My apologies I did not grasp your meaning. I have answered this Q generically in the AA forum – when using tutor forum (for promptest reply) please reference the source of your query so I can answer it in context.
In answer to this Q I would say, in general, something documented will be more persuasive than something said regardless of it’s source (internal or external). If you disagree don’t worry – it’s a matter of judgment and this is just a quiz. In a real exam Q you wouldn’t expect to have any potential conflict.
between the auditors report and third party report eg a bank which evidence can be relied upon?
Wooo the quiz is a very good part of it, its good for personal revision evaluation thanks a lot
Some more help and light on identifying audit risks please
Please read the chapter of the notes and watch the video – if you still have questions then ask a fellow student in this forum OR Please be specific with your query, I cannot respond to requests for “more help”.
plz explain why external oral enquiry is worse audit evidence than internal written audit evidence? as in Q4.
See page 61 of the notes for the general “rules of thumb” concerning the reliability of audit evidence.
it does not answer my question in notes. it does not compare external oral with internal written evidence.
My apologies I did not grasp your meaning. I have answered this Q generically in the AA forum – when using tutor forum (for promptest reply) please reference the source of your query so I can answer it in context.
In answer to this Q I would say, in general, something documented will be more persuasive than something said regardless of it’s source (internal or external). If you disagree don’t worry – it’s a matter of judgment and this is just a quiz. In a real exam Q you wouldn’t expect to have any potential conflict.
Thank you for your time.