Section393(A) – (see answer to the June 2010 Q2(a)) ii – y/e 31 March 2010 loss relief. After current year relief against property business profit of £40,000. Carry back was claimed against y/e 31 March 2009 of £63400 and y/e 31 March £31800 and period ended 31 March 2007 of the balance of £18200.
My first question: I have the impression that s393(A) allows you only carry back against the total profit and gains of the previous 12 months, which is against y/e 31 March 2009 only?
My seconds question: The loss making year (y/e/ 31 March 2010) is 12 months why pro-rate or restrict the relief to £50,000.00 and if so what is the basis?