Before you go head for your ACCA exam, please make sure you read there essential tips! Especially, if it is your first ACCA exam
The Most Common Mistakes in the ACCA Exam Hall
1. Not reading the question properly
Not reading the question properly,, and thereby failing to spot the easy marks. This is the biggest sin of exam taking and one of the most common errors. You should make sure you pick out the questions you can most easily answer in your first read through of the paper.
2. Answering the question you would like to have been asked
Answering the question you would like to have been asked, not the one that was asked. This is another danger linked to not reading the paper through carefully before you start. Make sure you understand the wording of the whole question – don’t be blinded by a few key terms that suggest you are on a pet subject.
3. Letting yourself be distracted
Letting yourself be distracted by watching what other people in the hall are doing. If the candidate next to you starts scribbling straight away, ignore them. They can’t have assessed the whole paper properly and they will almost inevitably run out of time by the end of the exam. This is no time to be following the herd so hold your nerve.
4. Poor time management
Poor time management – spending too much time on questions that have too few marks. Spend a few minutes at the outset planning how much time you should devote to each response; set time limits for yourself and stick to them. It’s as simple as that.
聽5. Not understanding the verbs used
Not understanding the verbs used – Explain, define and illustrate. Many marks are lost needlessly by candidates who fail to grasp the true meaning of the question. If you are asked to define a term, do just that. And if you are asked to illustrate, remember to provide examples from the question or real life.
6. Not using the mark allocation as a guide
Not using the mark allocation as a guide to the number of points to be made. Providing a list of bullet points, when a more full answer is required. Again, this is a point about how full and how organised your answer should be. The allocation of points will give you an indication of how to prioritise and what style of writing you should use.
7. Poor layout
Poor layout – not using gaps, headings and so on. The examiner doesn’t want to be faced with reams of unorganised script anymore than you do when you pick up a text book. Guide the examiner as much as possible and impress him with your organisational skills.
8. Focussing too much of your answer on theory
Focussing too much of your answer on theory, when application of the issues of the question is more important. You need to read into the question to show that you can apply the rules in practical set ups.
9. Not having a pen (and spares)
Not having a pen (and spares), ruler, and calculator (with spare batteries). This one is self explanatory – and inexcusable.
10. Not allowing enough time to get to the exam hall in time
Not allowing enough time to get to the exam hall in time – plan the journey, make allowances for traffic jams and so. Turning up early may not be ideal in terms of giving you plenty of time to develop butterflies, but consider how much more stressed you will feel stuck in a traffic jam five kilometeres away, with only ten minutes to go.
Can someone advice me on how to approach p3 question 1,i do self study and iam finding it defficult to tackle in my revision phase.
Hallo!!! Accept greetings from this end. I am currently a part 3 student and will like to complete the ACCA program by studying in the UK. Please, I need help as to which ACCA tuition centre to study with. Looking forward to your recommendations.
Kaplan is quite a good provider.
BPP UNIVERSITY isn’t bad as well but you’ll have to take an MSC alongside the qualification.
Thanks for the tips
Lol u shud be able 2 thnk ov ur head aswll 2 answer ques bt if u plug off ur ears,u cnt thnk out ur heard.
In an examination you must have a master plan,since the pass mark is 50% .The advice is target half of the question you can do without any mistake first ,next target the ones that seems to be quite difficult before doing that seems complex to you.Spread your time accordingly.You have pass.
I have a question I want 2 ask..any1 can help pls..emils draft accounts report a profit of $11,855.however an accrual of $398 was treated as a prepayment,and a prepayment of $480 was incorrectly recorded as $522….what is th correct profit??
i dont think accruals and prepayments would have an impact on profit. Those will either goto Current Asset or Current Liability,
Dhonaa, where do you think the other side to the entries go? Eg Dr prepayments Cr p&L.
I think the profit should be 拢10,632
I think the profit is 11017
The acccrruel shuld of reduced the profit by 398 and has insted increasd it so the adjusement is 398 x 2 is 796 reductuion
the wrong prepaymennt has wrongly increased profit by 44 so adsjustment is to refduce by 42
totaal rdeduction is 838 so 11855 -838 is 11017
That’s what I meant! When I wrote it down my bracket made the 42 reduction into 427 lol. 427-42 = 385, my diff to yours.
profit will be $11107 must
Thanks and success to those sitting for the December 2014 exams
Thank you very much 4 th wishs,wishs wll be utilised properly.
Very helpful information
Does anyone have F7 Kaplan revision qns? Would be much appreciated.
reaching and Sitting on your desk before 10 to 20 mints of your reading time is very important as i experienced, it feel you very much relaxed, and minimize your stress and ultimately increase your confidence..
i would say this because i felt it every time..
thanks for the tips
thanks with tips.
Thanks for the tips very helpful.
Very helpful,thanks.
Can open tuition tips helpful in exam,?
Good luck Everybody
Can I use ear plugs during the exam? I am usually very much distracted by other people buzzing
Exam will be held in exam hall, not a fish market
@ppsunil hahaha 馃榾 I just laughed ……
Yeah once the paper starts there will be dead silence so dont worry 馃檪
Lol u shud even b abl茅 2. Thnk out ov ur 2 answer ques bt if u plug ur eyes till be very hard 4 u have closed ur ears.:)