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Forums › ACCA Forums › ACCA SBR Strategic Business Reporting Forums › ** ACCA P2 June 2015 Exam Results **
pass with 56%
can i know how you study for P2
I have no idea how but I passed. I scraped through at 51 but a pass is still a pass and I see others have got similar marks, so I’m thinking we can’t all just be lucky and we did demonstrate the needed skill and knowledge to pass. Well done all that did, and good luck for those that didn’t for next time (don’t give up, I nearly did and that would have been such a waste!). Thanks OT your notes made the complex texts much easier to understand – got me to the end!
May I know how you all pass the P2? Can you all share OT notes to me?
KIndly send to my email
Thanks in advance. I wish to pass it nxt sitting!
Passed with 65, yaahoo
i passed with 51% mark, was happier than when i had 74% in one of the papers because i was studying , working and nursing.
Very Challenging
48% 2015 June
So happy vahid.Congrats