Congratulations for scoring best marks in June 2013 ACCA F3 exam, can you tell us more about yourself
I’m Zahra, 18 and from Mauritius and studying ACCA full time here itself. I started ACCA in January itself and at that time I wasn’t sure whether i would be continuing it or not since my A level results were due in February.
For the time being I have not thought of working but I guess I shall be considering it as from next year.
Which study materials did you use?
I have been using the Kaplan textbook, revision kit and pocket notes for all the 3 papers of my level one and also additional questions which my lecturer gave me upon request and also the Kaplan mock kit.
You have scored such high marks, many students must wonder what is your study technique?
I used to devote at least 1-2 hours to my revision right from the beginning because I had it in mind that I have to pass this. And I practiced a lot. After my crash course, I devoted all my time just for my revision.
I would recommend all to start preparing themselves well in advance to be on the safer side. Also, Open tuition has been really helpful, I made it a point to go through it’s flash cards, mocks and notes which helped me a lot.
And yes make it a point to go through your textbook, page by page, it will definitely not be a waste of time and if possible make a summary at the end of the revision of each chapter, this will be very helpful since you would have summarised all the important points that you ought to know.
What do you think was the most important factor in your success in your ACCA exams?
I guess the determination which I had. I was always inclined towards this and I know that this is what I want so to get it I have to give my best so I guess this is it. And yes, I did practice a lot. I did every single question I could find online related to my level 1 papers. I even borrowed the BPP kit from my friend for the sake of practicing, so guys, practice practice practice, if not perfect (nobody’s perfect hahaha) you’ll become almost perfect 馃槈
How did you find out about OpenTuition?
My friend recommended me OpenTuition for which I’m really thankful to him since OpenTuition did help me in some way or the other, I have been able to practice more, so Yes for all ACCA-ians, trust me, you’ll never feel that you wasted your time by relying on this site. But yes, it’s obvious that you’ll have to do your personal work also to get to the top =))
Thank you for your time and congratulations
how much did zahra score?
Congrats Zahra, I would like to connect with you and share some ideas. my Email: bo*****@ya***.com