Can you tell us more about yourself?
I’m originally from Ecuador but I live in Ireland for 4 years now, I’m studying accountancy since I was in high school as in Ecuador you have to decide what path in your education you want to pursuit when you are about 15 years old. Then I moved to Spain & did a two years High Certificate in Administration & Finance, through that, I got a scholarship in Dublin so that is how I ended up in Ireland.
Many students are working just like you, how do you balance between studying, job and private life?
I like the way the exam dates are imposed to us in two periods during the year, June & December, in that way I have nearly 3 months in between doing the exam & getting the results to enjoy my private live (& perhaps achieving ACCA performance objectives). After I get the results my private life gets less intense until about one month prior to the exam where I complete swith off to concentrate on my studies only
Do you get support from your firm?
Shortly after moving to Dublin I found a job in a small printing company where I have been working for the last 3.5 years, they are very supportive with my studies in relation to college fees & study leave. I take lecturers in a very good college in Dublin which combined with self study & the use of online resources enhances my chances to pass exams & sometimes get high marks.
Which Study Texts and/or Revision Kits did you use, or find most useful in your studies?
I use the text books the college provides me, some lectures prefer Kaplan, others BPP, personally I prefer Kaplan as they are more comprehensive & easier to read. But I have to say BPP is good as well but it takes me longer to understand concepts.
You have scored such high marks, many students must wonder what is your study technique?
I’m surprised the reaction of fellow students & lectures when I tell them I study from the text books for my exams. It seems that the mayority of student only do form the lecturer’s notes. Even though they are a good source of information, text books will have plenty more of explanatory notes, examples, etc.
I also use online resources such as those found on Opentuition.
I like learning the vocabulary the examiners are looking for, for example, it is not the same so say that something is ‘good’ is better to say it is ‘appropriate’
What do you think was the most important factor in your success in your ACCA exams?
Realising that even though a subject seems difficult at the beginning, the most time you spend on it, the less difficult it becomes, it is something called ‘learning curve’
How did you find out about OpenTuition and how much do you think OpenTuition resources helped towards your success?
A class mate mentioned it to me 3 years ago & I’m a member since, I found your material very comprehensive, particularly the video tutorials which has helped me to understand topics that are difficult to understand by just reading.
Thanks for your time and congratulations!
congratulations………………millions of best wishes for you. thank you for the pieces of advices you gave to the students. Am also taking P2 exam in this December attempt. hoping for the best. i am confused with the language to use, as it might seem non professional to the examiner. you have been working since language they use, but i 3 years you may be used to the professional language but i am a full time student having language usage that the book delivers. how can i come up with this? please do answer. may GOD bless you success and properity
congratulations. and can u refer me wth the vocabulary section that the examiner is looking for in the examinations as i want to enhance my vocabulary skills too to make my examinations more presentable.