armslem Active 6 months agoTopics: 0Replies: 3☆ProfileForumsTopics StartedReplies CreatedEngagementsForum Replies CreatedViewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)AuthorPosts December 9, 2017 at 3:54 pm #422277 armslemParticipantTopics: 0Replies: 3☆Dear Azara,You will have to pass both coursess to gain the exemption June 11, 2017 at 7:56 am #392617 armslemParticipantTopics: 0Replies: 3☆The cost of bank draft was the after tax of average interest something like 80% of 8% if i remember correctly April 18, 2017 at 6:03 pm #382517 armslemParticipantTopics: 0Replies: 3☆Passes 62% imagine my happiness.AuthorPostsViewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)