Revenue – Example (LiverTech) – ACCA Financial Reporting (FR)
Reader Interactions
Hi, there is a mistake at 3:30 minutes of the video. Should the allocation for the technical support not be (500/2000) x 1,600, and not (500/2000) x 540? Thanks.
I have a doubt regarding the the deferred income calculation as u have taken in non current liability as 100 and on current liability as 200 . pls expain the difference on deferred income in both sides of CL and NONCL .
pls upload the video on missing lectures of ex 5,6 and 7 .. is it not in the syllabus of FR ?.
there are certain topics of IFRS 15 not covered in videos like Sales on return basis, commission sales and sales and buy back revenue kindly upload videos on these thank you
Hi finding your lectures brilliant thanks so much. Just wondering if there will be any videos upload to finalise the revenue chapter before sep19 session? Many thanks
Hi, there is a mistake at 3:30 minutes of the video. Should the allocation for the technical support not be (500/2000) x 1,600, and not (500/2000) x 540? Thanks.
Yes you’re right!
is there answers for examples 5+6 in video
thanks a lot
Will the remaining lectures be uploaded?
Hi, just wondering if missing lectures will be uploaded before Dec 2019 exam? Many thanks
I have a doubt regarding the the deferred income calculation as u have taken in non current liability as 100 and on current liability as 200 . pls expain the difference on deferred income in both sides of CL and NONCL .
pls upload the video on missing lectures of ex 5,6 and 7 .. is it not in the syllabus of FR ?.
Hello! Are the lectures for the missing topics likely to be uploaded before the September exam?
Thank you!
Is there any chance I can get the lecture on missing topics of IFRS15?
Kind Regards
there are certain topics of IFRS 15 not covered in videos like Sales on return basis, commission sales and sales and buy back revenue kindly upload videos on these thank you
Wonderful lectures but Please update the missing lectures for this chapter.
Dear Sir,
where can i find videos about contract cost, common types of transactions, output &input methods, percentage completion & work certified ?
Hello sir,
Are these notes sufficient for IFRS 15?
I mean there are certain contract aspects missing.
hi sir,
there is no lectures on contract costs and repurchase agreement etc is it not examinable ?
The notes and videos will be updated in due course.
Hi, are there videos updated explaining contracts and repurchases? I can not see them.
Is the video on the last section, likely to be up before the next exam sitting. Thanks Nick
Hi finding your lectures brilliant thanks so much. Just wondering if there will be any videos upload to finalise the revenue chapter before sep19 session? Many thanks
Please note that in step 4 the calculation of the revenue for technical support should read as follows:
= 500/2,000 x 1,600 = 400
noted. thanks
Thank you for this clear note.
I’m so glad, I was rattling my brain trying to figure out where the 540 came from!
Thank you