Yes they are still relevant. However they are only short quizzes and it is essential that you also use a Revision Kit because they are full of past exam and other exam standard questions.
Are these EOC Online Quiz questions still relevant for current exams? For example, Chapter 1 named Financial Management Objectives seems to only discuss the nature and scope of financial management, the key areas – raising finance, investment decision, etc. But the questions I see here have to do with things like connected shareholders, the 4 E’s, etc.
Yes they are still relevant. However they are only short quizzes and it is essential that you also use a Revision Kit because they are full of past exam and other exam standard questions.
Are these EOC Online Quiz questions still relevant for current exams? For example, Chapter 1 named Financial Management Objectives seems to only discuss the nature and scope of financial management, the key areas – raising finance, investment decision, etc. But the questions I see here have to do with things like connected shareholders, the 4 E’s, etc.