Can you tell us more about yourself?
My name is Muhammad Yaqoob Desai.I live in Pakistan. I had started Acca after completing my Academic Qualification, As per my dad and uncle advise. From Al-hamd Academy. In start of it, I had faced problems in accounting concept as my academic background was Purely Science based but Thank to my teachers Guided and Motivated a lot specially Sir Asrar-ul-haq (Management Accounting teacher). In FAB ,FMA and FFa I scored 78,92,80 Respectively. In ACCA my Favorite Subjects is Management, Over all I love Math, So I love to play with numbers. Mathematical skills has helped me a lot in Management Accounting. In simple Teacher could make or brake the student, AlhamdurAllah I am always blessed to have good teachers.
How do you balance between studying, job and private life?
I am Full time student . Its comparatively easier to balance study and private life as I like to prefer education over my social life. Despite of this my family and friends always supported me a lot to achieve my Targets.
Which Study Texts and/or Revision Kits and other resources did you use, or found the most useful in your studies for this exam?
In F4 I used bpp text and kit. They were really very useful as they are student friendly and easy to understand.
You have scored such high marks (96 marks in ACCA F4 exam), many students must wonder what is your study technique?
Frankly speaking,study times should be measured qualitatively rather then quantitatively, I believe its better to study 1 hour with full concentration then studying 5 hours just staring at books . In achieving this score there was big contributions of my Dad’s prayers, My teacher Sir Talal efforts and my two close friends, who really helped me a lot whenever I got stuck. Best approach is just to make sure all your concepts are clear and upto date and then practice Exams questions regularly with mearusing time.Must Revise Important cases once a week.
What I did was, I attended all classes regularly and make sure I understand the concepts ,gave regular test never afraid of getting failed in class test ,as its better to identify your mistakes in class rather then at Exam, written all relevant cases on separate sheet for revision And practiced All Scenario Questions within 18 minute time.
What do you think was the most important factor in your success in your ACCA exams?
Prayers, Hardwork , Motivation, Ambition, supportive friends and my tutors all of these factors were important its not possible to pick out one important factor.
How did you find out about OpenTuition and which OpenTuition resources helped you towards your success.
I find out opentution while I was searching for notes . I used Opentution notes for second reference
What Advise do you like to give to other fellow students?
Give your best shot and Thank Allah Almighty for whatever you scored and if you wasn’t able to clear it , not get disheartened and try to identify your mistake
For clearing any exam there is 3 main contents you need
1). Identifying What examiner is asking?
2). Do you have Sound knowledge ?
3). Implement your knowledge as per examiner Question
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