Can you tell us more about yourself?
My name is Sreedevi Sunilkumar, I am working as an accountant in a manufacturing firm in Sharjah, UAE. I am from India . I studied alone.
How do you balance between studying, job and private life?
For each subject , I used to make time table for my study and weekends spent for revision.
Do you get support from your firm?
No Support. Support from my family only.
Which Study Texts and/or Revision Kits did you use, or find most useful in your studies?
BPP text book, BPP & Kaplan revision Kits. I felt BPP is most useful & vast coverage of subjects.More over the video and audio lectures in Open tuition is very helpful to me. Infact I am a fan of them!! thank you so much
You have scored such high marks, many students must wonder what is your study technique?
Since I am working & have a family, I used to have tight schedules for my study. I stick to the time tables , do revision kit problems, use open tution study materials and Video, audio. used to jot down points and make comprehensive notes for exams and revise only my comprehensive notes during examination time ( 2 weeks before)
What do you think was the most important factor in your success in your ACCA exams?
Hard work only can help here. Doing exam type questions/question papers can maximise scoring.
How did you find out about OpenTuition?
I got this website through search engines. For most of my exams open tuition is the major contributor for my success. I am mother of two children and I have commitments back home. So my time is very limted for my studies. While doing routine works at home I used to hear your audios and by that time I start reading the book i used to have a clear understanding of topics. and Videos helped me to understand how to tackle exam questions.
Thank you for your time
Congratulation “devi”
Congrats Sreedevi….