Dear Sir, Thank you for the lectures. It was an amazing journey and I hope to pass my exam in a few days. Thanks a million for all your efforts!!! Kind regards, Anna
Hi John, got my results today! Did PM and FM, passed both 馃檪 馃檪 Only used your lectures and the BPP revision kit. I want to thank you for everything that you do to help students like me. May you be immensely blessed! Cheers!
Hey John. I got my FM exam results today. They are not amazing but I passed!! Thank you so much! It’s because of your lectures I was able to pass. God bless you, your family and everyone you love. <3 Can't believe I did it.
Your lectures and notes have played a pivotal role in my preparation for FM in Sept 2020. Just wanted to take a moment to appreciate your work and efforts. Thank you once again!
Just like the other topics, I have not gained much understanding on the risk management chapters. It would be great if you could please suggest me how to go on these chapters.
The lectures together with the notes are a complete course. You do not nee a Study Text, but you do need a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers. It is full of past exam and other exam-standard questions for practice, and practice is vital for passing the exam.
thank you!
Dear Sir,
Thank you for the lectures. It was an amazing journey and I hope to pass my exam in a few days.
Thanks a million for all your efforts!!!
Kind regards,
Hi John, got my results today! Did PM and FM, passed both 馃檪 馃檪 Only used your lectures and the BPP revision kit. I want to thank you for everything that you do to help students like me. May you be immensely blessed! Cheers!
Many congratulations – that is really good news 馃檪
Hey John. I got my FM exam results today. They are not amazing but I passed!! Thank you so much! It’s because of your lectures I was able to pass. God bless you, your family and everyone you love. <3 Can't believe I did it.
That is great news, and many congratulations 馃檪
I am very pleased for you indeed.
Dear John,
Your lectures and notes have played a pivotal role in my preparation for FM in Sept 2020. Just wanted to take a moment to appreciate your work and efforts. Thank you once again!
Best regards,
Thank you for your comment 馃檪
Hi sir
Thank you so much for all the lectures.
Just like the other topics, I have not gained much understanding on the risk management chapters. It would be great if you could please suggest me how to go on these chapters.
By all means ask about those aspects you are not clear about and I will try and help you (but please ask in the Ask the Tutor Forum).
are this notes enough for passing fm exam together with lectures
i have to study from study text
The lectures together with the notes are a complete course. You do not nee a Study Text, but you do need a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers. It is full of past exam and other exam-standard questions for practice, and practice is vital for passing the exam.
I mean do the notes contain enough information for the topic of financial market and treasury functions
Yes – they are a complete free course and cover everything needed to be able to pass the exam well.
I have already replied about the Study Text!!
Thank you so much Sir! Amazing lectures. God bless your heart.
Dear Sir John,
Thanks ever so much!
You are amazing. completed the lectures within 1 month and safe to say i have learned a lot!.
Kind regards,
Thanks for your comment 馃檪