open tuition, i want to thank you for the techniques for paper f8, i just followed then to the letter in the Mock exam you provided and i am glad i managed to pass, i am hopeful, i will do it in the exam. thank you again.
Ita amazing, i ‘ve downloaded acca papers f6 & f5 on my system (nokia N900), but it keeps asking me for a password to view the notes saying its an encrypted pdf file. Can anyone please help me out? thnx.
I am struggling for F789, THANK U for your supplemnent!!
Please do not ask about other papers.
If it was available, it would be on line.
If it is not on line, it does not exist, so can’t be uploaded
thank u wat about p4
what about f9 exam techniques? Iam strugling to pass it please help!
thank you so much for your helpful act.
you should also provide f9 exam techniques
open tuition, i want to thank you for the techniques for paper f8, i just followed then to the letter in the Mock exam you provided and i am glad i managed to pass, i am hopeful, i will do it in the exam. thank you again.
Big ups for F7.
Where is the P3 exam technique.
where is the f5?f6?
thanks a lottttttttt
Ita amazing, i ‘ve downloaded acca papers f6 & f5 on my system (nokia N900), but it keeps asking me for a password to view the notes saying its an encrypted pdf file. Can anyone please help me out? thnx.
Your Nokia PDF reader it seems will not be able to open the file, you need Adobe Reader 9 on PC
I am yet to see Articles on F6.
What’s happening???
admin, woooo!!!, wooo!!!, this is incredible, thank you so much, what about F9,
thanks a lot for such a nice work
this is good it will help me work on my weakness which l have already ldentified
this is it thank u so much hope its gonna help a lot im positive! let also the F5, and F6 available
awesome, love it
Those were really worth waiting for!
Thank you sooooo much for those great articles!
awesome work!!!
very thorough