Hello, i have noted that the shares calculated at the Death esatate for Joe in the last lecture has been done as 12,000 x20 but as per the question he now owns 60% of the holding which means the value per share would be £18 – just want to double check this is an error on the notes?
Hi there This happens to be my first Computer based exam CBE. kindly tell me what to expect with regards to using the computer in presenting or writing my answers.
For questions such as the above, please use either the appropriate ask the tutor forum or subject forum depending on whether you want a response from a tutor or fellow student respectively. Comments below videos should really directly related to the videos. Hope this helps.
Hello, I am abit confused about somehthing on the last video about death estate. How did we arrive at the £628,250 as gross chargeable transfer in 7 years before death? i thought to arrive at gross chargeable amount we add the amount of tax payable and the tax paid. In this case £583,000 + £233,200 = £816,200 Please help
Farwazahra says
The last example of Joe is very confusing and I think there’s some errors in it (in the working)
In Example 4, taper relief is deducted for CLT. thats wrong.
jordanmccord96 says
Hello, i have noted that the shares calculated at the Death esatate for Joe in the last lecture has been done as 12,000 x20 but as per the question he now owns 60% of the holding which means the value per share would be £18 – just want to double check this is an error on the notes?
Milton9802 says
Hi there
This happens to be my first Computer based exam CBE. kindly tell me what to expect with regards to using the computer in presenting or writing my answers.
mrjonbain says
For questions such as the above, please use either the appropriate ask the tutor forum or subject forum depending on whether you want a response from a tutor or fellow student respectively. Comments below videos should really directly related to the videos. Hope this helps.
Somtee says
Why isn’t the exemption for the remoter ancestor in illustration 2 £2500? You used £1000 instead.
roshpatel says
Hello, I am abit confused about somehthing on the last video about death estate.
How did we arrive at the £628,250 as gross chargeable transfer in 7 years before death?
i thought to arrive at gross chargeable amount we add the amount of tax payable and the tax paid.
In this case £583,000 + £233,200 = £816,200
Please help
AbbosXamidovich says
This chapter is so confusing
skarolil says
if this is any help, Layout all the rules so split into two During Life time & Death.