We have the results of the latest survey:聽Which Factors contributed to your success or failure in the June 2013 ACCA exam?
Please note: the survey did not check if students were taking the exam first time or retaking.
The results are what opentuition students voted in the survey, we have no ability to check their results!
General overview and what were the most popular study options.
Breakdown of how many exams student took in the June 2013 exams聽and how many were actually passed
Here is similar comparison of students working full time and full time students
The method of study for the exams and the success rate
Please note, distance learning and revision course only students – the data collected in the survey was very small in this breakdown
Number of months and weeks of study and the success rate
Number of hours per day and the success rate
How students were prepared overall?
Comparing Extremes
Breakdown of how students viewed how they were prepared and their results
we are comparing the extremes – students who were very successful passed all exams they took and students who failed all exams they took
so 4 x 0 = taken 4 exams passed 聽0 ; 聽聽4 x 4 = taken 4 exams and passed 4 exams, etc
Passed all is the average of students who passed all exams they took, Failed ALL (is the average of students who did not pass any exams)
what will happen if i didn’t come for mock exam acca ?
Any apprach for P5 & p6 , these papers have made fail to be an affliate , please advise
I am currently attending classes for f9 however I have not started studying and I am already over whelmed I study better early in the morning but have been getting up too late to study just enough time to dress for work have not paid for exams as yet. i’m wondering if I will have enough time to complete the entire syllabus in 2 months or put it off for next year need some advice.
Hello sharlene17,
I’ve been delaying studying for over 3 weeks. I also like studying in the morning better than in other parts of the day.
I would recommend you to continue your studying. 2 months is the period of time that allows you to prepare well for an exam.
I started in Jan 2012, Appeared for 4 exams each session. Progress is as follows :
June 2012
F1 – Pass
F2 – Pass
F3 – Pass
F6 – Pass
December 2012
F4 – Pass
F5 – Fail
F7 – Pass
F8 – Pass
June 2013
F5 – Pass
F9 – Pass
P1 – Pass
P3 – Pass
So thats eleven down, with one fail and 4 exams each session. Just requires a LITTLE bit of commitment and its all very much possible.
I am now appearing for P2 , P4 and P6 (UK). Hopefully will be an affiliate by Feb.
Excellent representation of data by OT.
TIP : Always read the latest OT notes, and you should be sorted.
That’s quite impressive and great! Good luck, I hope you get qualified by feb too! 馃檪
Thankyou so much, Maha! 馃檪
Which exams are you appearing for in December?
Khalid yar you are too good 馃檪 and i hope you get Qualified as soon as possible!
if u dont mind i need to know how u studied F4 and give me some Tips 馃槢
its really Tough for me F4 because my English is weak 馃檨
WOW KHALID! that is amazing! you are doing so well. You must be so pleased. Obviously getting the study in because you are getting the results you deserve 馃檪 well done!
Thankyou so much for your kind comment, Estelle 馃檪
Nah, I dont really put in the effort that I should, though. I never leave myself enough time at the end for adequate Past Exam practice 馃槓
WOW! MASHALLAH! That is truly amazing! Good luck with the rest!
And here I am struggling with a very easy paper indeed F3! ONLY! #shootsmyslefinthehead
Thankyou Sally ^^ 馃檪
F3 eh? what areas are you struggling with?
No, dont shoot yourself. Lets put up a challenge eh? I say F3 needs only one week to ace. You in ? 馃槈
Welcome! 馃榾
Mostly consolidation. But I admit it’s easy! Along with cashflows!I just need more practice. Plus embarrassingly it’s my second attempt! I really wasn’t prepared for it then 馃檨
Ohh heck yeah im in! 馃榾
Dont worry about it. Happens, it does. I failed F5 too, right? Failed it @ 43%. The three I passed were marginal too. Worst exam session ever. But very next session, I managed to score 67% in F9 and a very surprising 74% in P3 ^^ Point being : Forget about the past, concentrate on now, and it’ll all turn out great, iA 馃檪
I was just going through the F3 syllabus and it surprises me to see they actually included standards at F3 level o.O Im just starting studies for P2 (Self studying this monster) so I guess we’re gonna have a real blast 馃槈
But I must say. It was an ABSOLUTE BAD FAIL! 馃檨
But yeah trying to forget about it..
WOW MASHALLAH! You’re a genius 馃槈
Yeah there are quite a few standards now. But aH very basic. Hahha yeah an absolute blast 馃榾
Congrats! i thought doing 3 last sitting was crazy i really do commend you.
you didnt say; are you a fulltime student or work and self study?
Hey. Thanks 馃檪
I self studied F1-F3 , F5,F7,F9 & P1. I did take classes for the rest, which were 3 days a week. I also work as a freelance web designer (I dont go looking for work, just do what comes my way) as well as a volunteer at two charities.
You are a genius and an inspiration, one among the million. Sure you will be an affiliate in Feb,14. All the best.
BUT what is the secret in passing f9 for the first attempt please help!!
hey. Thanks alot for you kind words 馃檪
F9 is a fairly technical paper, but an interesting one nonetheless.
Extensively practice the numerical parts, as for the theory , that’ll get done when youre doing the reading for the topics, provided that you read with the intent of learning the CONCEPT and not just the CONTENT.
Good luck! 馃檪
Oh, you are amazing !
hope you good luck and become an affiliate by FEB 馃檪
Thankyou so much 馃檪 Im giving it my all, but P4 is still quite a stiff stick to break …. :O
wow, impressive…hmmm also stuggling with some of the p’s hmmm congrats khalid…wish u the best…hope i can get some help for u…
Khalid ! you are my inspiration !!! can you give me some tips please? I am currently attempt 4 exams, but not as successful as i would hope to be.
As for me, I honestly believe after experiencing the F5 exam that a very important factor of success is pulling yourself together in the exam! Don’t freak out! I freaked out seeing the first question, it was a whole big question which I knew I didn’t revise well, then I started checking out the rest of the questions and because of my first shock I felt like, I don’t know this, I don’t that and I don’t know these, I spent some good time just freaking out with a blank look at the question paper! but I obviously knew the answers because I passed! Now I look back and wonder what if I just got depressed and left the questions empty, I would have failed when I am capable of passing! Now I believe that having some confidence in the exam is REALLY REALLY important, just as important as studying and practicing questions!
I agree with you. I was so sure I’d fail F5 once more (I failed it last time @ 43) since I had F9 , P1 and P3 along with it (F5.F9,P1 with self study) but I managed to clear it at 60% this time.
Did you get stuck at the Decision Tree Diagram question? That was the first one, if I remember correctly. It was quite a weird DT diagram o.O I totally freaked at the variance question. But in the end, I solved it keeping in mind (and stating) 3 separate assumptions.
Just followed Anne Irons’ tip of …. “getting something down on paper” … and it worked like a charm ^^
Yes, it was the decision tree question! I studied VERY WELL the uncertainty topic but I thought the decision tree thing was stupid so I didn’t revise it, only to find it hitting my face as the first question! I am in general good at variance analysis but yes the question was not very typical variances, but anyways, I took Mr John advice to be honest, he always says (keep on going in the exam and write whatever you can and collect the easy marks) so what I did is that I still drew the tree (even if I made many mistakes, I am sure I got some marks) and just kept on going in the exam, I solved all the questions and I survived lol!
I like your attitude towards the ACCA and how you are getting on with your studies. I also started in December 2012, I took 3 papers in that sitting (I would have taken 4 but I thought I should be reasonable or wise because I am a full time employee) and took another 3 papers in June 13 and thank God I passed all on first attempt, now I am attempting another 3 papers in December 13 (F7, F8 and F9) and hopping to pass! Wish me luck!
Yeah, many people did not expect it. But here in Pakistan even students love speculating what they think will be tested in the exam. Someone suggested Decision Trees and Value of Perfect information just 2 days before the F5 exam, and I revised them in respectable detail. And the fact that DTDs were a part of the P3 syllabus also helped. Think that’s where I managed to pick up the easy marks. Oh yeah, Mr. John is doing a great public service here. Countless people make use of OT ^^
Yeah, the examiners construct the exam keeping in mind that you are time pressured and they also check the exams keeping that in mind. So, it is of paramount importance that something is written down. I mean, they cant really award marks for a blank sheet of paper ,right?
Thankyou 馃檪 Youve been passing in first attempts while being a full time employee? that is indeed commendable! Good luck for the remaining 3!! 馃檪 You may ask me anything regarding F7 and F9 (FM is the best subject in ACCA, in my opinion -FM , not AFM!!- I self studied that , and I had lots of fun doing it.) Ill be revising the basics in a few days, and a discussion will help ^^
hi Khalid!
any tips for F7 would be much appreciated. I think its one of the hardest one so far i think i found F5 and F9 easier. not sure if John has anything to do with that. but i’m finding it really hard applying what ive learnt from the lectures to the past papers and that is seriously messing with my plans to complete level two by december.
F7 and F8 is dont seem to agree with me.
Hi Khalid i really commend ur effort and best of luck in the ur remaining papers.
pls can u give me tips on how to pass P3, as i will be sitting for P2 & P3 this December. This is my 2nd attempt on P2.
Studying for the sake of passing is one thing; Studying to comprehend and apply techqs is what ACCA demands. Oh judge me wrong!
It is interesting to see the survey , however two key factors to success are a). good comprehensive (linked) study material and plenty more of Questions & Answers book that covers all the topics.
ACCA exams need a great deal of time to prepare. It is lack of determination and commitment that most students fail, of course coupled with isolated factors. It is a battle field were men are separated from boys. I wish u all the best my fellow students.
It’s interesting to see that the pass rate for taking one exam either college part-time or self study leads to a greater pass rate than college full-time. I think people could save a bit of money here!
I think it just means, people are more lazy when they are in college 馃檪 or think that ACCA exams are sp easy, so 1 paper should be walk in the park (but these are just my speculations..) maybe someone who did 1 paper in college and failed.. will speak out :)?
I think you’re probably right. That and partying!
But if one paper is so easy, presumably it’s easy whatever your learning method.
well, I meant it was maybe the perception that it is easy.. when you sit in a class and everything is explained over and over for months in a college…. you think you understand it all, and are not practising enough…
how many college students after a class do homework the same day? 馃檪 don’t many leave the studying to the last minute?
Thank you Opentuition you put in a clear way
I find it very hard to interpret the data from these graphs… Please could you represent it in another way, or explain it to me?
which bit is the problem to interpret?
It’s the graphs at the bottom in particular (How long did you study?, How many hours a day did you study?, Mock exams), but it’s actually all of the graphs that have more than one colour in the same bar. I haven’t come across this type of graph before…
well, it is really the same as bars above.. just merged together..