does the notes and the lectures are completely enough for passing the exams ? , for someone who is a self-study relying , or should I involve any other study materials ??
You must buy a practice and revision kit from Kaplan or BPP to provide you with lots of question practice. Also, read the technical articles on the ACCA site.
In the UK, in addition to ‘ordinary’ partnerships whee thee is unlimited liability, there are limited liability partnerships where the partners’ liability is limited.
Why I can not watch all the vedio??Execp the notebook,I can not see all the content of this website,What can I do??I am really confused and I really want to use this websit,thank you for your answer.
Hello. Finally, i finished F1 CBE test. I passed with 60% score, I only saw opentuition lecture note for concept after that, i solved BPP revision kit , preparation period is about one month. But i felt that CBE’s style is quite different with paper, so it is better to solve revision kit in ACCA which provide same style of real test
You can pass using the OpenTuition study material, but you need to work through a revision kit (BPP, Kaplan or Becker). ACCA also has questions on its site that show you what the CBE exam is like.
Thanks for free learning. I would like to read ACCA F1 book free download. Please help me where i found this book? OR this video notes are equal F1 book?
hi, just wanna ask are these lectures suitable for me if i am gonna sit the exam in March,2019?
Thanks a lot!
Yes, but you must also buy a question practice book/revision kit to provide you with lots of question practice.
thank you! already got one
Dear all
Is it the latest lectures for F1? Cuz the content for F1 always changes, is it suitable for me to prepare for July F1 exam?
dear all
does the notes and the lectures are completely enough for passing the exams ? , for someone who is a self-study relying , or should I involve any other study materials ??
thanks in advance
You must buy a practice and revision kit from Kaplan or BPP to provide you with lots of question practice. Also, read the technical articles on the ACCA site.
do all type of partnership have unlimited libility?
In the UK, in addition to ‘ordinary’ partnerships whee thee is unlimited liability, there are limited liability partnerships where the partners’ liability is limited.
Thanks alot this revision is helping me so much
What is a difference between limited liability company and Limited company?
No difference. Just different names.
im writing f1 f2 f3 f4
Current notes available here is enough for me to go through ? Or should I refer to other study material?
Thank you
Thank you, this is helping me a lot
why i can not watch the video??????!!!!!!!! i am very very anxious! I am in CHIAN!who can tell me how can I do!!!!! thanks!!!!
Download one VPN and open the vedio through youtube.
Why I can not watch all the vedio??Execp the notebook,I can not see all the content of this website,What can I do??I am really confused and I really want to use this websit,thank you for your answer.
But how can I do that??
which VPN?thinks
I cant watch too.There is nothing on the page.
if ur using mobile network then download vpn and use it. stream it like u r doing the same from the US..
If you continue to have problems, then please go to the support page (the link is above) and admin will help you.
you should register,
i’m in China can download your browser extention package.Then you can open all foreign website.
Hello. Finally, i finished F1 CBE test.
I passed with 60% score, I only saw opentuition lecture note for concept
after that, i solved BPP revision kit , preparation period is about one month.
But i felt that CBE’s style is quite different with paper, so it is better to solve revision kit in ACCA which provide same style of real test
Hi,I just started F1,is the material available on opentuition enough for me to passed the exams.Thanks
You can pass using the OpenTuition study material, but you need to work through a revision kit (BPP, Kaplan or Becker). ACCA also has questions on its site that show you what the CBE exam is like.
I wanted to thank you. Just passed F1 paper studying only with opentuition.
Excellent news! Well done.
Congrats! I wanted to ask you something, you available ?
Best to post questions to tutors on Ask the Tutor section
WOW you are an inspiration i want to do that as well but was not confident about it
please help, I have just started ACCA and am doing F1 would open tuition help me or I would still need other study materials.
Why can’t I view the video lectures ??
The first thing to try is a different browser, such as Chrome.
Then check if you can view other videos, such as YouTube.
Yes am able to view other video as youtube, 1 month ago i was able to view the notes now i can’t
Lectures work fine,
something has changed at your end.. check support page for help!
me too,how to solve the problem?
I would like to thank you for the lectures!!! passed f1 only through open tuition lectures and practicing Kaplan.
Congratulations. Very well done!
Thank you very much! Very useful lecture
Thanks a lot for the lectures .. Cause many person like me can’t afford the cost of tuition providers.
Thanks for free learning. I would like to read ACCA F1 book free download. Please help me where i found this book? OR this video notes are equal F1 book?
“This video can’t be played with your current setup. “What is this supposed meaning?