What to bring with you on the Exam day
1) Photographic ID
2) Examination Attendance Dockets
Examination Attendance Dockets are dispatched three weeks before your first exam. Login and download it from myACCA The Examination Attendance Docket includes:
- a timetable of all the exams you are entered for, and details the desk assigned to you for each paper.
- it also gives the address of your exam centre. (Check out your route before the exam. Make allowances for rush hour traffic or other possible delays if your exam starts at a busy time of day. Try to arrive at the exam centre about 30 minutes before the exam is due to start.
- The Examination Attendance Docket also details important exam regulations and guidelines
Examination Attendance Docket will be used to verify your attendance, keep it available on your desk, the supervisor will collect your Examination Attendance Docket during the exam. If you have any other exams during the session, the Examination Attendance Docket will be returned to you. If it is your last (or only) exam, the supervisor will keep the Examination Attendance Docket for ACCA’s records.
When you Arrive at your exam desk
On your exam desk you will find:
- a Candidate Answer Booklet (download it now, and familiarise yourself)
- the Examination Question Paper.
Check that you have the booklet, and the correct version of the exam paper, before the exam begins. If you have any queries, raise your hand and an invigilator will come to you.
Complete the Candidate Answer Booklet properly.
What you will NOT find on your desk and have to bring:
- calculator
- pens with black ink.
Hi Folks, is there anyone who can share just a past exam paper that has been shared to him her by the learner support institutions as the relevant revision for the upcoming P5 exams? Pls share
My National ID Card middle name different from the Acca middle name. What will like do for this?
Hi,nobody respond to my question? Again if I don’t have photographic id like National id,driving id,international passport e.t.c What i do?
Do you have your student ID? That should be ok.
What photographic ID can I bring for the exam?
A photographic could be a national ID card , Driver’s licence , citizens international passport ( Britain international passport) or ACCA student’s ID