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Forums › ACCA Forums › ACCA SBR Strategic Business Reporting Forums › *** March 2022 ACCA SBR exam – Instant Poll and comments ***
rachlow wrote:my q4 is not about EBITDA.. its about the pandemic and and government and bank relief..
Could you elaborate what questions you got, please it’s will helpful for me.
Anonymous wrote:Not 100% sure this was the correct order of the questions, but as far as I remember:
Was the employee benefit question related to another subsidiary or the subsidiary in “A”???.
Did anyone feel the screen sizes of the computers were way too small given the amount of windows (and various texts, questions etc) that were inherent in the exam?
I felt that they kind of gave us the short end of the stick, as I have never in any exams seen questions having scroll bars at the bottom, suggesting you use the scroller to read the question fully.
Love the paper format exams.