Can you tell us more about yourself?
My name is Saba Fatima. I joined ACCA directly after completing high school. I was a pure maths and science student in high school with no accounting background. I studied F1, F2 and F3 on my own and received the Certificate of Achievement from ACCA for F2 and F3 securing above 90 in both. Then I enrolled in Kaplan Financial, Birmingham for F4 to F9. I secured 95 in F7 and 93 in F9 in June 2012. I have been awarded Global Prizewinner in F9.
Do you get support from your firm? Like time off work or do they pay for your tuition etc?
I do not work. However I received a lot of support and encouragement from my parents and my tutors at Kaplan, who have high expectations from me.
Which Study Texts and/or Revision Kits and other resources did you use, or found the most useful in your studies for this exam?
Since I was enrolled in Kaplan, I used Kaplan study texts, revision material and pocket notes.
You have scored such high marks, many students must wonder what is your study technique?
Kaplan classes commenced in March 2012. Before attending the class, I would read the chapters in advance which helped me follow through the lecture. I would not spend a lot of time in study, but when I did study , I would put in all my concentration. Its about quality over quantity. I did not follow any fixed schedule but I had set targets which I used to achieve. My serious study would start in the month before the exam. Up until then I would socialize, go out and watch movies like normal. But the last month is very critical. I read and understood each and every word of the study text once again. Then I completed every question in the Revision Kits. I would mark the questions where I would go wrong so I can come back to them later and do them correctly. Two weeks before the exam, I would study 6-7 hrs a day. I would recap everything using the pocket notes. I feel the pocket notes are very concise and cover all important topics at a glance, rather than studying the study text again, which is time consuming. Then I would do the important questions from the Revision Kit again and any question where I had gone wrong earlier. Being thorough in the revision kit is very important. The day before the exam, I would go through the pocket notes again and all formats and formulae. However, I would still not miss a single episode of my favourite sitcoms, even if a new episode happened to air two days before the exam date!!
What do you think was the most important factor in your success in your ACCA exams?
Commitment, ambition, motivation and the will to achieve the maximum possible. I never studied with the aim of just passing the exam. My aim has always been to score the highest marks. This has always been an inherent nature of mine. I put all my efforts in anything I do. When I joined Kaplan, I realized I was the youngest in my classes. I had to compete with older students, most of whom were graduates and had work experience. But this did not put me off. Instead, it motivated me. I believe any one can score high as long as they have the will and dedication.
How did you find out about OpenTuition and which OpenTuition resources helped you towards your success.
I found out about OpenTuition through a friend. I found ‘Ask The Tutor’ very helpful. I would receive answers to my queries very fast. It also helped that other students would answer the questions because sometimes it is easier to follow it from the point of view of a student. When I had difficulty in some topic or if they were vague in my study text, I would refer to the open tuition notes, which are to the point. I would like to take this opportunity to thank OpenTuition for all the help it extends to accountancy students worldwide. OpenTuition is doing a big favour by providing resources free of charge, whereas in this materialistic world, nothing comes free. As Margaret Fuller quotes “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” , Open Tuition lives up to it.
asalam o alaikum saba 馃檪 how are you ?
i read your blog. you did a really great job 馃榾
wanted some advice from you
i just passed intermediate in science this year so should i do ACCA ? will it be difficult for me ?
thankyou 馃檪
Saba you rock. yes l can do it also
yea u can!
Brilliant, now Im motivated to do my best
Glad to have been of help!
how to study f5 and f 6.i find its tough.i have study buk and kits of them.but i find the exam ques.very tough.i cant solve the ques without looking answer..whaat are the remidy of this problem..
Well done
Thank you
well done,
baarakallahu fiik yaa ukhtii
Thank you.
Congratulations, well done. I wish you all the best for your future career.
Thank you. And good luck to you too.
Saba you have inspired me. im a serious beneficiary of Opentuition resources and i managed to clear F7 and F8 under self study. Now my aim is to get the highest mark for F9 in December 2012.
Glad to know I have been of help. I hope you achieved your target.
!!!. Congratulations saba !!!.
I’ll pray for you that may you get more global prizes in acca exams
I would say that your study technique will help someone who is really serious in his study and want to achieve better know when i see a student with highest marks in my class i predict that he/she would study all the time and have noting other to do.I also want to achieve high marks but sometimes i think it is not possible for me.But you interview has increased my confidence and Insha Allah i’ll try to work hard and make it possible.
Thank you!! And I appreciate your kind words.
Yep, hardwork and dedication is the key.
congratulations on the amazing results, your future in accountancy is bright…..amazing
Thank you!
wow congrats saba fatima! I want to be the next inshallah!