See also ACCA F1 Flashcards: Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4
Define a financial asset.
Equity investment in another entity OR
Contractual right to receive cash
In what circumstances can financial assets and liabilities be offset?
Legally enforceable right to offset AND
Intention to settle on a net basis
How should a subsequent event which is non-adjusting but will cause the entity to cease trading be dealt with in FS?
The FS should be adjusted (break-up basis)
A company sells PPE with a life of 50 years, and rents it back for 50 years? How will this be accounted for and why?
Do not derecognise PPE
Recognise liability
Unlikely to be a sale / transfer of risks and rewards
In substance this is a secured loan
What is a market-based condition (in the context of share-based pay) and what is its relevance?
Condition linked to the market price of company shares
Ignore in computation of the P&L charge
How should goodwill be translated for a foreign subsidiary?
Closing rate
Carrying amount of goodwill will change every year
How would a revaluation of PPE (upwards) affect ROCE?
PBIT – down – extra depreciation
CE – up – revaluation reserve recognised
Therefore, ROCE down.
Which method of cash flow preparation is preferred by IAS 7 and by accounts preparers? Why?
IAS 7 – direct – gives users additional information
Accounts preparers – indirect – easy to prepare
What are three characteristics of materiality?
Omission of information would influence economic decisions of users
Mis-statement of information would influence economic decisions of users
Obscuring information would influence economic decisions of users
How should a cryptocurrency be recognised in the SOFP?
Intangible asset
Which body publishes standards on sustainability reporting?
Global Reporting Initiative
Define Free Cash Flow
Cash flows from operating activities less capital expenditure
Define PE ratio
Current share price / EPS
Define receivable days
Receivables / Credit sales x 365
How are DB pension plans dealt with in the operating section of a cash flow statement?
1. Add back service costs (non-cash items)
2. Deduct contributions paid
In calculating goodwill how would deal with a legal claim against a subsidiary which is regarded as possible?
Contingent liabilities must be measured at FV irrespective of probability.
Remember that the rules for goodwill calculation are different to the IAS 37 rules.
What is required for a ‘business’ and why is it relevant for group accounts?
Input + Process + Outputs
Relevance – we consolidate subsidiaries only if they meet the definition of a business.
If a company holds only a single asset, the transaction may well be regarded as an asset purchase rather than a business combination.
How does IFRS 10 define control?
Investor has power over investee AND is exposed to variable returns from investee AND has ability to affect the returns
A company owns 30% of another company. What are the possibilities for accounting?
FV through OCI if no significant influence
Equity account if significant influence or joint control
Consolidate if control
Remember to consider the substance of the transaction rather than the % shareholding.
For SMEs what is the accounting treatment of borrowing costs?
Expense in the P&L (even constructed assets where large companies would capitalise the borrowing cost)
How would you refer to a transaction involving the husband of a company director under IAS 24?
What are the quantitative thresholds for disclosure under IFRS 8, Segmental Reporting?
1. TOTAL revenue greater than or equal to 10% of aggregate TOTAL revenue
2. TOTAL assets greater than or equal to 10% of aggregate TOTAL assets
3. Profit or loss is greater than or equal to the greater of:
(a) TOTAL profits of all segments making a profit
(b) TOTAL losses of all segments making a loss
A parent company revalues the PPE of a subsidiary upwards by $1,000 as part of the fair value exercise in calculating goodwill. Tax rate is 20%. The gain will be taxed when the asset is sold.
What is the deferred tax implication?
Temp difference = 1,000
X 20% = 200
Dr Goodwill
Cr DT liability
A company sets up reorganisation provision of $1,000. Tax rate is 20%. The expense will be allowed for tax only when the reorganisation actually takes place. What is the deferred tax implication?
Temp difference = 1,000
X 20% = 200
Dr DT asset
Cr P&L
A company revalues PPE upwards by $1,000. Tax rate is 20%. The gain will be taxed when the asset is sold. What is the deferred tax implication?
Temp difference = 1,000
X 20% = 200
Cr DT liability
How should a company account for doubtful debts for trade receivables?
Lifetime expected credit losses (Note – 3 stage model is not used for most receivables; it is more relevant to bonds etc)
A company buys an investment property financed by a loan. What is the accounting? (The company prefers to use the fair value model)
IP – fair value, gains to P&L
Financial liability – fair value, gains to P&L (Note – using amortised cost would create an ‘accounting mismatch’)
In the context of derivatives, what is an executory contract and how would it be accounted for?
Not settled in cash, e.g., contract to buy wheat settled in wheat.
Outside scope of IFRS 9
No accounting until wheat is actually purchased
Define an adjusting subsequent event.
Event between SOFP date and date FS are approved
Gives evidence on condition that existed at the SOFP date
How do you account for share based pay where the employee has the choice of shares or cash?
Split accounting
Liability and equity
Similar to convertible loan
What is the main item recognised in OCI for a defined benefit pension scheme?
Remeasurement difference / actuarial difference
What are the main items recognised in the P&L for a defined benefit pension scheme?
Service cost
Net interest cost
A company sells PPE with a life of 50 years, and rents it back for 10 years? How will this be accounted for?
Derecognise PPE
Recognise Right of Use asset, Cash, and Lease liability
Profit (or loss) on derecognition of PPE (‘part-disposal)
How should the lessor reflect a finance lease in the financial statements?
Finance income
What are the primary factors in determining functional currency?
Currency influencing sales price
Currency influencing labour and material costs
A company buys inventory from a foreign country on credit. At the SOFP date, how should the inventory and payable be translated?
– Historic rate if valued at cost
– Closing rate if valued at NRV
Payable – Closing rate
In what order should losses be allocated to cash-generating units?
1. Assets obviously impaired
2. Goodwill
3. Other non-current assets
Define cash-generating unit
Smallest group of assets that generates independent cash flows
In what circumstances is an intangible asset ‘identifiable’?
Separable (can be sold separately) OR
Arises from legal or contractual rights
What is the accounting treatment if PPE is transferred to IP? The company uses historic cost for PPE and fair value for IP. Prices are rising.
Revalue the asset to FV
Gain to OCI
Reclassify the asset to IP
Subsequent gains to P&L
A company buys a building which it intends to use as a hotel. Can it classify it as an investment property?
Providing significant non-incidental services, e.g., catering
Classify as PPE
In revenue recognition how should the transaction price be allocated to separate performance obligations?
On the basis of STAND-ALONE selling prices
What is a performance obligation?
A DISTINCT obligation (i.e., sold separately) to transfer goods or services
What is the accounting treatment of a change in depreciation rate?
Change in estimate not policy
Account for prospectively
No prior period adjustment
What are the key components of a discontinued operation?
Separate major line of business
Already discontinued or held for sale at the SOFP date
Identify three circumstances when gains recognised in OCI are later recycled to P&L?
Cash flow hedges
Disposal of foreign subsidiary (exchange gains)
Disposal of bonds (NOT shares) classed as FVOCI
If directors have a profit-related bonus, what ethical threat does this represent?
Self-interest. More interested in maximising profits than in fair presentation.
How should fair value be determined for non-financial assets (e.g., investment properties)?
Highest and best use if:
– Physically possible
– Legally permissible
– Financially feasible
In what circumstances should liabilities be recognised, according to the Framework?
- Relevant information
- Faithful representation
What are the three attributes of faithful representation?
- Completeness
- Neutrality
- Freedom from error
If an ACCA accountant deliberately fails to consolidate a subsidiary, what is the ethical issue?
Lack of integrity -straightforward business conduct (ACCA Principle)
How are derivatives recognised in the financial statements?
SFP – fair value.
P&L – changes in fair value.
In what 3 circumstances should a company conduct an impairment review?
1) If there is goodwill in SFP.
2) If there are intangibles in the SFP which are not being amortised.
3) If there is an impairment indicator – e.g. the government bans a product that the company sells.
Define investment property.
Land and buildings held to earn rentals and / or for capital appreciation.
How should a company account for a government grant?
Recognise in the P&L over the period in which the related expenditure is recognised.
If a company is using the fair value model, how often should it revalue PPE and IP?
PPE – on regular basis – e.g. every 3 to 5 years.
IP – every year.
Give examples of monetary assets and explain their relevance in SBR
Receivables and cash.
Translation of foreign transactions by a company.
Parent has December year-end. Subsidiary has October year-end. Can parent consolidate subsidiary?
The maximum gap is three months.
Define equity
Residual interest in assets minus liabilities.
In what circumstances should an asset be recognised in the financial statements?
If it results in relevant and faithful representation.
If an ACCA accountant does not know the accounting treatment of leases, what is the ethical issue?
Lack of professional competence and due care (ACCA Principle)
For integrated reporting identify the six capitals.
- Financial.
- Manufactured.
- Intellectual.
- Human.
- Natural.
- Social and relationship.
For SMEs what is the accounting treatment of development costs?
Expense in the P&L.
What is the formula for EPS?
Profit for the year attributable to the ordinary sharehokders (i.e. and after NCI)
divided by:
Weighted average number of equity shares
multiplied by 100
What are the 3 key related party disclosures?
- Parent company / ultimate controlling party.
- Key management compensation (e.g. salary).
- Related party transactions.
In what 2 situations should you make a prior period adjustment?
Change in accounting policy.
Material error in prior year.
When should contingent liabilities and contingent assets be disclosed?
Contingent liabilities = possible
Contingent assets = probable.
In what circumstances can you recognise a provision for reorganisation?
Detailed formal plan.
Announced to those affected (e.g. the staff).
Define a provision.
Liability of uncertain timing or amount.
In what circumstances should a company recognise a deferred tax asset relating to losses?
Only if it is likely that the company will make future taxable profits against which the losses can be offset.
How should the lessee normally reflect a lease in the financial statements?
Right of use asset and lease liability
Depreciation and finance cost
Define a lease.
Right to control / specified asset / period of time / in exchange for consideration.
What are the five stages of the revenue recognition model?
- Identify the contract.
- Identify the performance obligations.
- Determine the price.
- Allocate the price to the performance obligations.
- Recognise revenue as performance obligations are satisfied.
Define operating segment.
Segment whose results are regularly reviewed by chief operating decision maker.
Define Level 1 input for fair value purposes.
Give an example of an asset for which Level 1 would be used.
Quoted price in active market for identical asset or liability.
Example = share listed on a stock exchange.
Mary expects to sell some sausages to the King of Neverland next year. She enters a currency forward to sell the Neverland dollars when she receives them next year. What sort of hedge accounting can she use?
Cash flow hedge accounting.
The derivative protects Mary from changes in value in highly probable future cash flows
Andrew owns some sausages and an option to sell the sausages. What sort of hedge accounting can he use?
Fair value hedge accounting.
The derivative protects Andrew from change in value of the recognised asset (the sausages).
Define derivative.
- Value changes in response to change in value of some underlying asset or liability.
- Requires no or little initial investment.
- Settled at a future date (normally for cash).
Define liability and financial liability.
Liability = Present obligation / transfer economic resources / past event.
Financial liability = Obligation to deliver cash.
Should goodwill be amortised?
It should however be reviewed for impairment at each SFP date.
What is the accounting for negative goodwill?
Negative goodwill should be credited to the P&L immediately.
How do you measure the P&L charge for cash-settled share based pay schemes?
- Number of instruments expected to vest.
- Fair value of instrument at SFP date.
- Vesting period.
How do you measure the P&L charge for equity-settled share based pay schemes?
- Number of instruments expected to vest.
- Fair value of instrument at grant date.
- Vesting period
Which type of pension scheme will normally appear in an employer’s SFP?
Defined benefit pension scheme.
What is a defined benefit pension scheme?
“Employer makes a promise to the employee that they will receive certain benefits when they retire.
Benefits will be linked to length of service and the employees’ salary on retirement.”
Where in the SFP would you record a non-current assets held for sale?
Below current assets.
Where in the P&L would you record a discontinued operation?
After tax.
Before NCI.
At what value are non-current assets held for sale recognised in the SFP?
Lower of:
Existing carrying value;
Fair value less cost to sell.
Define value in use and explain its relevance.
Present value of the future cash flows from the asset.
Used when testing for impairment.
Can you capitalise non purchased intangibles?
You must capitalise development costs if the project is commercially viable etc.
In what circumstances should borrowing costs be capitalised?
If an asset is being constructed over a period of time.
It is then known as a qualifying asset.
Should you depreciate PPE and investment properties if held at FV?
PPE – yes
Investment properties – no
In a cash flow statement where would you show dividends from associates and dividends to NCI?
Dividends from associates would be in investing activities.
Dividends to NCI would be in financing activities.
Define Functional Currency.
Currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates.
How are joint ventures accounted for?
Equity accounting.
Define joint arrangement.
Two or more parties have joint control / each party has the right of veto over key decisions.
Identify 5 headings in other comprehensive income:
- Gain on PPE revaluation.
- Gain or loss on FVOCI investment.
- Remeasurement gain or loss on pension plan.
- Exchange difference on translation of foreign subsidiary.
- Gain or loss on cash flow hedge.
Define an asset
Present economic resource / controlled / past event.
What are the 6 qualitative characteristics of financial information?
- Relevance
- Faithful representation
- Comparability.
- Verifiability.
- Timeliness.
- Understandability
finally what GAAP stand for ? the p is ti for practice or principles?
Am not clear on the GAAP coz one says practice and here it is saying principle at the end,which one is correct?
Its principles (Clearly written in my Notes-Given by my Lecturer)
It’s ‘practice’ in the UK. ‘Principles’ internationally.
The issue is a little confused. See:
Probably better if we change ‘practice’ to ‘principles’ to be more international. Thanks.
Hi one of the flash card ask what is GAAP. The answer given by the flashcard was “GAAP stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Practice” …
While actually it is Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (at least from what I found in google…)