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- September 25, 2018 at 2:44 pm #475712
Truth be told, I disagree with perhaps some of the most common advice, in NEEDING to practice under exam conditions. You subconsciously are aware of the clear difference in the pressure of a real exam and faux one. You cannot self create that experience.
That being said, if you are worried about the timing that you what you need to improve on is fairly straight forward, and this type of analysis only comes with practice.
What you really need to do is garner the ability to read a question scenario VERY quickly and be able to extract information. For exams like APM and what was previously p3, key words like kpi’s, measures, goals, environmental conditions should immediately jump out at you. The same could be said about AFM when it comes to mentioning aspects such as risk and capital etc.
So what your aim here is to not necessarily read faster (Would be great if you can do this too!) but rather read more efficiently.
Another pertinent points comes down to how you answer the question. I didn’t do advance tax or audit so I can speak on those, but for other papers you need to become accustomed to the nuances and the way the examiner expects answers. Avoid fluff, be straight to the point, DO NOT information dump in expectation of gaining marks (especially for APM)
I wasn’t going to make a point on this, but its implicit that you read the requirement properly and break down what is being asked, pay attention to words like AND connection requirements. After you have done this, its IMPERATIVE to look for the answers to these questions while reading the scenario for the first time and making relevant notations as you go along. If you do have to do a later in depth anayslis, this process will evidently be much easier the second time around.
September 24, 2018 at 4:07 pm #475649Depends on what quality those ‘2 hours are of’. I studied APM and AFM in around 2 months~, sat in march and passed with around 70%
April 19, 2018 at 12:40 am #448072@ryanb88 said:
Good read, congratulations on your success!Thank you for the advice. I’ve ten more exams to go (ouch!) until I can say the same.
Don’t worry mate, you’ll be done in no time. I remember thinking the exact same things when i was at where are you presumably (f4). Although back then i thought acca was a breeze until i met f5 hahaha.
Just stick to it constantly and you’ll be fine.
April 16, 2018 at 2:49 pm #447433It would be awesome if anyone could give further insight on this, as I’m planning on progress to start the masters this year 🙂
April 16, 2018 at 1:16 am #446968For p4, more than any other p paper (perhaps besides p2), you need to practise. ALOT.
If possible, i would really aim to cover the material within 2 weeks if possible and after that focus on adjusting to how the areas are tested.
April 16, 2018 at 12:06 am #446842Passed Thank God. My results were consistent.
March 14, 2018 at 5:46 am #442529Pretty sure it was beneficial for me
With combined equity value being something like 15000m and seperate being 960m and 12600. Thus it being a gain, even after applying the 30% premium on the 960.
March 9, 2018 at 7:51 pm #4419039%
November 29, 2017 at 3:20 am #418777Its simple.
Amortised cost and OCI both have to meet the same two tests. The difference is in the Business model test for OCI is that the business BOTH holds and sell, as opposed to for amortised costs, where the business holds only.
FVTPL is the default position given the above tests aren’t met.
November 23, 2017 at 2:41 pm #417605Outdated notes. Ias 17
July 22, 2017 at 11:48 pm #398160I’m a bit surprised, figured f9 and p4 would have been a walk in the park since you are a CFA holder.
July 16, 2017 at 10:58 pm #3964421 Hour guys…
July 16, 2017 at 11:58 am #396282UOL awards btw, but the certificate does acknowledge that the core material originates from UCL
July 16, 2017 at 11:57 am #396281Thanks again Imuabbbas, I asked because I thought that would be a bit more material in making my judgement in how i should do my masters, i think I’ll do it in one year as opposed to the 6months.
July 14, 2017 at 2:13 pm #396000@imuabbas said:
I wanted to complete it all in 6 months myself. However, I suggest one module at a time and so do the University themselves. Hence, you complete it in one year.I would not recomnend it unless you are not working and have time for full time studies. The University suggests 2 hours a day of studying. In this modern world you know how difficult it is to spare two hours each day and sometimes you might require more time to do more research and understand the topic better.
From my experience once if you do not complete a topic in the suggested week you will find yourself with a lot to catch up with and read. Some topics have a lot of reading to do as i mentioned earlier.
Plus there are courseworks that come in between. So there will be times you will be reading new topics whilst also working on courseworks related to previous topics. I can’t imagine doing another seperate module at the same time.
Many things for me were new. As in, i did not come across them in my ACCA studies so it takes time to digest and understand it well.
However, that’s my experience. At the end it all depends on you.
Thank you alot for this advice. It is possible for me to do it full time, not working etc, that’s why i asked about the time commitment, though could you give me a comparative between this, and say P level acca exams. In terms of effort you put in
June 27, 2017 at 1:59 am #394158So i have a question in regards yo the difficulty and time commitment. So from my understanding after becoming an affiliate one would have to do two modules. What im concerned about is the difficulty of it in the sense that im wondering if the two modules can be done simultaneously or not. And its feasibility.
June 9, 2017 at 7:23 pm #392323Omz
My answer is different as it relates to MV= 15/.5 x (7.26x.49) Wasn’t sure whether to use ex div or cum dic.
With WACC ending up at 12.6% i think
June 9, 2017 at 6:42 pm #392301Easy exam i think.
31, WACC= 12.68%
I merely just spoke about the 4 structures approaches (traditional, both M&M, and pecking order), and explained how they try to achieve the optimum capital structure aka, where WACC is lowest, wasn’t quite sure what else they were asking.32. NPV: 63.3m i think
simply explained what the term meant, the types of rationing, hard/soft. Explained the purpose of NPV in relation to shareholder wealth, then talked about profitability index and use of combination for indivisble projects.Out of the multiple choice, think I got around 20/30, the rest were more or less guesses.
June 9, 2017 at 3:53 pm #391972@kevikraze said:
Thought question 1 was OK with the pestle and porters,Question 2 I didn’t like that the software company didn’t seem in too bad a state, it would have been easier if they were worse, I found profit ratios had worsened but receiveable and payable days had improved, main concern was that they had both increased long term debt and cut back much of their work force, I thought this suggested they may have used their savings in wages and dent finance to pay off their large payables. Anyone else take this line?
Software focused on Fit for purpose, ease of use, security features, compatibility with other systems, strength of software company for maintenance and updates, training
Q3) Said difference of project was one off not planned business, different from main strategy, to take a new unforseen opportunity
Then I described each stage of the project, what I found hard was relating it back to the scenario which question asked, didn’t much like their project, also got confused as I thought the business case was part of the PID not a separate document
In regards to the financial analysis, i concluded liquidity problems.
Better ratios could have suggested that they force customers to pay faster because of the liquidity issues, payables could have fallen because suppliers see the risk.
Gearing increases, long term debt funding short term finance, cash also fell, profitability also fell. Staff also fell, for a service company, could be aligned to a manufacturing company selling fixed assets,a sign of downsizing i think. etc etc
June 8, 2017 at 7:39 pm #391985Ok exam
May 8, 2017 at 3:34 am #385293This is truly awesome both Neil and Palmy!
June 16, 2016 at 2:57 pm #32317288%
June 16, 2016 at 2:54 pm #32317182%
May 17, 2016 at 4:59 pm #315473I think you are right.
May 17, 2016 at 4:50 pm #31547188% Though never really used open tuition.
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