ACCA June 2015 Global Prizes
Congratulations to OpenTuition students who received the ACCA Global Prizes for their results in the June 2015 ACCA examinations.
Paper F7 – adam321 – received the global prize
Paper F9 – jenny3549 – received the global prize (you can read the interview with Jenny here>>)
Paper P7 – poppydoll – received the global prize
Finally, ACCA CAT student Bhagat received global prize in the FAU exam
ACCA December 2014 Exams Global Prizes
Andrew – an OpenTuition student has received the ACCA award for his results in the December 2014 P7 exam worldwide.
Read the interview with Andrew here>>
ACCA June 2014 Global Prizes
Congratulations to Kayleigh Hunter and Tejot Bhasin.
Two OpenTuition students have scored the top marks world-wide in the June 2014 ACCA exam.
Paper F4 Global Prize winner
Kayleigh Hunter scored 100% and is the (joint) winner of the ACCA award for the top mark in the F4 exam.
Kayleigh is an OpenTuition student living in the UK and has won the ACCA Global prize for having scored the highest worldwide mark of 100% in Paper F4 in the June 2014 examinations.
She did not attend tuition courses, and achieved her success using OpenTuition lectures and notes, together with Kaplan Study Texts and Exam Kits.
Kayleigh said in her email to us:
I found OpenTuition invaluable during my studies and am sure I will continue to do so. I have relied simply on the Kaplan textbook, workbook and revision book alongside OpenTuition with no tuition provider or other support. As a result I am certain I would not have done nearly so well without Open Tuition’s support.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for such a fantastic resource for students like myself and many others who are able to use the site to complement their other tuition.
Paper P2 Global Prize winner
Tejot, an OpenTuition student living in India, has won an ACCA Global prize for having scored the highest worldwide mark in Paper P2 of 90% in the ACCA June 2014 examinations.
He also passed P4 and P5 and is now an affiliate.
He has never attended tuition courses, and achieved his success using OpenTuition lectures and notes together with BPP Revision Kits.
All of us at OpenTuition give both of them our congratulations and wish them all the very best for the future.
Tejot has commented:
“Opentuition is the one place I surfed more than Google in the past one year. I am blessed to have come across this website and I dedicate the majority of my ACCA success to and its’ lecturers”
Read short interview with Tejot
Congrats to you both. F8 and f9 kaplan or Bpp
I failed p4 for 5th time. any advise..
Congrats to u both&thanks to God is ur strengt.gud work.
Anybody has experienced text book BPP or Kaplan ?
Please guide me, thank you all 🙂
I think i would need to get the revision kit also ?
Hi Tejot,
I am writing P1 and P2 this December, which one would you recommend ?
BPP or Kaplan text book ?
From my personal experience,
P1 (BPP)
P4 (BPP)
P7 (BPP)
Best of luck to you
Thank you, really appreciate it 🙂
Revision kits are about the same you think ?
For P2, you can combine with BPP revision kit. However, I think KAPLAN textbook for P2 is much easier to understand.
Thank you
Sorry I wrote thumbs up and it turned in question marks 🙂
Congratulations!Its promising for us also.
we can be together in f1
Congrats to the two award winners
Congratulations to you both. I have just started my ACCA and have a long road ahead of me. i came across OpenTution a few weeks back and the amount of information available here is incalculable and so much valuable i will be giving F1 F2 and F3 before December so any study buddies would be awesome. and advice is welcomed too. fingers crossed and good luck everyone.
For someone starting out , my suggestion:
KAPLAN materials and open tuition notes.
Kaplan Textbooks at the foundation stage are much easier to understand, however you may also if finances permit use BPP revision kit, and you will be on your way to passing, if you can adopt a disciplined approach to your studies.
Best of luck
Congrats to the winners!
Dear Opentuition team,
Please can you provide me with a list with the first ten obtained highest marks on F8 International stream or how can I receive such information.Thank you.
Regards, Gergana
You can email the ACCA about it 🙂 We do not have such info
Congratulations!!! Tejot and Kayleigh, i am a self study student. The resources i use is OT course notes and lectures, and bpp revision kits. i am taking f9, p3, & p2, can Tejot advise me please as to which books he was using and how he was allocating his study time on each paper?
Congratulations people. Kayleigh and Tejot, kindly assist mi with your study programs. May be the can work for us too.
Congs to those big winners.I would like to pass paper 2 as well.Kindly give support.
Dear Open tuition,
Thanks for the support you are giving me.I listen to the lectures and the explanations are so good.Kindly help me to link up with study budies.
congrats to both of you.
Congratulations Tejot!! that’s incredible!
Can you advise how to organize study time…how much time would you spend each day while doing these professional level papers…how much time you spent on revision before exams ?
thank you 🙂
Hi Tejot,
I hope you can share with us your success in high marks in P2 and way to study P3.
Thank you
I think all those that qualified without repeating any paper are not included in the affiliate list.
Where on Earth have you got that idea from? The fairies?
Thank you tutor.