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- August 27, 2015 at 10:39 am #268765
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trephena thanks alot..
August 28, 2015 at 10:57 pm #268980@trephena
When I began the project I wrote out routine objective questions without realising I had to be specific. Since in my part 3, My format is yes to go over the UK CG code principles but i eleborate it not by whether Tesco has complied to codes or not but to focus on principles and sub provision where I can talk about what problems has arisen in tesco or how there compliance or action is regarded in terms of addressing the issues at its CG forefront. Moreover, I have found little value of comparativ companies in This specific case and have only made very few routine comparisons thus far. So my question to you is, what would be the right objective questions I should list out? As I doubt my current questions like 1) what is the extent of Tesco’s compliance to UK CG code?
2) to what extent can they be compared to competitors known for good CG?Since I am currently going principle by principle but writing only under sub provision where I can criticize or where there actions stated in annual report is significant in addressing there performance moving forward, i feel like those obejctive questions do not do justice.
Please help.
In addition to that, when I talk under accountability what do u suggest main headlines would be for Tesco?Thank you
August 29, 2015 at 10:43 am #269004@Eena – I think you should perhaps reorganise your objectives. Take the view that although a company may state it is complying with the code, recent exposure of malpractices show that compliance with it alone appears to be inadequate. You will need to discuss this with your mentor but I think a refocus to consider what Cadbury /Greenbury/King etc intended for Corporate Governance and how this has clearly ended up not really delivering the quality of CG anticipated in a company like Tesco.
One of your key objectives could be to look at what was hoped for 20+years ago and how the development of a Code and adherence to the ‘Letter of it’ on its own does not guarantee good governance. Perhaps another objective could also be to consider how important the leader at the top is in instilling the way Principles and Company ethics are integrated in the whole culture of the company. Say how in the context of Tesco you hope to be able to assess and question whether good governance goes beyond a Code. Questioning and critiquing is vital for a pass (and is often what is required for a higher grade) so you will be setting up a good framework for this.
You can keep Q1 (but when answering this I would tend to present most of this in a table (do NOT embed it as an image but keep it as an MS Word doc though).
More appropriate other questions might be along the lines of the points I have mentioned previously e.g. was the de facto composition (what existed in reality) of the skills of the Board adequate and appropriate? Were internal controls and lines of reporting through the company structure sufficiently robust? (Please read through some of my previous answers to you as I cannot repeat all the points)
The attached article deals with some of the main issues you could bring in
Remember to use your own words though. Recognise too that there is no one ‘correct’ way to set out a T17 RAP as it depends on the company. What your marker will be looking for is strong evidence that supports your final conclusion on the quality of Tesco ‘s actual CG and that you have covered the full topic title. They want to see that you have researched well, looked at things from different angles and that your arguments and statements are robust. The importance of comparator companies for Tesco are probably an irrelevance as there is much better and stronger evidence available so most routine comparisons would not add anything.
August 29, 2015 at 11:56 am #269012@trephena
Thank you for the reply.
Like I have mentioned I just feel that I need to rephrase or add more objective questions to my part 2 because my part 3 thus far is not just looking at the compliance checks that they have clearly laid out on the annual report, my format is going through the code and under relevant sub provision which I feel I can talk more,point out like you said whether ‘compliance’ they refer to have been adequate. I am going through this structured format but objective like you said simliar to those. so I shall update my part 2 questions a bit more.
I feel that presenting that they have complied and explained the non compliances,fully to the code even presenting as a table maybe too superficial, instead my strategy has been just to elaborate on code provisions that I can say thaat despite compliance ,it brings about questions as to how effective its been? like that. I hope you get what am saying hehe.
But yes I guess I can continue.
Thank you.August 29, 2015 at 5:08 pm #269051@trephena I am having trouble writing out under section c: ACCOUNTABILITY in relation to Tesco reference to the code. The directors report, auditors report are all shown as compliance with the code. how do i bring about a comparison with the code or do I at all?
should i just straight away say that the annual report consists the necessary explanations required to be presented as per the code and then continue on sayin that however Tesco can be scrutinised about there internal control weaknesses, the effectiveness of audit committee is in question regarding code provision C.3.4, 5 and 6?Please help.
August 30, 2015 at 9:52 am #269113@Eena -well for a start I would go back and cover from 2012 onwards for this point and show how all of these reports complied with the Code too BUT….. and follow this with what has been discovered since. Remember the brief for this topic is an evaluation of the QUALITY of the company’s CG, NOT how well it follows the Code to the letter! A discussion of how effective the audit committee was in reality may be appropriate.
For evaluating Accountability consider aspects of agency theory, whether the Tesco board just informs their stakeholders or do they actually listen to them? You might also here or later (as pat of your summing up) consider whether the dual board model (as in Germany) might serve stakeholders better. You can also bring in Transparency as it goes hand in hand with accountability – the fact that it needed a whistleblower to reveal what was really going on shows that senior managers were either complicit in distorting figures or guilty of dereliction of duty. Consequently internal controls must have been weak as no-one either picked up on the malpractice or more sinisterly, if they did, their questioning of it was suppressed.
September 2, 2015 at 6:04 pm #269603I’m a bit confused about the second part of research. I mean, how do I measure the impact of CG on shareholders? – what should I use as a measure for shareholders?
Its obvious that you can’t predict movements in share price by CG improvements so using financial measures would be wrong, wouldn’t it? And if I do find a good measure dat relates to CG, can I then do a regression analysis to measure the impact (or relationship)
September 3, 2015 at 10:43 am #269663@sssteeeve – This topic is about the QUALITY of an organisation’s CG. You assess elements of this and draw comparisons with other companies and codes in Part 1. In Part 2 which is a fairly distinct part you examine the organisation’s relationship with its various stakeholders having analysed what particular groups these are.
So you need to look at how it communicates and treats these relevant groups. As I have explained elsewhere in this forum, the main duty to shareholders is profit maximization so returns to shareholders are a measure of how well it is controlling and directing operations. For other aspects of the shareholder communication and relationships you will have to read through the posts on here as I can’t keep repeating all the Info.
For regression analysis you would need to have reliable data and you would need to be able to establish a definite relationship between the dependent and independent variables. You are unlikely to find such robust data though you may be able to show trends in revenue/ profit per employee and the like. I suggest you read the following article on measuring effectiveness
September 5, 2015 at 6:52 pm #269978@trephena Thank you
I am focusing on the remuneration o fthe group at the moment and I am not sure whether I should be using any comparators in the case?
Moreover I have read about the shareholder uprising in the agm regrading the pays to executives. I am having trouble identifying whether I Should be focusing on the current directors salaries or the fact that annual bonuses were not declared this year or last year follwoing the strategic failiures.
the components of the remuneration pckage proposed for 2015/2016 seems reasonable enough , but reading through the remuneration report has been confusing as half of the time I am not sure about the PRP share stuff seems to be working…September 6, 2015 at 2:01 pm #270073@Eena – some brief comparisons perhaps but stick to the main focus of relationships with stakeholders and shareholders (and assessing the quality of the CG overall). You can use up-to-the minute info and consider its implications. Remember it is your commentary and critical evaluation based on available evidence that is most important – so don’t get bogged down in unnecessary detail unless it advances your arguments or adds ‘value’
September 8, 2015 at 7:00 pm #270509@trephena
Thank you for your replies.
I have now moved into the stakeholder section of my project and I have chosen three groups to focus on due to the word count restriction. My choices are 1- SHAREHOLDERS 2-CUSTOMER 3-SUPPLIERS. I was hoping you could comment on whether these choices are suitable ?
Morever, I have catergorised them under the Mendelow framework and my doubts are on whether placing suppliers in the ‘high interest low power’ and the other two groups as ‘high power and interest’ is the correct move?Thank you once again
September 9, 2015 at 10:15 am #270694@Eena – yes those 3 are fine but you should look a little at the employee and employer relationship too (look at my recent posts on T20 on this as there is a bit of an overlap between the T20 ans T17 in places).
Suppliers definitely have low power in many situations particularly when it comes to relationships with supermarkets. The importance of the supplier’s main customers to its business will be critical and will therefore dictate the level of their interest. Again for most suppliers to supermarkets the supermarket will be their principal customer, so yes the supplier interest will be high. Comment on the power imbalance i.e. suppliers are in the very much weaker position! (and Tesco has not historically dealt very fairly with its suppliers)
September 10, 2015 at 8:54 am #270964@Trephena – Tesco’s annual report for y/e 28th Feb 2015 uses 2012 CG code instead of the most recent 2014 version. This is despite the code specifying that only annual reports prepared before Oct. 2014 must comply with the old version.
Question – For the part where I need to briefly mention whether the company is in compliance with the code, should I use 2012 as benchmark or 2014 code? If former, for consistency sake, should I use the same code for its competitors? And is it worth mentioning that Tesco should have used 2014 code?Many thanks
September 10, 2015 at 10:00 am #270981@Sonu – I could be wrong but I think if you look at the FRC preamble to the 2014 Code you will see that it applies to reporting periods that START after Oct 2014. Tesco ‘s 2015 FS run from Feb 2014 so the 2012 Code in that case would still be applicable. You could comment on any significant differences that the 2014 Code might have made to Tesco if they had applied it.
(If I have read the rules wrongly please let me know as I don’t have the 2014 Code to hand – I am just recalling what I believe I read a few months back)
September 10, 2015 at 11:59 am #271012@Trephena – I stand corrected! Glad I checked this now before it was too late. Thanks very much.
September 10, 2015 at 2:39 pm #271049@Trephena – Having read through this thread, I have made changes to my objectives to try and make them more meaningful and analytical. I need reassurance that my draft list below is not too far fetched and disconnected (esp. No. 3)
1. To assess the quality of corporate governance within Tesco plc
2. To evaluate the impact of Tesco’s corporate governance on its key stakeholders.
3. To what extent (or lack thereof) has the UK CG code developed to tackle the turbulent business and economic environment.
4. What role (if any) has UK CG code played in the corporate governance failure of Tesco plc.
5. To develop my business analytical skillsI just need to know whether I am headed in the right direction.
Many thanks
September 10, 2015 at 2:44 pm #271051Essentially, in my paper I do not want to limit my focus on Tesco’s quality of CG but also look at how underdevelopment of UK CG code is also to blame for the corporations taking an easy way out in complying with the letter of the code rather than the spirit. But, my apprehension is whether by doing this I am steering away from the main topic and setting myself up for failure.
Thanks ever so much.September 11, 2015 at 1:56 pm #271278@Sonu – In my role as Forum Moderator I am here to suggest ways to pass your RAP so my advice is that you really do need to focus on Tesco and the quality (or lack of it) of their CG for your RAP. Although you may do some discursive commentary looking at whether the CG code is relevant or tends to encourage a ‘tick box’ approach, try to show this predominantly in the context of Tesco (although you could bring in some other brief examples of this in other companies).
Overall your marker will be looking to see that you have correctly and appropriately interpreted the project brief. If they end up concluding that your RAP is more about whether the CG Code serves a relevant purpose and the spirit of Cadbury etc has been circumvented they are likely to fail it. It is a case of balance – discussion of some of your proposals could well bring up your grade (as it falls within critical thinking – what markers like to see in work) but it is a case of not overdoing it. I do appreciate though that exploring these other issues is probably far more interesting than doing the stakeholder analysis part for example….
So regarding your research proposals above I would suggest you work towards
1. 40%
2. 40%
3. 10%
4. 10%
5. This is something that is more personal and it would be appropriate to use it as the foundation to your SLS self-reflectionFrom my personal perspective I think you have raised some very valid and interesting ssues and these might be something that you might like to pursue further if you did some post-graduate study.
– Trephena
September 11, 2015 at 5:55 pm #271352Anonymous
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i have been through this forum for sometimes and i find it currently working on rap on T17.i have been stock at the accounting/business techniques in part 2..i am based in nigeria an am working on nigeria there are two codes vis the cbn code of corporates governance for banks and discount houses and nigeria SEC code of corporate governance for listed coys..can i used both or any of this code as an accounting/business techniques..or which particular accounting/business model can be applicable for this topic cos i have been wandering for some weeks now dont know what to do…though am aware of mendalow matrix…i need more accounting/business model to work with..pls i need your advice…
secondly still on accounting/business technique thing,can i used the principle of CG such as accountability,disclosure,transparency etc as an accounting/business techniques?or is there any other principle you can recommend apart from this.
Thank you
September 12, 2015 at 12:16 am #271439@segem – the codes in essence form the business techniques and the Mendelow matrix is appropriate for stakeholder analysis. In principle there is no reason why you cannot use the codes you have mentioned however the over riding consideration should be best practice. In this respect Transparency International has serious concerns about the level of corruption in some countries and unfortunately Nigeria has never ranked well in their Corruption Perception Index over the years and this has been a cause for concern -see the attached
I think this offers you a unique opportunity to consider the potential effect of corruption in the banking sector. So possibly you might like to bring in some of these aspects into your RAP and mention legislation from other countries that might benefit your company were they to be implemented in Nigeria -I am thinking here of the UK Bribery Act 2010 and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977As with Sonu above do focus principally on the main brief of quality of CG and stakeholders but you could do a similar split to the one I suggested there with 10% weighting given to the problem of corruption in Nigeria and 10% to an assessment of the perception of corruption that exists in the banking sector in general and your company in particular and whether their practices would fall on the right side of the legislation mentioned or how adoption of similar laws would strengthen the integrity of the company. I think this could add a new dimension to your work and introduce some critical thought (so beloved and desired by markers)
You can outline the principles you mention and in fact that is where you can perhaps introduce the corruption issue
September 12, 2015 at 2:24 am #271444Anonymous
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@trephena thanks for the reply..I still need further clearification on something’s like what do you mean by a main brief?does a main brief also mean the same thing with a literature review within context of this also talked about the weighting you mean the amount of level of write up to be made as part of the discussions at the starting of part 3 or i don’t seems to understand.
You talked about the UK anti bribery act and law in the US,but considering the fact,Nigeria aslo had some anti graft agency such as the EFCC and ICPC couple with some anti bribery laws.don’t you think I should limit myself to this local laws to discuss the corruption thing.Thank you
September 12, 2015 at 4:42 am #271448@trephena
Tesco’s major shareholders combined percentage seems to be only 12.008%, I am confused as to whether these are the institutional investors. if the percentage is this, how can we say that they have power?
Morever I am having trouble narrowing down what to focus on when it comes to the stakeholder part of my project. Please guide meSeptember 12, 2015 at 5:49 am #271449Anonymous
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@trephena,you talk about diagram,charts and tables in previous post with Alfred.the coy I am using does not provide any diagram,charts,or table of any form,but there are information as regards other things such as board composition,no of NED and EDs etc with this statistical information can I come up with diagram like pie charts,tables,etc but will be based on the statistical information provided by the coy on its website /annual report and the coy website,annual report as the source will be referenced accordingly..what do you think?
September 12, 2015 at 8:18 am #271455@segem Yes do use local laws and consider whether they are perceived as effective and have influential they have been generally and specifically on the bank.
The brief relates to the main title and yes I was referring to Part 3. The reader needs to see that you have mainly concentrated on quality of CG and the stakeholder analysis aspects. However as corruption could be a particular issue in Nigeria it would be appropriate to over this a little and certainly as I mentioned adds to the value of your work through critical thought. So weighting are not the exact number of words bit a roughly as a guide.
Yes try to do pie charts for internal stats if they lend themselves to this (basically to show proportion of a whole). and maybe bar charts for pay comparisons with another bank and that sort of thing. Just remember graphs etc. save on words and enhance the appearance of work.
September 12, 2015 at 8:27 am #271456@Eena – very interesting stat – in that case look at prior years and look at the change. Institutional shareholders have probably been divesting themselves of their shareholdings as did Warren Buffett after the scandal broke. You could (and probably should) research the latter i.e WB and how lack of CG has affected confidence of institutional investors and impact on share price
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