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Forums › ACCA Forums › ACCA APM Advanced Performance Management Forums › *** ACCA P5 March 2016 Exam Results ***
failed 3rd time with 48%, very disappointed as this is the closet i’ve been.
its my last paper!!!!
Failed p5 at 28 marks (since yr2012) ,9 attempts. Last exam 39 marks and I ever get 40 plus before. Really don’t know what’s wrong with me !!! Really sad till couldn’t sleep these two days….anybody there can help me??This is my last paper since yr2012.
ACCA affiliate now 🙂
P5 – 54%, second attempt.
My answers covered only 70% of question’s requirements and I was sure I would fail achieving less than 40%.
i think P4 is a nightmare….i failed this one(44%) on 4th attempt but wont give up. am now preparing for June session.
I finally passed this paper. I thank God almighty. Your notes and videos were very helpful