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- This topic has 75 replies, 44 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by
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- March 3, 2020 at 8:53 pm #564000
Did anyone recalculate the NPV and payback for the investment appraisal? The cash flows before tax didn’t include the sales figure so totally changed the NPV and payback period. Just wondering if I did this and possibly didn’t need to. Ran out of time as usual I really struggle with time in these exams.
March 3, 2020 at 8:54 pm #564001Third attempt. I give up. Bye bye ACCA.
March 3, 2020 at 9:03 pm #564003I failed this exam 4 times so join the club lol
March 3, 2020 at 9:06 pm #564004I didn’t do any calculations for the NPV however I commented on the DCF and said it should match risk not the rate of interest don’t even know if that’s correct.
I said the marketing costs didn’t seem right.March 3, 2020 at 10:46 pm #564016I was along the same lines as you. Hopefully it’s a pass, third attempt at this paper.
March 3, 2020 at 11:20 pm #564021@julieg said:
Did anyone recalculate the NPV and payback for the investment appraisal? The cash flows before tax didn’t include the sales figure so totally changed the NPV and payback period. Just wondering if I did this and possibly didn’t need to. Ran out of time as usual I really struggle with time in these exams.I didn’t recalculate anything. Didnt have time to.
I mentioned first of all newly joined assistant making investment appraisal and FD didnt even review it before presenting it to CEO.
Discount rate should take into account risk associated with this project.
For 5-10 simply multiplying it to 6 is not the right approachMarch 4, 2020 at 5:29 am #564031I managed to attempt all the questions, but I struggled a lot with question 3.
And regarding changing the governance structure I mentioned that they need to add more NEDs and additional committees.
Hopefully I have done enough to pass.March 4, 2020 at 6:07 am #564020I sat in Leeds and was 3 hours late getting in due to tech problems
March 4, 2020 at 6:45 am #564040Did this in Manchester. Such a strange exam experience.
March 4, 2020 at 8:45 am #564081With the NPV calc I stated that tax should be on the NPV calc the year after it is incurred as that is when it was paid. I then recalculated the payback period which took it down to 2.9 years therefore fitting in with the 3 year payback period required…
I also recommended going with government option as they had experience and the resources to do it with not much extra cost required. It also could lead to further contracts being won in the future if it was done well….
Anyone else?
March 4, 2020 at 10:15 am #564097Lmao, it’s funny because my answer and yours are exactly the same. I feel confused.
Also used 6 i’s and positMarch 4, 2020 at 10:16 am #564098Lmao, it’s funny because my answer and yours are exactly the same. I feel confused.
Also used 6 i’s and popitMarch 4, 2020 at 10:54 am #564101I used SWOT for both IOT & Gov Sector for question 1b – the evaluation of strategic options – Does highlighting the SWOT of each option also work as an evaluation? Or did we have to use only pros/cons, SFA or Financial, Operational and Strategic Issues?
March 4, 2020 at 3:06 pm #564157Anonymous
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I threw away 30 marks because of initial shock with the scenario and time management issues. By your experience, is it possible to pass with 30 marks unanswered?
March 4, 2020 at 5:43 pm #564211Difficult exam. Couldn’t real make sense of some of the questions. Also couldn’t work out what models went fit what questions. Not looking good for me.
March 4, 2020 at 7:03 pm #564245yes, that was required. since they were planning on getting listed, Corporate governance recommendations could be made.
March 4, 2020 at 7:26 pm #564250i don’t really think it was required to re calculate the NPV , I wrote points about
– not taking inflation into consideration – cuz fixed costs were consistent.
– he took tax rate consistent over the years which might not be the case in reality .
– discount rate which he used .
– he took the NVP and multiplied it by 6 – inappropriate
– payback calculation was illustrated wrongly . while calculation was right .. might mis lead the management
– project will be financed by loan, there wasn’t any interest cost in the NPV
– i also questioned the was the calculated the contribution % from future sales i guess . i wrote this should be at least based on some historical data .yea that’s what i remember on NPV. hope got it right 🙂
March 4, 2020 at 7:32 pm #564253I remember the top line being sales revenue then the second line was contribution and were added together. The assistant should of just taken into account contribution figures only or sales revenue figure and variable costs. The assistant was double counting.
March 4, 2020 at 8:00 pm #564262this is my second attempt, and comparing to Dec. i felt this paper was mush better .. some easy marks were there on risks NPV marketing how to help CEO to implement change .. SFA for both potential option .. and ethical issues and impact of the threat email they received
i really messed up in the last bit about board and GC tho i wrote few points like balance of board and should involvements of other shareholders .
March 4, 2020 at 10:43 pm #564295dont think that’s what was needed in that question . The question is really about the role of an accountant in an IT environment .It was twisted so you can advise.
In my view
Intro Business is usually driven by self interest and application of ethics in certain real life situations can be murky/unclear. However, ethics should always guide actions to limit exposure.
The threat appears credible given the specificity and details .It should be taken seriously.
The organisation operates in the context of laws and regulations that guides third party data and breaches .
Where there is a breach, the potential consequences could lead to significant fines and reputational damage that could threaten the future of the business.
The organisation has an obligation to its client and other stakeholders like the actual owners of the data/public as well as the regulatory authorities
Can the organisation obtain a reasonable assurance that proves beyond doubt that there was no breach of its system to obtain the information as the It director alluded to ?
It is understandable that TT4U might want to retain the business and not inform the client since they are not sure their network was broken into to steal the data
It is our view that the potential negative outcome ,should it come to light that the hacker contacted them initially outweighs the benefit of retaining the client
Putting the above issues in perspective ,we would advise that TT4U act with integrity by informing the client with or without evidence that the breach was not from their system . TT4U should then work out a mutual response to the threat with the client.
Apologies for my punctuation or unclear Englush
Wrote something along these lines
The exam was bloody .There was blood all over my question paper and answer sheet .I will just be preparing for June .You see questions like these and even the things you know will fly out of your head
Can somebody tell me the benefit to the employees and information directors will need.
These questions did not make sense to me given the Information in the exhibits
For the options i used suitability feasibility and Acceptability
Concluded by advising they take on the two options since there will be no significant alteration to the business model according to the information in exhibit 2 and same resources and competence can be used to deliver the two objectives .It opens a new market and product development and its a related diversification It also spreads the risks of the business as well
For the change question
Xteristics required I said a visionary leader
Select a change team from each department train them according to the objectives of moibeds also taking into consideration lapses in the feedback
Inform and educate the staff and make them understand reason for change
Delegate responsibilities , monitor controls in the It systems
mentioned that it’s a high strategic change that requires lots of coordination so business process reengineering should be implemented using POPIT .
I was just all over the place . At the end of the day still felt empty
How else can one prepare for a question like these . Read my eyes out and solve past questions,yet I did not feel like it moved any niddle in the hall .
I think those questions dont really test you , they just demoralise you in the hall and in my view it’s designed to ensure you fail.But I will not give up the challenge if i dont succede i will try again
March 5, 2020 at 11:17 am #564292Hey all just a short breakdown on what I wrote
1) there were a lot of risks which you could have mentioned . The ones I mentioned where
– shareholders want to be listed soon and that requires full compliance with the structure of the board which they don’t meet, not taking that seriously would have adverse effects and compliance risk also seen my clients as a bad thing – unable to win or retain contracts (high impact, high likelihood)
– management motivation – it mentioned that the directors were already unhappy with us (the consultanty firm) joining and proving advice to tt4u. Could also be seen a risk as they are hesitant to change
– risk that the survey was seen as a ad hoc rare exercise. Won’t be able to understand clients needs therefore difficult to win contracts and retain
– then all the risks to do with the survey
– risks of the confidentiality breach impact reputation and legal fees also another risk affecting winning new clients etc
-competitor analysis also wasn’t done so they aren’t able to see where they are in the market. Another risk you could talk about
-risk of falling behind they are a tech company and should be at the forefront of innovation risk of getting left behind1) for the next part I used suitability feasibility and acceptability for both. I overall went for the government one due to the fact the company only have 75 staff doesn’t look like they have the resources for the internet home appliances sector Which would also need a lot of financial backing or maybe if they target one sector within the market it may be feasible. Both were risky but the government one overall I felt had less risk it was also more in line with the strategic position of the company providing similar services to a new market which is ‘market development ‘ also shareholders may prefer government service might be good for reputation. There was a lot to talk about for both projects in all.
1) the controls I mentioned things such as control environment setting tone from the top, then control activities such a segregation, passwords, authorisations, training, physical access, reporting on compliance and regaularly testing the controls in place, also carrying out a risk assessment regularly to make sure the controls are in place . And monitoring2) reviewing the work of the investment appraisal obviously the work was done by a junior new member so can question all his creditentials coming from a new department, wasn’t reviewed by the FD either so another issue. Forecasting sales revenue went up 99.6% from Y1 to Y5 that’s a very optimistic assumption need to get the detail behind all those. The marketing costs flatlined after year 3 which didn’t make sense but also if you are launching a new cloud softaware surely you would incure a lot of marketing costs in the first year not the subsequent years didn’t make sense . The tax rate remains unchanged but surely that would change as profits would be made. The discount rate used would need to take into account risk but it was also under the assumption of the old loan they previously had. What if they need a new loan to finance this venture can’t use the old loan assumptions to work out the discount rate.
2) e marketing was A nice one. talked about the traditional push marketing approach and how everything is more pull marketing where the customer generates the initial interaction. Followed by the 6’is and applying them to the cloud computing option as much as possible
3) this is where it gets interesting I figured that the MOBEID approach was a transformational change as they kept mentioning in the paper but the factor to think about was also the speed of the change. Surely they couldn’t just do it overnight therefore I said the change would be a transformational change at an slow pace which is – evolutionary change (according to the model) and the advice I gave to the CEO was to use LEWINs model of – unfreeze: change and then refreeze. And giving step by step guidance on how to do that.
3) the ceo letter was pretty self explanatory
3) the information for the new board structure I mentioned needs to be a balance of NEDS and EDs but also the fact that committees would be useful to satisfy all stakeholder groups risk, nomination, audit, remuneration. Also mentioned how the board should be diverse from all backgrounds, genders, variety of skills . Also no mention of a directors induction which would be good, and a CPD done so everyone could keep up to date on skills
3) qualities of information given to the boardI talked about
Accurate info
User targeted
Forward looking
Highly summarised
Non routine info
Maybe incorporate environmental reporting
And maybe consider integrated reportingThis way all stakeholder groups can benefit. The Meiobid approach was all about the client and stakeholders being at the heart of everything that was done so giving them that kind of information (above) should keep them happy
Let me know what you guys think
March 5, 2020 at 9:13 pm #564470I answered for governance they should have sub-committee, especially risk committee and audit committee, and recommended to have another 6 NEDs to be able to lead audit committe and remuneration committee. And I mentioned also that those were required by large stock market, and some investors wanted them to go to national stock market.
And I did not use any model. If the mark is given 8, I answered 4 points, 5 points for 10 marks. But time is so limited, I answerred all questions but really don’t know if I was talking right.
And for IT part, luckily I was reading the IT question in that morning, so my brain was just on the same channel then.Now I realized that for letter to employee, I wrote as email format, guess that is not right. 🙁
March 6, 2020 at 7:59 am #564404@navjot23 said:
Hey all just a short breakdown on what I wrote1) there were a lot of risks which you could have mentioned . The ones I mentioned where
– shareholders want to be listed soon and that requires full compliance with the structure of the board which they don’t meet, not taking that seriously would have adverse effects and compliance risk also seen my clients as a bad thing – unable to win or retain contracts (high impact, high likelihood)
– management motivation – it mentioned that the directors were already unhappy with us (the consultanty firm) joining and proving advice to tt4u. Could also be seen a risk as they are hesitant to change
– risk that the survey was seen as a ad hoc rare exercise. Won’t be able to understand clients needs therefore difficult to win contracts and retain
– then all the risks to do with the survey
– risks of the confidentiality breach impact reputation and legal fees also another risk affecting winning new clients etc
-competitor analysis also wasn’t done so they aren’t able to see where they are in the market. Another risk you could talk about
-risk of falling behind they are a tech company and should be at the forefront of innovation risk of getting left behind1) for the next part I used suitability feasibility and acceptability for both. I overall went for the government one due to the fact the company only have 75 staff doesn’t look like they have the resources for the internet home appliances sector Which would also need a lot of financial backing or maybe if they target one sector within the market it may be feasible. Both were risky but the government one overall I felt had less risk it was also more in line with the strategic position of the company providing similar services to a new market which is ‘market development ‘ also shareholders may prefer government service might be good for reputation. There was a lot to talk about for both projects in all.
1) the controls I mentioned things such as control environment setting tone from the top, then control activities such a segregation, passwords, authorisations, training, physical access, reporting on compliance and regaularly testing the controls in place, also carrying out a risk assessment regularly to make sure the controls are in place . And monitoring2) reviewing the work of the investment appraisal obviously the work was done by a junior new member so can question all his creditentials coming from a new department, wasn’t reviewed by the FD either so another issue. Forecasting sales revenue went up 99.6% from Y1 to Y5 that’s a very optimistic assumption need to get the detail behind all those. The marketing costs flatlined after year 3 which didn’t make sense but also if you are launching a new cloud softaware surely you would incure a lot of marketing costs in the first year not the subsequent years didn’t make sense . The tax rate remains unchanged but surely that would change as profits would be made. The discount rate used would need to take into account risk but it was also under the assumption of the old loan they previously had. What if they need a new loan to finance this venture can’t use the old loan assumptions to work out the discount rate.
2) e marketing was A nice one. talked about the traditional push marketing approach and how everything is more pull marketing where the customer generates the initial interaction. Followed by the 6’is and applying them to the cloud computing option as much as possible
3) this is where it gets interesting I figured that the MOBEID approach was a transformational change as they kept mentioning in the paper but the factor to think about was also the speed of the change. Surely they couldn’t just do it overnight therefore I said the change would be a transformational change at an slow pace which is – evolutionary change (according to the model) and the advice I gave to the CEO was to use LEWINs model of – unfreeze: change and then refreeze. And giving step by step guidance on how to do that.
3) the ceo letter was pretty self explanatory
3) the information for the new board structure I mentioned needs to be a balance of NEDS and EDs but also the fact that committees would be useful to satisfy all stakeholder groups risk, nomination, audit, remuneration. Also mentioned how the board should be diverse from all backgrounds, genders, variety of skills . Also no mention of a directors induction which would be good, and a CPD done so everyone could keep up to date on skills
3) qualities of information given to the boardI talked about
Accurate info
User targeted
Forward looking
Highly summarised
Non routine info
Maybe incorporate environmental reporting
And maybe consider integrated reportingThis way all stakeholder groups can benefit. The Meiobid approach was all about the client and stakeholders being at the heart of everything that was done so giving them that kind of information (above) should keep them happy
Let me know what you guys think
please let us know your results in april! this is very good!
March 6, 2020 at 10:19 am #564525It wasn’t really a difficult exam though. I think time management was a bit an issue for me. I couldn’t complete no. 3. Hopefully I did enough to get me over the finish line. I just honestly need 50%. Any extra can be given to somebody else.
March 9, 2020 at 6:50 am #564955Ikr. I be like what the hell is this.
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