3m, this differed to the equivalent payable in Latree Co’s records due to the goods in transit. 4The intra-group reconciliation should be achieved by assuming that Latree Co had received the goods in transit before the year end. (iv) The investment in Amery Co represents 30% of its voting share capital and Dargent Co uses equity accounting to account for this investment. Amery Co’s profit for the year ended 31 March 20X6 was $6m and Amery Co paid total dividends during the year ended 31 March 20X6 of $2m. Dargent Co has recorded its share of the dividend received from Amery Co in investment income (and cash). (v) All profits and losses accrued evenly throughout the year. (vi) There were no impairment losses within the group for the year ended 31 March 20X6. Required: Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for Dargent Co as at 31 March 20X6. (20 marks) End of Question Paper
Dargent’s records show a receivable from Latree of $3 million and that includes the $700,000 despatched and invoiced on 28 March
Latree has not received these goods until after the year end so has not included them within the inventory figure nor within Payables and Purchases
Accelerate these goods notionally into the possession of Latree …
Dr Purchases $700,000 Cr Payables (Dargent) $700,000
and include this $700,000 in …
closing inventory of the statement of financial position and within the cost of sales calculation on the statement of profit or loss
Write these 4 figures onto your question paper in the appropriate places
The current accounts now reconcile
We have made no adjustment to Dargent’s records and they started off showing a $3 million receivable from Latree
Therefore, following this adjustment that we have just made, Latree’s payables will now also show a balance of $3 million
That must mean that the figure shown as a payable before the adjustment was $2,300,000 and we have just increased that amount by recording the $700,000 relating to those goods in transit
Those entries that we made can be considered this way:
we have affected the cost of sales calculation twice … firstly we increased the amount shown in the question by debiting purchases with $700,000 and then we decreased that amended figure by increasing the closing inventory by that same $700,000
So there was NO affect on cost of sales
The net affect of the adjustment was an increase in Payables and an increase in Closing Inventory – both of these figures are amounts that appear on the statement of financial position
In summary, we increased Latree’s current liabilities (payables) and we increased current assets (inventory)
Finally, we need to make adjustment for the pup in those goods in transit (you will already have made the pup adjustment for the reported closing inventory of $2,100,000 where the unrealised profit is calculated as 40/140 x $2,100,000 = $600,000)
Now we need to calculate this further unrealised profit in the goods in transit as 40/140 x $700,000 = $200,000
The adjustment for both these pup amounts is to reduce Dargent’s retained earnings by an aggregate amount of $800,000 and reduce combined inventory by that same $800,000
In future, if your question does not relate to the specific questions on a page, please open a separate thread in the Ask ACCA Tutor forum
hello Sir, in the loan note consideration in the DArgent question ,in the answer on BPP text book why is it (20, 000 x 75%x 1000/1000 ), why is it 1000 / 1000. i dont understand where they got 1000
Understood thanks.. I scored 7/8 on This chapter. . Just as a question of interest. When they say.. $50 000 50c equity shares. Does it means the shares were 100 000 And when it says .. 50 000 50c equity shares .. then it will be $25 000 equity shares. .
Hi, Why is it that in question 1, we deducted only 100,000 from the retained earnings figure, I understand that the 100,000 is the depreciation not charged, but why didn’t we deduct 2,300,000 or have we assumed that the fair value adjustement of 2,400,000 for building was already in the books as at 31 December 2014, hence we only had to takeout 100,000.
That $2,400,000 building fair value adjustment is not in the records of the subsidiary! If it had been, then the depreciation figure would have been correct
The 4/12 of the year x $300,000 annual depreciation is therefore $100,000 additional depreciation of the fair value adjustment
No “or have we assumed that the fair value adjustement of 2,400,000 for building was already in the books” we have not assumed this. On the contrary we know that it hasn’t been included as an adjusted figure in the subsidiary because the depreciation calculation would have taken this into account
What HAS already been taken into account in our calculations is that the nci share of that fair value adjustment is already reflected within the share price of $2.60 per share so, when calculating the nci at the year end, all we have to do is take their share of the adjusted subsidiary post-acquisition profits and add to their investment value as at the date of acquisition
I do understand but in solving example 11 of chapter 7, we added the NBV balance (cost less two years accum. depreciation) of the depreciable non current asset to the subsidiary’s retained earnings per the question (in working 3). My question is in this case say I was solving working 3, then Shouldn’t I have:
F P Per question 690,000 720,000 F.v of building 2,300,000 (yours had (100,000) here) Pre acquisition (3,040,000) (Yours had (640,000) here) Post acquisition 20,000 (and not (20,000))
Hello Mike, please could you help me, I get the same as Daniel in the lecture example 11 of chapter 7 you did it a different way so now I’m confused, Please help!!
in the lecture it works it out as the below:
per question 690,000 720,000 pre acq (640,000) FV adj 2,400,000 Deprecation (100,000)
Post acq 690,000 2,380,000
30% 714,000 NIC at DOA 3,120,000 3,834,000
please could you let me know which way I should be doing it 🙁
Rebecca, we’re told that, at date of acquisition the nci has a value of 1,200,000 shares @ $2.60 each = $3,120,000
The pre-acquisition retained earnings per the question were $640,000
At the year end the retained earnings had risen to $720,000 but there needs to be $100,000 deducted as extra depreciation (4 months @ the rate of $300,000 per year)
So those year end retained earnings fall to $620,000 and that means that there is a post-acquisition loss of $20,000
The nci share of that loss is 30% = $6,000
So at the year end the nci is valued at $3,114,000 ($3,120,000 – $6,000)
And it’s example 1 (ONE) not 11!
Hi Everyone,
Re Question 1:
Can you please help to explain, why should the excess revaluation of $2,400,000.00 has not been add to to retain earning of Prey Plc in order to caculate 30% of NCI:
NCI %30 : Per question 720 Revaluation reverse 2,400 less Depr/n (100) _____ 3,020 less pre acq (640) ______ post 2,380
Share NCI 30% 714 Hence NCI in CS of FP: 3120 + 714 = 3,834
can you please elaborate “with the Prey’s plc share price being a reasonable indication of fair value”.
I still not understand why you didn’t ADD the FA value of 2,300,000.00 {2,400,000-100,000} after depreciation deduction. Because in video lecture, he explained like that. please clarify.
What elaboration is needed? If we know how many shares are owned by the nci and we know the market price of a share, then when we multiply the number owned by the nci together with the individual price per share we arrive at the nci investment valuation. What elaboration is needed?
The question specifically tells us that the share price is a reasonable indication of the value of the nci investment. Why would I now go adding onto the assets as at acquisition date the value of the $2,400,000 fair value adjustment in order to calculate the value of the nci investment? The question tells me that value!
Apparently (although it isn’t specifically stated so in the question) the market in Prey’s shares has taken account of the fair value difference when compared with Prey’s assets at carrying values and the share price has been influenced by that assessment made by the stock market
As for your comment “Because in video lecture, he explained like that” it’s most likely that exact same scenaria will not be met in exam questions. If I explained something in a lecture in a particular way, it’s because the way that I showed fitted the circumstances of the example that I was illustrating
This is a problem faced by students that wish to memorise steps instead of trying to understand the logic behind what is happening
Understand the logic and the steps come naturally
I got it. Thanks every one. Have a great week end!
Richard, $90,000 instead of $100,000 is not a rounding error! How can you arrive at $90,000 when all you have to do is take 4/12 of $300,000? (4 months out of 12 is 4/12 = 1/3 and 1/3 does not equal .3!)
There is no mistake in the answer
“It said 2000000 of 50c shares which is 1000000”
No it didn’t! It said $2,000,000 50cent equity shares and that means that there are 4,000,000 shares, each with a face value of 50 cents giving a total share capital value of $2,000,000
For question 6, if we know that the subsidiary has an overvalued item on their balance sheet, shouldn’t we ask them to depreciate the asset on their own balance sheet in order to reflect the fair value?
So confused right now with question 8. In every other question the solution was to ADD the calculated depreciation amount to post acq. retained earnings. Why is the 500 subtracted from retained earnings in question 8?
‘4 months so should be 40k / 4 / 4(quarter of a year)’
depreciation has been calculated on the carrying value of the subsidiary’s assets but these are overvalued so the subsidiary has charged too much depreciation
That’s why we need to add back the $3,333 – because it has been overcharged
But aren’t there 16 months from 1 May, 2013 to 31August, 2014? Shouldn’t we adding back the depreciation for all the 16 months? ($40000 / 4years /12 months * 16 months= $13 333)
Hello sir,
In 1st question while calculating NCI we calculated depreciation for building but in question 2 why don’t we calculate depreciation for Parcel of land
What’s the estimated useful life of land? So far it’s been around for 4 billion years and it could last for a few more yet
Thank you sir
you’re welcome 🙂
sir, can u please explain me the first question of how we get 1,200,000 shares?
Thanks in advance
$2,000,000 worth of 50 cent shares means there are 4,000,000 Preys shares in issue
Flue acquires 70% of those 4,000,000 leaving the nci with 30%
And 30% of 4,000,000 is 1,200,000
In question 2, could you please tell me where the 1760000 comes from in the retained earnings working?
It’s a misprint in the answer. If you have calculated the figure correctly and arrived at 2,674 then you would see that the figure of 1,780,000 as written in the question is what should have appeared in the answers for the wrong choices
In fact, if you were to recalculate the printed wrong answers using 1,760,000 you would quickly realize that there was a misprint
But thanks for pointing it out
Thanks Sir! Got my NCI topic strong like it was never before i learned how to time apportion depreciation and add back when the revaluation value was lower.Thanks again you are the best.
On a side note on question 7 you made a mistake the calculation should be based on 100,000 shares rather than 50,000 shares because nancy had 50000 50 cent shares(50000/0.5=100000).
If Nancy had 50,000 shares, Nancy had 50,000 shares
Are you really sure that she had 100,000 shares when the question says she had 50,000 shares?
I’d be surprised 🙂
Q1, Q7 and Q7 have exactly the same wordings, none of them has saying “worth of shares”, and yet on Q7 is treated differently?
“$2,000,000 50 cent equity shares” is NOT exactly the same as “50,000 50 cent equity shares”
Look at it carefully!
20000 50c shares is totally different from $20000 50c shares.
The 1st instance is 20 000 shares with a par values of 50c, therefore the total value is $10000.
The 2nd instance is shares with a par value of 50c valued at $20000, every $1 has 2 shares(at 50c each). So number of shares becomes 20000 x 2 or 20000 ÷0.5, which gives 40000 shares.
When par value is $1 there is no problem because money value and number of shares is the same. The above applies to situation where par value is not $1.
Hope it helps.
Now my questions regarding Q6: why do you calculate the depriciation so? And why do you add to RE?
Thanks in advance!
Fair value of the asset is $40,000 LOWER than carrying value but depreciation will have been calculated on carrying value so that means depreciation calculated on the $40,000
Over 4 years, that’s $10,000 each year too much depreciation expense so that excess is added back to retained earnings
ok! I hope I will remember it at the exam =)
Thank you very much for your help again!
Could you help me with Q3, please?
Do we remove 25% of Goodwill because it is impaired?
Is opposite situation possible or not?
Thanks in advance! =)
Yes,it’s the NCI’s share of the goodwill impairment
And the opposite cannot happen – there cannot be a post-acquisition increase in the value of goodwill
In question 3 where it says Goodwill impaired by £20 it doesn’t quite imply thousands or tens of thousands or even million, wish it did as I was stubborn to use simply £20
No, it’s on my list of corrections to be done
It should, of course, be $20,000 (from memory!)
On 1 January 20X6, Dargent Co acquired 75% of Latree Co’s equity shares by means of a share exchange of two
shares in Dargent Co for every three Latree Co shares acquired. On that date, further consideration was also issued
to the shareholders of Latree Co in the form of a $100 8% loan note for every 100 shares acquired in Latree Co.
None of the purchase consideration, nor the outstanding interest on the loan notes at 31 March 20X6, has yet been
recorded by Dargent Co. At the date of acquisition, the share price of Dargent Co and Latree Co is $3·20 and $1·80
The summarised statements of financial position of the two companies as at 31 March 20X6 are:
Dargent Co Latree Co
$’000 $’000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment (note (i)) 75,200 31,500
Investment in Amery Co at 1 April 20X5 (note (iv)) 4,500 – –––––––– –––––––
79,700 31,500
Current assets
Inventory (note (iii)) 19,400 18,800
Trade receivables (note (iii)) 14,700 12,500
Bank 1,200 600 –––––––– –––––––
35,300 31,900 –––––––– –––––––
Total assets 115,000 63,400 –––––––– –––––––
Equity and liabilities
Equity shares of $1 each 50,000 20,000
Retained earnings – at 1 April 20X5 20,000 19,000
– for year ended 31 March 20X6 16,000 8,000 –––––––– –––––––
86,000 47,000
Non-current liabilities
8% loan notes 5,000 nil
Current liabilities (note (iii)) 24,000 16,400 –––––––– –––––––
29,000 16,400 –––––––– –––––––
Total equity and liabilities 115,000 63,400 –––––––– –––––––
The following information is relevant:
(i) At the date of acquisition, the fair values of Latree Co’s assets were equal to their carrying amounts. However,
Latree Co operates a mine which requires to be decommissioned in five years’ time. No provision has been made
for these decommissioning costs by Latree Co. The present value (discounted at 8%) of the decommissioning is
estimated at $4m and will be paid five years from the date of acquisition (the end of the mine’s life).
(ii) Dargent Co’s policy is to value the non-controlling interest at fair value at the date of acquisition. Latree Co’s share
price at that date can be deemed to be representative of the fair value of the shares held by the non-controlling
(iii) The inventory of Latree Co includes goods bought from Dargent Co for $2·1m. Dargent Co applies a consistent
mark-up on cost of 40% when arriving at its selling prices.
On 28 March 20X6, Dargent Co despatched goods to Latree Co with a selling price of $700,000. These were
not received by Latree Co until after the year end and so have not been included in the above inventory at
31 March 20X6.
At 31 March 20X6, Dargent Co’s records showed a receivable due from Latree Co of $3m, this differed to the
equivalent payable in Latree Co’s records due to the goods in transit.
4The intra-group reconciliation should be achieved by assuming that Latree Co had received the goods in transit
before the year end.
(iv) The investment in Amery Co represents 30% of its voting share capital and Dargent Co uses equity accounting
to account for this investment. Amery Co’s profit for the year ended 31 March 20X6 was $6m and Amery Co
paid total dividends during the year ended 31 March 20X6 of $2m. Dargent Co has recorded its share of the
dividend received from Amery Co in investment income (and cash).
(v) All profits and losses accrued evenly throughout the year.
(vi) There were no impairment losses within the group for the year ended 31 March 20X6.
Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for Dargent Co as at 31 March 20X6.
(20 marks)
End of Question Paper
Sir,plss explain the cash in transit and GIT adjustment..
This should be in the Ask ACCA Tutor forum!
Dargent’s records show a receivable from Latree of $3 million and that includes the $700,000 despatched and invoiced on 28 March
Latree has not received these goods until after the year end so has not included them within the inventory figure nor within Payables and Purchases
Accelerate these goods notionally into the possession of Latree …
Dr Purchases $700,000
Cr Payables (Dargent) $700,000
and include this $700,000 in …
closing inventory of the statement of financial position and
within the cost of sales calculation on the statement of profit or loss
Write these 4 figures onto your question paper in the appropriate places
The current accounts now reconcile
We have made no adjustment to Dargent’s records and they started off showing a $3 million receivable from Latree
Therefore, following this adjustment that we have just made, Latree’s payables will now also show a balance of $3 million
That must mean that the figure shown as a payable before the adjustment was $2,300,000 and we have just increased that amount by recording the $700,000 relating to those goods in transit
Those entries that we made can be considered this way:
we have affected the cost of sales calculation twice … firstly we increased the amount shown in the question by debiting purchases with $700,000 and then we decreased that amended figure by increasing the closing inventory by that same $700,000
So there was NO affect on cost of sales
The net affect of the adjustment was an increase in Payables and an increase in Closing Inventory – both of these figures are amounts that appear on the statement of financial position
In summary, we increased Latree’s current liabilities (payables) and we increased current assets (inventory)
Finally, we need to make adjustment for the pup in those goods in transit (you will already have made the pup adjustment for the reported closing inventory of $2,100,000 where the unrealised profit is calculated as 40/140 x $2,100,000 = $600,000)
Now we need to calculate this further unrealised profit in the goods in transit as 40/140 x $700,000 = $200,000
The adjustment for both these pup amounts is to reduce Dargent’s retained earnings by an aggregate amount of $800,000 and reduce combined inventory by that same $800,000
In future, if your question does not relate to the specific questions on a page, please open a separate thread in the Ask ACCA Tutor forum
hello Sir,
in the loan note consideration in the DArgent question ,in the answer on BPP text book why is it (20, 000 x 75%x 1000/1000 ), why is it 1000 / 1000. i dont understand where they got 1000
Welcome to Hell^^
There are minor errors in several parts, but we will be professionals, so get over it and enjoy kkkkk
Understood thanks.. I scored 7/8 on This chapter. .
Just as a question of interest.
When they say.. $50 000 50c equity shares. Does it means the shares were 100 000
And when it says .. 50 000 50c equity shares .. then it will be $25 000 equity shares. .
That’s correct
Hi, Why is it that in question 1, we deducted only 100,000 from the retained earnings figure, I understand that the 100,000 is the depreciation not charged, but why didn’t we deduct 2,300,000 or have we assumed that the fair value adjustement of 2,400,000 for building was already in the books as at 31 December 2014, hence we only had to takeout 100,000.
That $2,400,000 building fair value adjustment is not in the records of the subsidiary! If it had been, then the depreciation figure would have been correct
The 4/12 of the year x $300,000 annual depreciation is therefore $100,000 additional depreciation of the fair value adjustment
No “or have we assumed that the fair value adjustement of 2,400,000 for building was already in the books” we have not assumed this. On the contrary we know that it hasn’t been included as an adjusted figure in the subsidiary because the depreciation calculation would have taken this into account
What HAS already been taken into account in our calculations is that the nci share of that fair value adjustment is already reflected within the share price of $2.60 per share so, when calculating the nci at the year end, all we have to do is take their share of the adjusted subsidiary post-acquisition profits and add to their investment value as at the date of acquisition
Is that OK?
I do understand but in solving example 11 of chapter 7, we added the NBV balance (cost less two years accum. depreciation) of the depreciable non current asset to the subsidiary’s retained earnings per the question (in working 3). My question is in this case say I was solving working 3, then Shouldn’t I have:
Per question 690,000 720,000
F.v of building 2,300,000 (yours had (100,000) here)
Pre acquisition (3,040,000) (Yours had (640,000) here)
Post acquisition 20,000 (and not (20,000))
Thanks in advance
I’m sorry but I don’t recognise the reference of “example 11 of chapter 7”
Where is it?
Hello Mike,
please could you help me, I get the same as Daniel in the lecture example 11 of chapter 7 you did it a different way so now I’m confused, Please help!!
in the lecture it works it out as the below:
per question 690,000 720,000
pre acq (640,000)
FV adj 2,400,000
Deprecation (100,000)
Post acq 690,000 2,380,000
30% 714,000
NIC at DOA 3,120,000
please could you let me know which way I should be doing it 🙁
thank you
Rebecca, we’re told that, at date of acquisition the nci has a value of 1,200,000 shares @ $2.60 each = $3,120,000
The pre-acquisition retained earnings per the question were $640,000
At the year end the retained earnings had risen to $720,000 but there needs to be $100,000 deducted as extra depreciation (4 months @ the rate of $300,000 per year)
So those year end retained earnings fall to $620,000 and that means that there is a post-acquisition loss of $20,000
The nci share of that loss is 30% = $6,000
So at the year end the nci is valued at $3,114,000 ($3,120,000 – $6,000)
And it’s example 1 (ONE) not 11!
Hi Everyone,
Re Question 1:
Can you please help to explain, why should the excess revaluation of $2,400,000.00 has not been add to to retain earning of Prey Plc in order to caculate 30% of NCI:
NCI %30 :
Per question 720
Revaluation reverse 2,400
less Depr/n (100)
less pre acq (640)
post 2,380
Share NCI 30% 714
Hence NCI in CS of FP: 3120 + 714 = 3,834
Many thanks for your help!
Because the question specifically states that “with the Prey’s plc share price being a reasonable indication of fair value”
Thank you Sir!
Dear sir,
can you please elaborate “with the Prey’s plc share price being a reasonable indication of fair value”.
I still not understand why you didn’t ADD the FA value of 2,300,000.00 {2,400,000-100,000} after depreciation deduction. Because in video lecture, he explained like that. please clarify.
What elaboration is needed? If we know how many shares are owned by the nci and we know the market price of a share, then when we multiply the number owned by the nci together with the individual price per share we arrive at the nci investment valuation. What elaboration is needed?
The question specifically tells us that the share price is a reasonable indication of the value of the nci investment. Why would I now go adding onto the assets as at acquisition date the value of the $2,400,000 fair value adjustment in order to calculate the value of the nci investment? The question tells me that value!
Apparently (although it isn’t specifically stated so in the question) the market in Prey’s shares has taken account of the fair value difference when compared with Prey’s assets at carrying values and the share price has been influenced by that assessment made by the stock market
As for your comment “Because in video lecture, he explained like that” it’s most likely that exact same scenaria will not be met in exam questions. If I explained something in a lecture in a particular way, it’s because the way that I showed fitted the circumstances of the example that I was illustrating
This is a problem faced by students that wish to memorise steps instead of trying to understand the logic behind what is happening
Understand the logic and the steps come naturally
I got it. Thanks every one. Have a great week end!
Question 5
I am interested as to why the FV extra was not added to the NCI of the 300000 x 20%
You have to give me a clue which question you are looking at!
Good day
How did you find 1,200,000?
I agree I’m trying to do the same thing now 🙁 someone please help
got it ….. $2,000,000 x 0.50 (as they are only cent shares) = 4,000,000 shares x 30% = 1,200,000
Thanks a lot
Sorry again I got 1,000,000 shares
sorry my mistake I wrote it incorrectly it is $2,000,000 / 0.50 (as they are only cent shares) = 4,000,000 shares x 30% = 1,200,000
If you are paying $2,000,000 and each share is only 0.50cent that means for every $1 you are getting two shares does that happy?
when working my answer out I completed it like the lecture instead of the works they show above, these were my workings
$2,000,000 / 0.5 = 4,000,000 shares x $2.60 = $10,400,000 x 30% = $3,120,000
Asset dep= $2,400,000 / 8 = $300,000
4/12 x $300,000 = $100,000
Retained earning
pre 640,000 – 620,000 (720,000 – 100,000 Asset dep) = -$20,000 x 30% = -$6,000
then final part $3,120,000 – 6,000 = $3,114,000
( I hope this helps, I wish they would go into more detail on the answers)
I think its a mistake.I got 1400000………also the depreciation i got as 90000, but thats a rounding issue
I think its a mistake.I got 1400000………also the depreciation i got as 90000, but thats a rounding issue
It said 2000000 of 50c shares which is 1000000
Richard, $90,000 instead of $100,000 is not a rounding error! How can you arrive at $90,000 when all you have to do is take 4/12 of $300,000? (4 months out of 12 is 4/12 = 1/3 and 1/3 does not equal .3!)
There is no mistake in the answer
“It said 2000000 of 50c shares which is 1000000”
No it didn’t! It said $2,000,000 50cent equity shares and that means that there are 4,000,000 shares, each with a face value of 50 cents giving a total share capital value of $2,000,000
Question 3 I got $660
Why retained earnings was not accounted for?
Look at the question again and see the dates for the two retained earnings figures
On Q2 chapter 7,Why fv of parcel of land ($650,000) was not accounted for?
Read the 2.5 lines of the paragraph that starts “The Code plc shares …”
Referring to question 6, could you please explaine why should an extra depreciation 3, 333 be added not extracted?
NCI at acquisition: 252 000
Post -acqn share of profit:
310 000
(290 000)
20 000
(3 333) extra depreciation
16 667 x 20% = 3 333.4
255 333.4
Thanks for reply.
Because the fair valued plant had a fair value of $40,000 LOWER than its carrying value
The subsidiary will be depreciating the plant based on its unadjusted pre-fair value figure which is too much depreciation, so we need to add it back
OK now?
Sir, Im a bit confused on how to select the correct share price.
Which question? Put this on a new thread on the Ask ACCA Tutor forum – I only rarely look at ‘recent comments’
Hello sir,
For question 6, if we know that the subsidiary has an overvalued item on their balance sheet, shouldn’t we ask them to depreciate the asset on their own balance sheet in order to reflect the fair value?
So confused right now with question 8. In every other question the solution was to ADD the calculated depreciation amount to post acq. retained earnings. Why is the 500 subtracted from retained earnings in question 8?
Please do NOT post your questions multiple times! I’ve answered this on the Ask ACCA Tutor F7 forum
Hi Again
For question 6 when calculating the revaluation amount you’ve put 40k / 4 / 3 = £3,333
Where did the 3 come from? shouldn’t 1st may to 31 august be 4 months so should be 40k / 4 / 4(quarter of a year) = £2.5k?
Also shouldn’t it be deducted from retained earnings not added because its been revised down?
since when has 4 months been a quarter of a year?
‘4 months so should be 40k / 4 / 4(quarter of a year)’
depreciation has been calculated on the carrying value of the subsidiary’s assets but these are overvalued so the subsidiary has charged too much depreciation
That’s why we need to add back the $3,333 – because it has been overcharged
Hi Mike
Thanks for the help. Looks like I’ve got a lot more studying to do but i think i get it now
But aren’t there 16 months from 1 May, 2013 to 31August, 2014? Shouldn’t we adding back the depreciation for all the 16 months?
($40000 / 4years /12 months * 16 months= $13 333)
And a big thank you for the lectures, Sir!
Maria, you’re right. How come no-one else has spotted that?
I’ll get it changed, thanks
Hi Sorry a lot of questions!
on question 5 second paragraph it says “building had a fair value 300k in excess of the carrying value”
But on the answer its been calculated as a depreciation so shouldn’t it be ” building had a carrying value 300k in excess of its fair value”?
No, the excess value over carrying value accounts for the additional / extra depreciation charge