I could not find the past paper June 2009 available on ACCA, the oldest is 2010. Could you please advise where to get so that I will be able to follow your lecture?
Either search on Google (type something like “ACCA F5 June 2009” ) or, better, buy a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers – they contain all of the good past exam questions.
Thanks for your lecture. I wanted to ask that let’s say that in part (a), I have identified stretching as the bottleneck resource during my attempt, but my TPAR calculations are very correct according to my bottleneck resource then will I be awarded the full 8 marks available in part (b)?
In question C, it says “explain how the TPAR could be improved, so do we need to just list 4 points to earn the four marks or could we also state 2 points and explain them well to get the four marks? Please advise. Thanks.
There is no firm rule for F5 as to whether it is 1 mark per point or 2 marks per point. In this question the markers were told to give one mark for each point, and so 2 points would get 2 marks. (If you look at the marking schemes at the end of the examiners answers then you will see how the marks are given for every question).
hello admin you are doing a very good job. when will u launch more lecturers of revision kit as these lectures are very good but i want to ask that will u share some more lectures of past exam papers for the attempt of june 2012
Hi Admin ,I am a new user of Opentuition .At this pointing time while the exam is just one day away I feel that I am all over the place on my revision . If?….. yes if I needed to go through the notes and lectures again….uuuuhhh my heart is betting ….boom boom. Would all the lectures an the notes be accessible after the June exam times?
I have noticed some technical acticals on the acca website per each syllabus area. Are these based on the new syllabus.I have downloaded a few but dont know if these can be helpful?
Hello Sir,
I could not find the past paper June 2009 available on ACCA, the oldest is 2010. Could you please advise where to get so that I will be able to follow your lecture?
Either search on Google (type something like “ACCA F5 June 2009” ) or, better, buy a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers – they contain all of the good past exam questions.
Thanks, I ‘ve found.
Best Regards
Thanks and Regards
Dear Mr. John,
Thanks for your lecture. I wanted to ask that let’s say that in part (a), I have identified stretching as the bottleneck resource during my attempt, but my TPAR calculations are very correct according to my bottleneck resource then will I be awarded the full 8 marks available in part (b)?
@ johnmoffat
In question C, it says “explain how the TPAR could be improved, so do we need to just list 4 points to earn the four marks or could we also state 2 points and explain them well to get the four marks? Please advise. Thanks.
There is no firm rule for F5 as to whether it is 1 mark per point or 2 marks per point.
In this question the markers were told to give one mark for each point, and so 2 points would get 2 marks. (If you look at the marking schemes at the end of the examiners answers then you will see how the marks are given for every question).
Yes – provided that your workings are clear you can still get the full marks for part (b)
Brilliant job……It also helps us to understand how we should approach a question.
John you are great!!
You guys,
should get a medal for your free time and effort you dedicated to this website/to us!!! it will never be forgotten!
thank you so much.
@katka93, Thank you for the comment 馃檪
Thank you so much, i did this example but some things werent connecting. Thanks opentuition
hello admin you are doing a very good job. when will u launch more lecturers of revision kit as these lectures are very good but i want to ask that will u share some more lectures of past exam papers for the attempt of june 2012
can u help to upload lectures on june 2010 solved questions of f5
open tuition only provide us only basic explanation
very good explanation,I am having a clearer understanding of this topic. keep up the good work.
Hi Admin ,I am a new user of Opentuition .At this pointing time while the exam is just one day away I feel that I am all over the place on my revision . If?….. yes if I needed to go through the notes and lectures again….uuuuhhh my heart is betting ….boom boom. Would all the lectures an the notes be accessible after the June exam times?
Good luck tomorrow
Yes, of course all lectures will be on lime after exam
thanks alot
I have noticed some technical acticals on the acca website per each syllabus area. Are these based on the new syllabus.I have downloaded a few but dont know if these can be helpful?
this explaination was fantastic!!!!! thanks alot.
this was very helpfull
wat is throughput costing