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- This topic has 51 replies, 39 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by
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- June 7, 2019 at 7:05 am #519490
Part b of first C question was about difference between proportionate and fair value methods of calculating NCI. This is the same question from June 2011 past exam 1st question part b.
And I read almost every question from 2010 to 2018 except this one. What a luck)). Who would think that?June 7, 2019 at 7:08 am #519491Hmm I don’t know how I feel about this.
Time wise – I finished 20 minutes before the end of the exam.
Complexity – I headed into the exam knowing that I will fail as I hadn’t done much question practice but I knew the syllabus insight and out.
Question – I had Ratios, Consolidated P&L in section C, leasing, financial instruments & agriculture in section B and section A mostly consisted of retained earnings and goodwill calculations with more emphasis on accounting framework.Weirdly enough all of the questions I was presented with I had practiced just not to the extent I had practiced questions for F5,F6, F8 & F9.
I’m sure vast majority of us have passed, I’m certain I’ll fail but there’s this hope back of my mind that the questions I did have could just edge it over the pass mark.
Had similar feeling with F6, every answer I selected just made sense mathematically and logically.
Has anyone else felt like this after an exam?
June 7, 2019 at 9:29 am #519523still feeling bad about not finishing my exam yesterday,but we move.anyone with an e-copy of audit and assurance study text and willing to share?thanks in advance
June 7, 2019 at 9:48 am #519525Did we all have different exams as I cant relate to any of the comments above.
I had section C – a consolidated P&L and ratio analysis on Jolley Co
I found the exam easier than I had expected to but also concerned that I ignored any financial instrument elements!
June 7, 2019 at 10:58 am #519577I finished section a and b in less than an hour and was still struggling for time for the two CRs, does anyone know how the paper is marked? i heard from someone that every section needs to be passed, and they take weighted average of the three sections, is there any truth in this? i didnt fare that well in the second CR and im just hoping that its not the reason for a fail score
June 7, 2019 at 11:15 am #519580I got this question as well
June 7, 2019 at 11:24 am #519581I had consolidated P& L with an associate and ratio analysis on Jolley Co. I found the OT questions quite challenging which is 60% of the paper. Dreading July 19
June 7, 2019 at 12:08 pm #519584The exam was actually better than past exam questions. Section A & B not too bad. I has to rush the last Q and probably only got 6 or 7 marks there.
What did people calc as the tax charge to SPL in the first question in part C? I took the tax estimate, then deducted the CT overprovision, then deducted the difference between the DT balance on the TB, with the required DT (as this was lower).
Also did people get the loss on disposal of the plant as 472k? Did they add this to COS?
June 7, 2019 at 12:10 pm #519585@unfazed said:
I finished section a and b in less than an hour and was still struggling for time for the two CRs, does anyone know how the paper is marked? i heard from someone that every section needs to be passed, and they take weighted average of the three sections, is there any truth in this? i didnt fare that well in the second CR and im just hoping that its not the reason for a fail scoreI don’t think that’s true
June 7, 2019 at 12:19 pm #519586@nichani said:
I had consolidated P& L with an associate and ratio analysis on Jolley Co. I found the OT questions quite challenging which is 60% of the paper. Dreading July 19Looks like i had the same paper and exactly the same feelings – section A and B were really tricky, section C not that bad
June 7, 2019 at 12:34 pm #519587Section c I got a profit and loss statement with several adjustments which ranged about 7 different topics but the eps was a five easy Mark even if u got the net profit figure wrong, got alot of consol in section a which was ok, section b I got some easy Marks and my other section c was ratios. I explained that because of that even if the sub has high margins before acquisition because the parents restrict sales from other competitors the overall gap margin would not have increased so much and that because of a revaluation the roce would have fallen because there was not enough sales to to increase pbit therefore increasing the overall roce. I also stated that It would be best for sales to continue to competitors
June 7, 2019 at 12:37 pm #519588Section A was ok section B i had 1.research and development
3.discontinued op’s and assets held for sale
Section C i had to prepare a consolidated income statement and explain how to account for an associate. And not that many adjustments all I had to adjust was for unrealised profit, amortization of intangibles and an associate that was all no tax no compounding nothing I was shocked
Then for interpretation I had I had to calculate a few ratios the entity had a new competitor
and additional info
Overall i feel i did good
I was disappointed I didn’t get any questions on cashflows, leases, tax, inflation, even compound instruments I had nothing not even in section CJune 7, 2019 at 1:00 pm #519590I had that associate question too I just answered it in the spreadsheet
June 7, 2019 at 2:21 pm #519613Section C I had P&L with 7 adjustments which I found fine and a consolidated P&L to calcutate margin ratio.
Section A I found to be heavy on calculation, so much consolidation Questions. My whole exam was goodwill, nci and conversions.
I struggled a lot with the spreadsheet and the word doc. Scrolling up and down was a night mare. I wrote most quickly on paper then transferred with decent layout to spreadsheet. Total waste of my time.
June 7, 2019 at 5:07 pm #519660@opentuition_team said:
How was your FR exam? Please post your comments below, and vote in the Instant Poll[crowdsignal poll=10336909]
The exam was OK but as said by many students the time wasn’t sufficient to complete the two C section question no. 31 & 32. Further Qst no. 31 was to be answered in word format and it wasn’t user friendly. The tab key didn’t work to key in the values, and so had to use space bar which took lot of time. Also, while editing, it overwrote the earlier sentences without being able to add in new words and therefore had to rewrite the entire sentences etc for analysis in question 31. The table columns too couldn’t be dragged to widen or shorten each column. This created shortage of time to complete the 32nd question. Hope ACCA makes the work and excel more user friendly for the CBE exams.
June 7, 2019 at 8:39 pm #519709..
June 7, 2019 at 10:23 pm #519724Q31 was consol p&l for Pearson Group with sub being 9/12s and then an associate. There weren’t many adjustments (which kinda freaked me out) as I think I completed that question in 30mins or so. All previous practice questions took me 35/40 mins with a lot more adjustments.
Q32 was Jolley Co. Calculated 6/7 ratios and then accounting journal for dealing convertible loan notes and then recalculating gearing again. Last part was analysis of performance and position using ratios calculated.Section B was Leases, Revenue Contracts & Intangible Assets. Quite theory heavy here.
Section A was a lot on Goodwill, IASB Framework, NCI, ROCE & Gearing, EPS calc. One question on calculating operating cycle with Inventory Times, receivables and payables giving.
Not really sure how I did. Hope to pass but it could have been a lot worse.
June 8, 2019 at 12:36 am #519753@grahamegan said:
Q31 was consol p&l for Pearson Group with sub being 9/12s and then an associate. There weren’t many adjustments (which kinda freaked me out) as I think I completed that question in 30mins or so. All previous practice questions took me 35/40 mins with a lot more adjustments.
Q32 was Jolley Co. Calculated 6/7 ratios and then accounting journal for dealing convertible loan notes and then recalculating gearing again. Last part was analysis of performance and position using ratios calculated.Section B was Leases, Revenue Contracts & Intangible Assets. Quite theory heavy here.
Section A was a lot on Goodwill, IASB Framework, NCI, ROCE & Gearing, EPS calc. One question on calculating operating cycle with Inventory Times, receivables and payables giving.
Not really sure how I did. Hope to pass but it could have been a lot worse.
I had the exact questions as you!! Likewise,
Not sure how I did however I did say in my earlier post that I didn’t do as many questions practice as I had hoped to do but with those questions in the exam I felt that I was let of easy.Do you recall the overall message how Jolley Co had performed?
I explained how overall they had good profitability but it would be wise to install tighter cost controls to ensure better profitability as well as making redundancies as the sector average on “return per employee” was way higher than that of Jolley Co effectively meaning that far too many people have been employed.
June 8, 2019 at 7:39 am #519787i thought i was only one who run out of time
June 8, 2019 at 9:06 am #519801I said overall they were performing well but they had a high inventory t/o and this needs to be addressed. I wasn’t sure how to deal with the revenue per employee so I didn’t/forgot to mention that. Overall they were performing well.
June 8, 2019 at 10:51 am #519812I think the lower revenue per employee was due to more employees at the year end as they had opened new stores in Feb and March.
June 8, 2019 at 1:43 pm #519842You guys noticed the note about the subsidiary stoped selling to competitors right that’s the part to analyze and see the effect of that
June 8, 2019 at 6:51 pm #519890The exam was okay but I did not manage to answer all of section c questions because of time. I could not even review my answers
June 9, 2019 at 3:26 pm #519983I want to say thnks to the open tuition team especially the lecturers they were helpful had lots of audio lectures.I wasn’t able to go through my consolidation just before exams especially p& L I made lots of mistakes I forgot to take a portion of the Nci to consolidate I added it 100% and I didn’t apportion my profit.i made mistakes in my jolly ratio analysis with roce instead of pbit/capital employedplus long term interest bearing debt *100% I used capital employ as a numerator over capital employed plus long term interest bearing debt*100% though I wasn’t sure if that was wat I used but I had a feeling it was the mistake I made.I applied the technique I learnt frm the webinar by skipping difficult questions for later and going back later.i attempted all I felt better answering my FR questions compared to AA as my computer system logged me out during the AA exam and never let me in again after frantic attempt by th examiners to restore it .I had 1:20:43 secs left unused though it is been resolved.i await my final result.God help me.thnk u open tuition thnk u
June 9, 2019 at 6:58 pm #520020I strongly feel ACCA should be giving students options between choosing computer and paper based.exams.
I wrote my exam from Istanbul and the key board was in Turkish .Tried to change to English but kept coming back to Turkish.Oh my me ! ooh !!!! I spent more than 30 minutes fighting with keyboard.what a waste of time. Like this then they happen give me 46 or 48%.Its really unfair
Strangely from all comments there is only one comment that talks about the questions that I wrote.The one for box Co.on ratios.Does it mean that we wrote different questions? How then fair are these exams if we are writing different questions for the same exam diet?
ACCA must do something better than what we are seeing.I stand to be corrected. - AuthorPosts
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