With effect from 26 February 2014, the structure of both the computer based examination and the paper based examination will change.
Instead of the current structure of 50 objective questions of two marks each, the exam will consist of two sections.
- Section A will contain 35 two mark objective questions.
- Section B will contain 3 ten mark multi-task questions – one will be on Budgeting, one will be on Standard costing, and one will be on Performance measurement.
There are no changes to the syllabus and so there is nothing new to study, but it is important that you make sure you are familiar with the new structure.
The ACCA has prepared specimen exams in the new structure.
If you are taking the paper based examination, then you can find the ACCA F2 specimen examination here>>
If you are taking the computer based examination, then you can find the specimen F2 examination below:
F2-Management Accounting (Full Exam) |
F2 (Full Exam) Answers
F2-Management Accounting (Extra MTQs) |
F2 (Extra MTQs) Answers
I did paper F2 in January 2014 and I haven’t taken part for the exam yet. So, I was wondering if the syllabus has changed a lot since then. I was thinking of taking part for the exam (Paper F2) in Oct/Nov and I will be revising the same notes. I would be grateful if you could help me for my revisions.
Thank you
No – it hasn’t changed
Have only registered for acca .have not sat for any acca exam..so how can u help do my studies and revise throughly. .as am studying on my own. .where can i acess best notes and best revision materials for my preparation for june exams next year F1 and F2
Our lectures and lecture notes together are a complete course covering everything you need to pass the exams well.
Click on the links at the top of this page for F1 and F2 and you will find details of all the free study resources that we offer. You should first watch the Introductory Lecture for each paper, which explains how to go about the studying.
very difficult to pass acca
Very Disappointed unable to pass this paper this is very difficult stuff
Have you watched all of our free lectures?
wrote f2 paper based for june 2015, not sucessful score 42..hoping on taking computer based this september / october..am really down.any motivation or tips on how to study please.i really get confused on whether to concentrate on my bpp text or stick to opentuition.the june exam had less calculations on the objective section
Don’t let yourself be down for too long – you only need to be able to get 8 more marks
It doesn’t really matter whether you use your BPP text (and our lectures as well for areas you are unsure about), or use our lectures (and the BPP text for areas that worry you).
What is the most important is to practice all the questions in your Revision Kit, I assume that you have this years version (if not then you really should get one). When you are confident doing the questions then you should do them again under time-pressure, because it is when you are doing questions under time-pressure in the exam that you are more likely to forget things, to misread questions, and to make silly mistakes.
how to pass this paper
Watch our short lecture “Introduction to F2 studies”
It is linked from the main F2 page, and explains how to study for Paper F2.
May I know is standard costing question referring to process costing? Thank you!
More likely variance analysis!
Section B will contain 3 ten mark muti-task questions – one will be on Budgeting, one will be on Standard costing, and one will be on Performance measurement.
So for budgeting will be preparing a budget
Standard costing will be variance analysis and performance is calculate the profitability, liquidity and gearing ratio?
There is more to the budgeting part of this syllabus than just preparing a budget. Similarly the is more in the performance measurement part of the syllabus than just calculating ratios.
It is impossible to guess precisely what will be asked.
Why Opentuition acca is not providing past papers or questions?
Opentuition is providing full course mock test but why not topic base?
If past papers and topic based test is available then it would be very help full.
OpenTuition is not part of the ACCA.
The ACCA does not publish past papers for Papers F1, F2 and F3.
There is no change to the syllabus.
(It says that in the note above!!)
Hi John,
I will be seating for F5 but thinking of taking F2 in August this year.
Do you think the new structure would be harder ? And the other thing I was wondering, is that what the reason is for such a change? Any ideas?
Thank you.
I assume you are asking about the new format of F2? (F2 has already changed, but F5 does not change until the December exam).
There is no reason why the new format should be any harder or any easier -the syllabus remains the same.
The reason for it is to make sure that the exam is better balanced and that there is less scope for simply guessing an answer. Also in Section B you get marks for workings, whereas with MCQ’s you get zero is the answer is wrong, even if you were doing things the right way.
Thanks John.
Best regards.
I want to see new pattren of f2 which held at 28 Feb 2014.how can i see it?//
The specimen exam is on the ACCA website, and you can see it by clicking on the link in the article above!
Hi, can you please confirm me if this new structure applies for June 2014 exam also or its starting in December 2014 exams?
With effect from 26 February 2014, the structure of both the computer based examination and the paper based examination will change.
It mention as above.
please advice do i need to attend class again for F2 paper because i pending this paper(attend class) since Dec 2012.
Since the exam format are changed, if i just do revision again and go for exam in this april, it this possible to pass it?
The syllabus has not changed, and so there is nothing new to learn.
But make sure you try the specimen exam on the ACCA website to be familiar with the new format.
Thanks For the prompt reply.
But i have another question.
It that Section B question already fixed? i mean the Chapter of the paper.
*Standard costing
*Performance measurement.
Yes !
pls advise, will I be able to do F1(computer base) Paper in July and F2 (computer base) & F5 papers in June. (F3& F4 – is exempted)
Yes – that is allowed.
Thank you so much
i wrote f1 in the old exam (mcq) i wish to write f2 and f3 in mtq ! should i ryt f1 aGAIN ?
No – you do not need to take F1 again.
But i heard that in If we ryt f1 in last decmber and we are planing for writing f2 in march we must write f1 again ?
is this info correct ?
No, that is not correct.
Are you setting a test or do you have a problem?
All you need do is put the figures in the formula!
However it depends whether the holding cost of $0.10 is per month or per year.
If it is per year, then the EOQ is 1732 units.
If it is per month then the EOQ is 500 units.
(Please put questions like this in the relevant place – either under the lecture on inventory control, or in the F2 forum)
ok will post it there sory if did something wrong! and i got this to do! gettings probs with it!
hey ..i was wondering where the f1 f2 and f3 pastpapers from 2008 to 2013 can be found..If someone knows please do leave a reply!!:)
The ACCA do not publish past papers for F1, F2 and F3
So how shall f3 be in this format ?
You can find the details on the main F3 page on this website.
which all formulas will they give us in examination hall
The formulae and tables that are printed at the front of our Course Notes.

Thanks for the help
F1 F2 and F3 pilot papers for june examination
What about them?
You can find them on the ACCA website.